Precious GEMS ONE
The following is a selection of precious gems from the Beyond Imagination expression. They came forth through me in the time period from 1993 through 2005 ... though, as you will see, 2002 was quite a prolific and profound year. Great quotes have always stirred my soul. Hopefully, you'll find some of these to be in that category. In any event, I hope these precious gems touch a special place in your heart as well. The quotes cover a large variety of topics, though some topics are favored much more heavily than others. The quotes are aligned by topic which in turn are presented in alphabetical order. In addition, the year in which each quote came forth is specified.
If the abilities exist, then so does the job for which they are required. - 1994
Abilities are the gifts that we give ourselves so that we can carry out our mission and destiny. - 2002
We each tailor our existence to be the showcase for our unique abilities. - 2002
Special abilities generally mean one is responsible to use those abilities effectively in service to society in some way. - 2002
Where the abilities are great ... so are the expectations of their usage. - 2003
Along with abilities comes the responsibility to use those abilities to serve others in some way. The greater the abilities, the greater the level of service required. Yes, required. Spiritual law demands that we use the gifts that we are given. - 2003
Whatever abilities we have are there because they are needed by society. It is for us to find a way to apply them in service. - 2003
Our abilities are what they are for a reason. Generally, this is to facilitate the accomplishment of our mission. - 2005
Absolute Truths
There are no absolute truths. There is only our experience ... and often only our remembrance of what we think that we experienced. This may or may not bear any resemblance to our actual experience. - 2003
I know that I need no supplies for consciousness herself abundantly supplies me with all that I need. - 1995
If we can generate abundance for all on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels ... we free people to engage with one another to a degree that has never been possible before. This is what it takes to more fully manifest spirit in flesh. - 1999
This is how abundance is created in the world ... individually we must create more than we consume in terms of goods and services. - 2002
We are all worthy of the unlimited abundance that spirit would bestow on us. However, there is a catch, we must contribute and do our part to create the abundance. - 2002
It is up to us to manifest the abundance we desire. We do this by priming the pump ... by giving of ourselves in service. The more the service, the more the abundance. - 2002
We prime the spiritual pump of abundance by giving. In giving, we create a void, a vacuum that nature ensures gets filled. Whatever we need to draw into our life, that is the key ... to create a void for it. - 2002
We need to tell the universe what we want ... and expect to get it. However, we also need to feel that we are deserving enough of the things that we want. We do this through service. This is what primes the economic pump. This is what creates abundance in our lives. - 2002
To get more you must give more. That is the way abundance works. It all starts with giving. The more we give of our self in service, the more abundance we bring into our lives. - 2004
What we really need is abundance on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. All of the money in the world can't buy this. - 2005
There are far too many areas where plentiful goods and services are available, but where people do not have sufficient resources to acquire the goods and services that they need. This is primarily a function of the economic system restricting the distribution of the abundance to where it is needed. - 2002
When you have little, even little things can bring great joy. When you have a lot ... it can be hard to see what truly counts amidst the abundance. - 2002
It is important that we live our lives consistent with the directive to never take more than you give. That is what creates true abundance in the world. It is interesting that such a powerful economic principle could be stated so simply. - 2002
Abundance is relative. Further, it exists on several fronts ... physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. If any of these are missing, there is lack, hence there is not true abundance. - 2004
One definition of abundance would be the lack of lack. That's an interesting way of putting it. - 2004
Scarcity thinking is antithetical to abundance. Actually, we are all worthy of unlimited abundance. You might even say it is our birthright. However, it is a right that we have to fight for in order to realize. - 2004
We have to work to create a world of abundance that we might partake of our fair share of that abundance. - 2004
We are meant to live abundant lives ... each and every one of us. Though abundance can mean different things to different people. The biggest determining factor in all of this is worth. We get what we feel that we truly deserve.
- 2004
Abundance on all levels. That is definitely a reward worthy of whatever effort it takes on our part to get it. That is the ultimate satisfaction. Some might question whether it is achievable. - 2004
Abundance and Lack
Too much worldly goods and we can get distracted from our real purpose for being. However, it works that other way around as well. Not enough worldly goods and we are distracted with other things such as the paying of bills, or in some cases lack and poverty. - 2004
Abundant Resources
There are abundant resources for us to live productive and happy lives. But, the resources have their limits and we need to conserve what we can to ensure that the generations after us can live well and prosper too. - 2005
Acceptance is the first step towards making any change. When we fight or resist something, it stays in our life, by the very act of our engaging with it. When we accept what is for what it is, we are free to move on to whatever we would become. - 2002
We are all held accountable for what we do, and to some degree for what we could have done that we failed to do.
- 2003
We can achieve anything that we set our minds and hearts to ... provided that this resonates with our spiritual mission. - 2002
Act As If
Act as if! That is the secret to manifesting anything. - 2004
Acting Selflessly
Of our own, we are capable of only so much. However, spirit has no such limits. Her depths are unfathomable. Her resources are unlimited. We are only limited to the degree that we act out of selfishness. When we act from the source within us, we act selflessly, for we are beyond all sense of self that we normally know. - 2002
It is in taking action that the energies of the universe are brought to bear on the situation. - 1998
We are grand beings, each and every one of us. However, it is only through choice and actions that we can express this in the world. - 2002
It is through action that we demonstrate what ideas we really believe in and thus give impetus to create them in our reality. - 2002
It is our actions which show consciousness what we are serious about. When we believe something enough to base our actions on the belief ... we empower the belief to do its work in our lives. - 2002
The call to action is indeed strong. This is what separates ideas from beliefs. It is not enough to speak for something, we must act for it as well. It is through our actions that we demonstrate what we truly believe versus which we pay lip service to. - 2002
It is through our actions that we manifest things in our world. But, these must be in line with a belief system that serves us. - 2003
It is our actions that truly demonstrate our intent. It is not what we say that matters, it is what we do. Though, we should be true to what we say as well. - 2004
Actions speak louder than words as the saying goes. It is through our actions that we demonstrate what we believe and whom that we are. - 2002
If we want to change what we experience, we need to control what we seek. Here, we are at the driver's wheel. Our actions determine the course that will be followed just as surely as they do when we are driving a car. - 2004
We are meant to actualize whom that we are. The very forces of nature cooperate with us in this endeavor, if only we allow them to. - 2003
Each day is a new adventure. We never know when it begins just where it will take us. - 2003
The adventure of consciousness is the ultimate adventure. - 2005
All That Is
Each of us is a unique aspect of all that is. It is for us to realize how special and precious this makes us. Each and every one of us. - 2002
That is the key ... allow, allow, allow. But to do this, we have to trust enough to relinquish the need to control. This can be difficult. It also demands patience, because at times we think we need to be doing something to make things happen. - 1999
The very choice to be open and invite change, is the step necessary to allow it comes forth. That is one of the tricks to reality creation ... it is not so much a matter of making things happen, but rather to simply allow them to happen.
- 2002
Allowing Spirit to Do The Work
We can only do so much on our own. However, spirit working though us can do far more than we could even imagine. The lesson from this is to allow spirit to do the work. - 2004
It is amazing how much we can do when we allow spirit to work through us. - 2002
Allowing Things to Unfold
One step at a time. Allow things to unfold as they will. You don't have to make anything happen. If it is right, it will indeed manifest. - 2005
Always Enough
There is always enough, no matter how extended things get. The universe has a way of coming through. - 2004
All answers can be found within our souls ... that is for anything that we need to have answers for. - 2002
Aquarian Age
In the Aquarian Age ... it seems that individual expression is still the primary way. Yet, it is done with an awareness of the brotherhood / sisterhood of all humankind. - 2002
The newer generations, and those who led the way living by Aquarian rules are playing a completely different game. Actually, we are learning the game as we play it ... or more correctly, as we live it. - 2002
This is the key, we are all artists creating what we will on the canvas of our life. - 2002
We are artists all ... creating and sculpturing our lives. It is for us to realize that we are masters, and that it is up to us to make of our lives the masterpieces that they could be. - 2002
We are all artists. Our paints are our beliefs. Our brush is our actions. The objective is to make a masterpiece of our life. This takes effort on our part. We may have to practice and develop our skills. And then, we have to be brave enough to take control of our beliefs and choose what we want to express and experience. - 2002
We are artists all. Our most important work is our own reality, our own life. - 2003
You are the artist of your life. You are the master of your destiny. - 2005
We are artists meant to create a masterpiece of our lives. Our primary tools are our beliefs. With these, we fashion the reality that we experience. We have been doing this all of our lives. And, we will continue doing this so long as we walk the earth. - 2002
Whatever we ask for will be brought into our reality in one way or another. It may or may not be as we anticipate or expect. - 2003
Were we aware of our true nature, the atrocities that are committed by us against us, would cease in a heartbeat.
- 2003
Where we place our attention ... we find our reality. - 2002
Attitude is everything! It truly is. When work is drudgery, it is an endless chore to get through the day. When work is a labor of love, we look forward to the opportunities of each moment and the day simply flies by. - 2003
Attitude is everything. It makes a phenomenal difference in what is experienced. - 2003
We need to live more efficiently and effectively. We need to be gentler and kinder and more loving to one another. These are things that we can choose to do at any time. It is all about attitude. This is not something that requires extensive amounts of resources. - 2004
Too many people look outside for authority ... when the true authority comes not from others, but from within us.
- 2002
I am the authority in my own life. We all are. In fact, when you get down to it, we need no authority other than ourselves and the spirit within us. These are always sufficient, but only if we listen to their council and follow them.
- 2003
People will awaken when they are ready to awaken. There is nothing external that can be done to accelerate that. Oh, we can try. But, we will find that people will simply not get it until they are ready to get it. - 2003
Integrating awakening experiences is not the easiest of processes ... especially when you are effectively on your own. But, it can be done if necessary. Though, now, there are many lightworkers that can assist in the process. - 2004
It takes vigilance to remain awake in consciousness. It definitely is not easy nor automatic. Yet, it seems that once we are awake ... there is no possibility of returning to our slumbers. - 2004
Awakening is meant to be a jolt to the system. It is meant to wake us from our slumbers. And indeed, the difference is as great as that between day and night. - 2002
When we awaken, it is as if the full light of spirit shines upon us. Prior to this, there is an inward trickle that ties us to source. It takes major self-work to find this trickle and to develop it so that it increases to a stream of consciousness. - 2002
Now is the time for a spiritual awakening, the likes of which the world has never seen before. - 2003
When we awaken, our consciousness operates at a whole new level ... one that could not be predicted from anything that we did or experienced before. - 2003
Awakening in consciousness is what it is all about. As we do so, we facilitate the expression of spirit in flesh through us. - 2004
Everything has a message for us. Everything is there to train us and make us stronger spiritually. And, when we are ready, the awakening to whom that we truly are will come as well. It is all a matter of time, and of fate. - 2004
The more awareness, the more flexibility of consciousness. Some go through various yogas and work to achieve flexibility of body, mind, and soul. Others just seem to awaken in consciousness first without any necessary correlations on other levels. - 2004
It seems that no matter how far we expand, and how many awakenings we undergo, there is always more. - 2002
To awaken and become aware we must find a way beyond the restrictions that bind us. We can only be bound so long as we tolerate and accept the chains. - 2002
Aware Observer
Our bodies, our emotions, our minds ... all of these are tools that we use to experience reality in the way that we do. Yet, we are also the observer of what we do at the same time, we are the awareness behind it all. It is important to associate ourselves with this aware observer. - 2005
Reality creation works from the inside out. Our level of awareness puts us in a position to be of service. Consciousness then moves us into the situations and circumstances that allow our services to be provided. - 1994
You are whatever your awareness experiences. Be playful and free it from some of its' chains and see what gifts it can bestow in your life. - 1998
Awareness is the most important thing in the world. It is the only thing that we carry forward from one lifetime to the next. - 2002
Ever increasing awareness is the name of the game. We do this by finding our limits and breaking through them into a new awareness of reality. - 2002
Seek awareness first and all else that you need will come unto you. - 2002
No matter how aware we become, there is always a next step, always another degree of realization that we can reach.
- 2002
The more aware we become, the more we are able to behave as the true spiritual beings that we are. - 2002
Spiritual awareness and spiritual awakening are indeed worth everything that we put into them ... everything that it costs to experience them. - 2002
Our awareness is the key that unlocks the door to our cells, freeing us to be all that we can be. - 2002
Awareness is an inside job. But, once it is achieved, it colors everything that we do on the outside. - 2002
Being aware of being aware is an advanced state to experience. It is subtle, requiring only a slight shift. At the same time, it is highly profound. - 2002
With awareness comes all things. This is truly the key to everything. The more we grow in awareness, the more fully spirit can express in flesh through us. - 2002
Awareness is the only thing we can carry with us from existence to existence. It is one thing worthy of all of the energies that we can expend toward achieving it. - 2002
Awareness is extremely important. You might say that all forms are houses for awareness. As time progresses ... the forms increase in complexity, permitting the greater embodiment of consciousness. - 2002
Awareness is the one thing that we can take from existence to existence. At some point in each life, we inherit what is rightly due to us based on the level of awareness we have previously achieved. - 2002
Awareness does that to you. Once you experience being out of your mind, being beyond mind, there is no going back. One has made the leap from ignorance to knowledge. This doesn't happen in one's head, or one's heart. It happens deeper, in ones very soul. - 2002
Where do we go to discover how consciousness works? We go within. Nothing beats firsthand experience. Words can only guide you. Awareness is not something that is logical, or even mental. It is a leap beyond into a realm that many only touch. - 2002
Awareness is not something one learns to do gradually. It is like being struck by lightning ... the lightning of spirit.
- 2002
Consciousness is a very big place to explore. Awareness is the personal aspect that connection to consciousness brings into our lives. It helps tremendously if we consciously choose to pursue awareness with all of our heart and soul. It should be as important to us as the very air that we breathe ... no, even more so. - 2002
Yes, awareness is that important ... possibly the most important thing in our lives. The body will return dust to dust, all of our worldly possessions will remain in the world, but our awareness is the one thing that we get to take with us when we depart this existence. - 2002
We must recognize that there is an intelligence, a consciousness that is behind and causes the expression in flesh. This intelligence is limited in expression only to the degree that the forms are limited. Because of this, awareness is critical. Our awareness is the level of consciousness that we have experienced in this lifetime. - 2002
Consciousness is everything. Awareness is the most powerful thing that we can possess because it is what allows us to create the reality that we are experience. Awareness is thus the stuff of the Gods. - 2003
There is always something more to become, some new level of awareness to be reached. - 2003
Awareness is one of the most, if not the most important things in the world. - 2003
When we are aware, we experience firsthand our unity with consciousness ... at least with the part of consciousness that manifests through us and as us. - 2003
Awareness relates to how much of the cosmic we have integrated into our lives. - 2003
With awareness, we bear the very weight of the world on our shoulders. No longer can we be content with our selfish behavior and selfish ways. - 2003
Awareness, allowance, acceptance ... these are three keys for living a spiritual life. When they are present, the world prospers. When they are absent, the world suffers. - 2004
Indeed, awareness is required to live the life that you are meant to live. It is only through awareness that you can get in touch with and express all that you can be. - 2005
As we become aware, we discover that we know things that we did not learn in this existence. - 2005
We are a point of awareness. From that point springs great potentiality. It is up to us to decide what parts of that potentiality we will actualize. - 2005
With knowingness comes a new kind of awareness. And, it is awareness that we must seek above all else. - 2005
Awareness is not located in the physical body, it transcends that. Nor is it located in the world, it transcends that as well. Awareness simply is. It is beyond any doing. - 2005
Ultimately, what counts is awareness, and applying ourselves in ways that make a difference not only in our lives but in the lives of others. - 2002
Thoreau spoke of 1 in a million being aware enough for effective intellectual exertion ... and 1 in a 100 million being aware enough for a divine or poetic life. These are small numbers. That is 300 people in the U.S. and 6000 people in the world for the first criteria, and 3 in the U.S. and 60 in the world for the second criteria. - 2002
Being aware is a very developed faculty of consciousness. We are all aware, but it seems that some are far more aware than others. That is to be expected. Awareness is a tool of consciousness. It is more developed and more refined than most of the processes of the mind. - 2002
We can read books, we can take classes, we can meditate, we can practice yoga, we can take walks in nature ... all of these help, but none of them necessarily trigger a change in awareness. - 2003
Ultimately that is what life is all about, the level of awareness that we are able to achieve and demonstrate. Yes, the demonstration is important. It is not enough to be something, we must also do something with whom that we are.
- 2003
It is not clear how one teaches awareness to another. There are things we can do to point the way, but ultimately it seems to be a leap that the mind needs to make beyond itself. - 2003
Our consciousness demands the freedom to be more and to express more. To do this requires increased awareness. Everything comes down to that crucial factor ... awareness. The Aquarian Age is to be an age of awareness beyond which any have been before. - 2003
Awareness is one of our finest possessions. It is what separates us from our brothers in the animal kingdom. However, it only distinguishes us if we learn to us it properly as the wonderful tool that it is. - 2003
Once we have awakened, there is no returning to our slumbers, try though we may. Awareness is turned on as if by a light switch ... but it seems that it cannot be turned off that way. - 2003
Once we have tasted of the fruit of awareness, that is it, we are aware forevermore. - 2003
One has to literally go beyond mind to experience being aware. All the thinking in the world doesn't help. One is simply aware or not. - 2003
Being aware of being aware is very high-level behavior ... even if it is only low-level functions that we are observing initially. - 2003
It is through self-awareness that we realize whom that we are. It is through self-realization that we become all that we can be. Awareness and realization are indeed that powerful. They are not to be taken lightly. - 2004
Our bodies will return to dust. Our worldly possessions will pass to others. Even our memories may pass with the demise of our brains. But, the level of awareness we have achieved is ours to keep. - 2004
Awareness is so important. It is the one thing truly worth living for. And, we must live to be able to experience and grow in awareness. - 2004
As we become more aware, we also become more able. - 2004
The more aware we are, the more choices that we have, but also the less need that we have to make choices. - 2004
Focus first on who you are. As you become more and more aware, you will find that you can do more and more. You will also find that it is no longer as important to you what you do. Consciousness herself will lead you to what needs to be done ... and you will just know what tasks are yours. - 2005
Consciousness works through all of us, all of the time, to the degree that she can. However, what we do to expand our awareness directly impacts what resources consciousness has available. - 2005
The more aware that we become, the more service that we are capable of providing. - 2005
Focus on awareness first, and all else will be added unto you. It is that simple and that difficult. - 2005
The world is an enticing place. It begs for us to pay attention to it. To find awareness, however, we must take the inward journey towards the observer. For some, this is a natural outcome of certain types of outward activity. Others, however, require contemplation, meditation, or quiet time away from the distractions of the world. - 2005
Increased awareness is that rare and is priceless. It is the one thing that we retain throughout our journeys. - 2005
Our level of awareness is an achievement, like graduating from each grade in school. Once we have accomplished each transition, we don't go back to repeat a previous grade. Onward and upward we go until we finish going to school.
- 2005
Our awareness is a direct measure of how connected we are to the spark of consciousness within us. - 2005
We have objective reality and subjective reality. Both are important ... neither is superior to the other. Integrated beings operate with a balance of both ... though the mix in that balance may vary greatly from one individual to another. - 2002
The scales will be balanced. What we sow, we shall reap. What we do to others we do to ourselves. Though this balancing extends across lifetimes and millennia. - 2004
Balance is in order, we need enough but not too much. That, or we need to discipline to use what we have wisely and to focus our energies on the tasks that are ours to do. - 2004
Balanced Life
When all areas of our life are balanced, we are more effective in all that we do. This more than makes up for the effort required to get us there. However, we must take the first step and make the choice and the investment.
- 2003
Be All That You Can Be
What is important is that we develop and use the abilities and talents that we are given as fully and completely as we can. This is what being all that we can be is all about. And, that is the prime directive ... be all that you can be.
- 2002
Until we are aware of whom that we truly are, we can't begin to be all that we can be. Even then, it is ever a work in progress as who we are is continually evolving into something greater and grander than we have ever been. - 2003
All that is asked of us is that we do our best ... that we be the best that we can be. It is not for us to judge this in comparison to others, but in comparison to what we are capable of. - 2003
To be all that we can be, to become all that we are capable of becoming ... these are the challenges that engage our souls. This is how we find meaning in our lives. This is how we become true heroes. - 2004
It seems that when we are being all that we can be, all that we need and nearly all that we desire naturally come into our lives. That is the key, focus on self-improvement and self-discovery that allows us to be all that we can be. - 2004
The call from spirit is always to be all that we can be and to do all that we can do. However, we have to realize that there is a point that is enough, beyond which further work and further giving are optional. - 2004
Be Here Now
Your task is to BE HERE NOW. Allow your entire beingness to flow out of each moment and fill space and time with what is to be. You create in the moment. The point of power is the present. - 1994
Beasts of Burden
We are not meant to be beasts of burden. There are other animals that fill that role willingly and even gratefully.
- 2002
The world may be a big place, but our self is a much smaller domain, in which we have the authority to do what we will and be whom we are and become what we are capable of becoming. - 2002
The acorn knows exactly what it takes to become a mighty oak tree ... all it takes is the right environment to nurture its growth. Similarly, the seed of spirit or consciousness that sparked us, knows exactly what we are meant to grow to be and how to get us there. - 2002
Becoming all that we can be requires that we discover whom that we are and that we express this in our lives to the degree that we can. This is a task that is the same for everyone. Though, there are many grades and levels. - 2002
Being a Watcher
There is nothing wrong with being a watcher. In fact, that is a very enlightened thing to be. However, this should not stop us from participating and doing things in the world. - 2004
Being All We Can Be
Spirit is expressing to the degree that it can. All this is happening NOW. We don't have to wait for it to unfold at some time in the future. We can be all that we are here and now. We can express spirit at every moment of every day.
- 1999
Ultimately, what truly matters is that each of us are enabled to be the best that we can be, whatever that is for us.
- 1999
Being all that we can be requires effort on our part. Yet, when we are in the groove and doing it, it is the most natural thing in the world. - 2002
If we are not learning and growing, creating and expressing, and being of service to one another and to the society in which we live ... we might as well not be alive at all. - 2002
We each must find what it takes for us to be all that we can be, in all of our true grandeur ... for indeed we are grand beings by our very nature. - 2002
It is not enough to simply be whom that we are ... we must take the next step and act in accord with this. When we do that, we share our light with the world, and we live a life of greatness. - 2002
Ultimately, we must find a way first to know whom that we are and then to be whom that we are. This requires expressing in a manner that is congruent ... that is consistent with the energies of spirit that are flowing through us.
- 2002
There is something to be gained by living one's life as if the end were near, not out of fear ... rather as a challenge to be all that we can be; and to not delay until tomorrow what can be accomplished today. - 2002
The world will be a better place when we do are part by being the best that we can be. - 2003
It is when we do spirits bidding that we are being the best that we can be. - 2003
Spirit employs the best that is in us. She knows how to elicit our best. She guides us, she encourages us, she leads us, she moves us ... to the degree that we allow her to. - 2003
This is how we maximize our effect on the world. It is that simple, be whom that we are ... and express that faithfully. - 2003
The very forces of nature, of life herself, encourage us to grow and be all that we can be. - 2003
When we open ourselves to the infinity of whom that we are, all sorts of possibilities open up for us. We can do things far grander than we have ever believed possible. - 2003
All that we can do is be whom that we are, whom that we truly are ... not our limited concepts of whom we believe ourselves to be. - 2003
To be all that we can be ... that is the goal. That is the challenge that we all face. It is not hard to do. The very forces of the universe are cooperating with us in doing this. - 2003
If we don't strive to be our best, we will never be able to realize that we are better and more capable than we had ever imagined. - 2003
Being and Doing
What we are and what we do are not separate things. They are united such that one cannot exist without the other.
- 2003
There is a difference between who you are and what you do, a major difference. - 2005
Being Different
Being different takes extensive work and an innate trust in self to express in a manner that is right for us, regardless of how it appears to the world. - 2002
Being Extraordinary
No matter what the circumstances of our lives are, we can find a way to be extraordinary. - 2002
It seems that more things in life should be extraordinary. It takes work to make them so however. Though, when done right, it is not clear that it takes more work to do things in an extraordinary way than to do it in an ordinary way. - 2003
Being Moved
Whatever moves you is right for you ... engage in it and pursue it to your heart's desire so long as it harms no one.
- 2002
Being of Service
Anytime people choose to be of service to others, the net effect on the world is positive. The greater the service, the more the benefit. - 2002
Being Open
Being open to what spirit would have us do and would do through us is extremely important. - 2005
Being Proactive
We react in the moment, generally without thinking about what we are doing. To be proactive, we have to take the time to think about alternatives and choose what is best under the circumstances. - 2002
Being Proud
How many of us live lives that we would be proud to show to thousands if not millions? That is an interesting way to look at things. For indeed, we are all connected ... the experiences of each are felt in very real ways by all. - 2002
Being Spiritual
Operating at a spiritual level requires some commitment. It takes observation, awareness, and lots of practice. - 2002
Being Surprised
No matter how prepared we might think that we are, consciousness has a way of surprising us anyway. Get accustomed to that, and come to expect it. - 2004
There is a saying that comes to mind: expect the unexpected. It definitely helps to live ones live with a strong element of surprise. At the same time, we should not be overly surprised by anything that happens. - 2005
Being Who We Are
Our responsibility is simple, to be whom that we are, and to express that as fully as we can. - 2002
We need to allow ourselves to be whom that we are, as fully and openly as we can, trusting that this is what god, nature, and the very universe means for us to be. - 2002
Spirit asks for us to be ourselves, our true selves. To be this, we need to stop and make the effort to know ourselves. This can be easy or it can be difficult, depending on how we play the cards that we are dealt. - 2002
Be whom that you are! That is the directive of spirit. And in doing so, be all that you can be! - 2002
Beingness is a very special gift with which we have been endowed. It is something inalienable, something that cannot be taken away from us. Our form may change. We may pass in and out of incarnations, but we will always be.
- 2004
What distinguishes beings is the fact that they exist. As beings we never cease to be ... we never cease to exist. That means that our essence ... that part of us which is the being has to be beyond any form that we may take. - 2002
Yes, we are physical beings. But, we are non-physical beings as well. It behooves us not to lose sight of either the former or the latter. - 2004
Belief Garden
If we want to live a rich and full life, we must tend to our belief garden and make sure the beliefs therein are empowering ones that truly are of service in our lives and the lives of all those whom we touch. - 2002
Belief Management
It helps to become a master at belief management. The steps are simple. Find an idea that you choose to believe in, and then take action in accord with that idea until it becomes habit for you. - 2004
Believe strongly in what you believe, but be flexible and open to new beliefs as well. Examine your reality for its conformance to your beliefs. Assess which beliefs serve you and others, and which don't. Further enforce those with utility, and prune those with limited value. - 2005
Belief Systems
It is helpful to keep a very open belief system ... one that allows for the miraculous, one that facilitates the expression of spirit, one that keeps our potential unlimited. - 2002
Our belief systems are elaborate constructions of vibrations through which we establish what kinds of things, information, and events we consider meaningful to us and worthy of our time and attention. - 2002
Belief systems are important. They are the playground through which we create the reality that we experience.
- 2004
All of us live our lives on foundations of beliefs. - 1994
Beliefs are the playground for reality creation. They are not absolute. The test of whether they are right is utility ... do they serve not only you but all concerned? - 2002
Remember that the difference between an idea and a belief is the willingness to act in accord with. It is not a belief until you back it with actions in your life. - 2002
Our belief systems are the key sieve through which we draw experience to us. If we want to change our experience, that is the place to work, with our beliefs. - 2002
Our beliefs need to be tested and challenged on occasion to allow us to determine whether they are truly useful to our lives. - 2002
Beliefs are the playground in which we create the structures that attract and define what we will experience. As such, they are the most powerful tools that we have in our arsenal for creating the reality that we would prefer.
- 2002
We need to be careful. Beliefs are walls that we create around ourselves. They filter what we choose to see and experience. - 2002
When used properly, beliefs can empower us to do great things, focusing our attention on those things relevant to our mission ... and in the process freeing us to be whom that we can be. However, they can also limit, enchain, and imprison us if we allow them to. - 2002
When we believe that we can do whatever we put our minds to, we open up a wide berth in which to express and to do our works. - 2002
Beliefs by their very nature lie in the nether region between what is true and what is false. If something is already known to be true or false, there is no room for belief. - 2002
The bulk of what we experience as reality is the direct result of our beliefs. If we don't like what we experience, that is the place to make the necessary changes ... with the beliefs. - 2002
Beliefs determine what we experience and to a large degree how we experience, and how we interpret what the experience means. - 2002
Beliefs are powerful ... some of the most powerful things that we have in our arsenal. - 2003
Yes, beliefs are that powerful. They are the clay through which we fashion the experiences that we would have in our lives, and even more important the meaning that we apply to those experiences. We can mold this clay as we will.
- 2002
If we want to change what we experience, that is the best place to start, with beliefs. It helps to treat beliefs as a playground for reality creation. - 2002
Many do not realize the power of beliefs and their importance in creating the reality we experience. Yes, creating. Beliefs define what meaning we assign to what we experience ... and in doing so, create the very reality that we experience. - 2002
Feel free to consider the realm of beliefs as a playground. Believe firmly while you believe, but evaluate utility often, and be willing to change beliefs frequently should you encounter more promising ones. - 2003
Our beliefs about what is possible have changed a lot in the past century. There is every reason to believe that we have only experienced the tip of the iceberg. - 2003
Everything that happens is drawn into our lives by us ... in particular by our beliefs. - 2002
Beliefs are another domain in which we play. They are the playground for reality creation. We are free to believe whatsoever we will. What we believe will attract what we experience. That is how reality creation works. What we believe not only colors what we experience, it literally creates it. - 2002
For most of us, the garden of our beliefs is unkempt and overgrown with weeds. As a result, it is not really clear what we will get from it. The first order of business is to get our beliefs in order. - 2003
Beliefs are the filters through which we see and attract the reality that we experience. That makes belief management a very powerful skill to cultivate. - 2004
The fact is that our thoughts and our beliefs greatly impact what we experience. They color the very fabric of our world. They literally impact the properties of the physical matter of which we are composed. - 2005
It pays to believe strongly whatever we believe, yet be open to more powerful ideas should they come our way.
- 2003
We have to believe in ourselves, and believe in spirit as she expresses through us. When we do so, we will be surprised at the things that we can do. - 2003
Believing is not enough, we must take the next step and act. What we do makes all the difference. - 2004
We have to believe something is possible for us to achieve it. - 2004
There is nothing wrong with believing strongly in whatever you believe in. But, there are limits. There needs to be some kind of a reality check. - 2004
Better World
For many years, consciousness has listened to all who cared to dream of a better world. If one acted to try to make it so, so much the better, for the force of the vision was multiplied by the number to whom it was transmitted. - 1994
Beyond Death
Yes, I believe there is a beyond. Consciousness continues to exist beyond death of the physical body. We continue to exist as individualized beings, as partitions of awareness. - 2004
Biological Machines
We are pattern building biological machines. But we are also the observer, the consciousness that animates the machines. - 2005
Our bodies are our most intimate physical creations. We need them to function well if our lives are to function well. It is that simple. Our bodies are that important. Through them we make a statement. - 2003
Body and Spirit
This body will return ashes to ashes, dust to dust. But the spirit which animates will return spirit to spirit, like unto like. - 2002
One of the greatest tools of all is the lump of gray matter that rides in our skull as the vessel through which mind enters into flesh. - 2002
We have no real science of mind at the present time. Yet, these lumps of gray matter that reside in our skulls may be some of the most powerful things on the planet. - 2003
Our brains are among the most complex physical systems that we are aware of on the planet. - 2003
Our brains are truly amazing. They take in energy as relayed by an enormous array of sensors and somehow combine this fabric of energy into something that we can experience. - 2005
The human brain is one of the most complex things on the planet. Now, in the world we have nearly 6 billion of these complex biological machines on the planet. Yes, they take a lot to care for and to train. However, they can do things that nothing else can do. - 2002
Brain Chemistry
Altering brain chemistry means altering how consciousness is experienced. It is that simple. Physical brain states correspond to mental states correspond to states of consciousness correspond to states of spirit. - 2003
We are at a major breakpoint, a time when a radical discontinuity in our way of being manifests. Will this occur tomorrow, or next month, or next year ... I do not know. But, it is clear that it is occurring whether we are ready for it or not. - 2004
Building Materials
Much of the history of the world is driven by the nature of the building materials that we have available. - 1998
There is no burden too great to bear, when it is rightfully ours, and when we have spirit bearing it with us. - 2003
Captivating Our Soul
Ultimately, what we are looking for are those things that truly excite us, those things that captivate our souls. We know what we are good at ... or, will know if we make the effort to find out. - 2002
To get change rolling, we need individuals caring more for themselves, people caring more for people, and the society as a whole caring for everyone because its constituent individuals are caring for one another. - 1994
Caring should come as an expression from the heart, a spiritual activity that one engages in daily as a regular part of expressing spirit in flesh. - 1994
Go with the flow. Trust that the universe is caring for you as you care for yourself and others in your life. - 2004
Cause and Effect
In some areas, cause and effect are fully operative. In other areas they are not. It helps greatly if we know the difference. - 2002
We may think that we live in a world of cause and effect, however, the complexity of nearly every situation is such that we can never be clear about what truly causes what effects. - 2002
Every challenge has a gift for you in its hands. Great challenges bring great rewards. - 2002
We need challenges to motivate us to ever greater expression of whom that we are. - 2002
Part of the meaning of life comes in how we handle the challenges that we experience. This includes how we face and come to grips with our demons and our fears. All of this requires awareness on our part ... in particular, self-awareness. - 2002
Life doesn't always have to be easy. It is in the times of our greatest challenges that we find out what we are truly made of, and what we are capable of doing. - 2002
If we keep an open mind and take on our challenges to the best of our abilities we will surprise ourselves by what we can do. We are all capable of incredible things. We all have the potential for greatness. We all have the potential to live extraordinary lives. However, it takes courage to do this. - 2002
Life is meant to be easy over all, though that doesn't mean it will be free of challenges. Quite the contrary, it will be full of them. Challenges relieve the boredom and keep life interesting. - 2003
We are challenged to overcome our limitations. We are challenged to overcome our fears. We are challenged to live a life filled with love. - 2004
Part of our challenge is to find our place in the world and then to operate there as well as we can. Another major challenge is to discover whom that we are, and then to be that and express that to the best of our ability. This later challenge is a particularly difficult one. - 2002
It is from overcoming challenges that we find out strengths, and our weaknesses. However, this only happens if we pay attention and observe what we do and how we do it, and evaluate how well we do various things. - 2002
Nothing happens by chance. We and everyone around us are where we are by mutual choice. - 2002
Nothing happens to us by chance. Nothing is forced upon us by others. It may appear so under the circumstances ... but we co-create the circumstances out of what we believe. - 2003
Change happens when individuals choose to make a difference, and choose to take a chance at expressing something new. - 2002
To change our reality, we need to alter our beliefs and start doing things differently. Only fools believe that they will get a different outcome doing the same things in the same ways. - 2002
The present is extremely powerful. Even a little change in belief accompanied by a corresponding action can have significant short-term impacts and drastic long-term impacts. - 2002
Change always starts with one person, or with a small group. When you change who you are, when you change what you do, your world can't help but to be impacted. - 2003
The seeds for change start with dissatisfaction with the status quo. - 2003
We change our reality by changing ourselves. It is that simple. - 2004
To change our lives, we must change what we do and how we do it. It is that simple, but also that difficult. - 2004
We can get overly set in our ways to the point where change becomes not only undesirable but frightening. - 2004
Change starts with a single step in a new direction. At first, a slightly new direction is all that is necessary. Over the course of time, the small difference leads to a huge amount of change. In fact, the initial difference may be so minuscule as to be unnoticeable. - 2004
Change can be a good thing, a very good thing. - 2005
You don't have to change who you are to make things happen in your life, but you may need to change the things that you do. Here again, trust the source within. It will guide you to where you need to be and what you need to do.
- 2005
Change is a natural part of life. Sometimes it is evolutionary, sometimes revolutionary. In either case, it is what it needs to be and it occurs at the pace that is necessary to allow us to experience what we need to experience and to become who we are meant to become. - 2002
We either change with the times or we wither and die. - 2003
People will change when they are ready to change. We have to give them the freedom to choose if, when, and how.
- 2003
Every change starts with the adoption of a more powerful thought form. - 2003
The world has changed tremendously in the last century, and in particular in the last 50 years. The pace of change continues to grow at a rate that is such that no individual can deal with it any longer. - 2003
It seems like the world indeed is ready for major change. The collective consciousness has developed sufficiently to allow completely new expressions to manifest. - 2005
The past century has seen more far more change than the two millennia before it. And, the pace of change, especially technological change is growing exponentially. - 2005
Small changes in the moment result in dramatically different outcomes in the long term. However, we are not given the foresight to know what changes will have what long term impacts. - 2002
Changing Reality
Anything in our reality can be changed. It is a matter of finding the root beliefs that are creating it in the particular manner that we experience. - 2004
Changing Society
If we want to change society, that is the place to start, with more empowering thought forms. - 2002
Changing the World
Each of you has the power to change your world, -- to enhance it in ways that go beyond your wildest imaginings. What you do and how you do it makes all the difference. - 1995
The right ideas expressed in the right way at the right time can indeed change the world. - 2002
From one standpoint, we have everything we need to change the world. Everything except the commitment to do it.
- 2002
It doesn't take the whole world to change the whole world. All that is necessary is a critical mass, a subset that is sufficient to plant the seeds and generate the foundation. - 2003
Change what we believe, and we change what we experience. When we do this en masse, we change the world.
- 2003
It is within our power to create ourselves and our world anew, in whatever manner we choose for it to be. Yes, we are that powerful. Further, the time is right for doing this ... now as at no other time in history. - 2003
Changing the world is everyone's business, it is everyone's job. - 2003
The world is what we make of it. It is fashioned by our hands and by our minds ... in particular by our beliefs and by our actions. We can literally make it into anything that we desire it to be. Collectively we are that powerful. - 2003
If we would change the world, we will have to do so through ideas ... ideas whose time has come. - 2003
If we want to create a better world, we do it via demonstration. We do it by providing real world examples for others to see and to emulate should they so choose. - 2003
The time has come to fashion the world as we would prefer it to be, rather than being content to accept it as it is.
- 2004
The world is as clay and collectively we are the sculptor. Our work will ultimately determine the quality of what is produced. If we do our work well and with Love, the result will be a masterpiece that we can all be proud to live within. - 2004
Channels for consciousness are circuits. Just as with electrical circuits they have their capacities. However, unlike electrical circuits the channels can be expanded as your spiritual muscles, so to speak, are exercised and expanded.
- 1996
Everything that happens is meant to happen; and happens by choice not by chance. - 2002
There is nothing in our experience that allows us to detect whether we truly have a choice, or whether we simply experience a predestined choice. - 2002
What is, is. What we do about it is our choice. Whether we fight it, accept it, ignore it, or change it are all choices that we can make depending on the circumstances and our desired results. - 2004
Choice is a very important part of our lives. But, it is not always conscious. Many things are chosen at other than conscious levels. This doesn't relieve us from responsibility for our actions ... we are still making the choices. - 2004
We can always choose differently. Also, in many cases, it is the conscious choices that set the framework for the other than conscious ones. So, indeed, we do create our own reality consciously far more than most of us realize. - 2004
We can choose how we do things. We also choose how we interpret what experiences mean to us. These are powerful abilities that we have. However, they are abilities that must be develop. They are inherent in our natures, but they must be brought out to be of use to us. - 2004
Just because we have the potential to make choices does not mean that we have to make them. We can allow them to simply manifest before us. The right course of action is often obvious. When it is, there is really no choice involved.
- 2005
Choices involve making a preference of one thing or outcome over another. - 1998
Our choices literally shape the reality we experience. They carve out a place in the scheme of things to provide a context for our existence. - 2003
The most important choice to make is to be whom that we truly are. That one choice makes all the difference in the world. That one choice opens up untold possibilities. - 2003
Everything in our life is there because we choose it. - 2005
Choosing Love
One of the challenges of life is finding ways to choose love over fear wherever we can. We do this by asking what love would do under whatever circumstances we face. When we ask, and listen, the answer will come to us. - 2002
Choosing Our Experience
At some level, we choose or allow everything that we experience. There is no one and nothing to blame outside of ourselves for anything that happens. - 2002
We each do what we can with what we are given and with the circumstances that we find ourselves in. However, there is a wrinkle ... the circumstances we find ourselves in are there precisely because we create them. - 2002
We are all in some sense leading the lives we are meant to lead ... living under the circumstances that we have called unto us via our beliefs, our choices, and our actions. - 2002
There is a reason that we are where we are. We attract those circumstances that we need to learn and grow, and ultimately to be prepared to carry out whatever mission we have come to perform. - 2002
Trust that spirit knows exactly what you need and is arranging the circumstances to be what they need to be to realize this. - 2005
Collective Consciousness
Everything is known by the collective consciousness, and it will ensure that what needs to be revealed is revealed to those with a need to know. - 2002
Collective Creativity
At no time in history has the potential for the collective creativity of us all to be expressed and applied to the benefit of all been so great. The information age gives us freedom in ways that we have never known before. - 2002
Collective Expression
The collective expression of spirit in flesh grows greater and greater with each passing moment. Each of us have parts to play in that collective expression. - 2003
We have what it takes to create new organizations for collective expression. However, we must be open to doing so. It will not happen unless we so choose. - 2002
Collective Good
The greatest collective good is not achieved when each individual acts selfishly for their own benefit, but when the individuals consider the collective good as well in their decisions. - 2002
Spirit knows exactly what she is doing. In doing her will, I unlock the best that is in me to serve the collective good. This is not completely unselfish, as the very process brings great richness into my life. - 2002
Collective Mind
Our minds are capable of much greater tasks than we have given them to date. Further, our collective mind is capable of creating a world infrastructure and associated collective reality far greater than any of us have ever dreamed.
- 2002
Collective Resources
Collectively, we have a great deal of resources at our disposal ... the greatest of these being the talents and abilities of the individuals in society. - 2002
Comfort Zones
Staying within our comfort zones is not conducive to living an adventurous life, and life should be a grand adventure.
- 2003
It is amazing what we can do when we are committed to something. - 2002
The bottom line is that we are creating a new life form, a community that will enable a greater unity of consciousness to express on Earth than has ever expressed before. - 1994
It is through community that we accomplish things far greater than we can accomplish with the sum of our individual efforts. - 2003
We create community by giving of ourselves for the greater collective good. - 2003
It seems that the world is ready to see communities based on new age principles arise, grow, and prosper. These can then serve as prototypes that allow others to follow in like manner. - 2003
Communities are entities in their own rights. They have properties of their own, above and beyond the individual properties of their constituents. - 2003
In a community, people cooperate and work together to achieve a common good and common reality that is better than the sum of individuals could have achieved alone. - 2003
A community of one is not much of a community. Then again, depending on how many parts make up that one, that may a shortsighted conclusion. - 2004
We should be compensated in some manner for the work that we do ... all work that we do. We may not be paid for it. But, there are other forms of compensation. Job satisfaction, self-worth, and happiness are three that come to mind immediately. - 2003
We should be able to expect fair compensation in return for our services, especially when we are providing the best services of which we are capable. - 2003
Everything that we do is compensated for one way or another. It may not be in the way that we expect, but it will be in a way that is appropriate. That is simply the way spirit works. - 2004
What matters is that we are competent, not whether it is conscious or unconscious. In fact, it seems that unconscious competence is the better of the two, for then we are doing things on automatic, often without even trying. - 2002
It is perfectly fine to be unconsciously competent. However, it is typically preferable if we reach this state after we have become consciously competent. - 2003
There are many things that we are able to do competently that we don't really understand how we do them. Thinking, speaking, seeing, and walking are a few that come to mind immediately. All of these are natural processes that we engage in daily. - 2004
Much of human history has been the story of competition playing itself out among individuals, among tribes, among companies, among countries, among political ideologies, and among religions. Even science has advocated evolution as being driven by the competition for survival. - 2002
Competition by its very nature produces winners and losers. It is not a WIN/WIN enterprise. - 2003
Complex Systems
Individuals are complex interdependent systems. The organizations that we create within society are simply larger such systems composed of many individuals performing particular functions. - 2003
We are all connected, we have simply forgotten how much so. - 2002
We are all connected. What happens to any of us, happens to all of us. It doesn't matter whether we know those to whom we are connected. The connections exist nonetheless. - 2003
Everywhere I look, things are connected in ways that are miraculous to behold ... ways that show that there is an order and an intelligence arranging our lives that few of us even suspect. - 2003
Conscious Effort
The application of a small amount of conscious effort on our part allows a great deal of energy of consciousness to flow forth into manifestation. It doesn't happen automatically, however. We have to provide the initial current.
- 2003
Each moment, do that which your consciousness bids you to do, and do that for every moment that remains in your life. Consciousness will move you to exactly where you need to be. - 1994
Consciousness works elegantly. Every resource is put in a position where it can be of the most use to the Plan. Nothing is overlooked, every last detail is nailed down. - 1994
Life is a subjective experience, and consciousness is the engine that animates all life, all reality for that matter. - 1994
This is what we must realize, not that I am the same as you, but that the consciousness in me, the spirit in me, is the same as the consciousness, the spirit in you. - 1994
The name of the game is the expression of consciousness, as fully and as clearly as possible in flesh. It has to be through the creations, or it doesn't count. - 1994
You are consciousness first. Consciousness by its very nature exists. It is the I AM. There is nothing that it can do or that can be done to it that would make it cease to be. - 1994
Consciousness never asks for more than one's best, though she effectively utilizes every resource she is given. She is given resources by their choice to offer their services. - 1994
When an individual has a realization, consciousness has that same realization. When a new thought comes through an individual, it is consciousness that has created it. - 1994
Consciousness exists independent of our bodies, yet it can use our bodies as vehicles through which to act and to communicate. - 1994
Consciousness has fashioned the clay and breathed life into it. Now, that life needs to stretch back to it's source to allow even more to come through. - 1994
The whole goal while physical is not to become less physical, but to allow more consciousness to be enfleshed. - 1994
Consciousness would not waste it's time to enter form unless it could express itself in a new and unique way and learn something about itself in the process. - 1994
The main endeavor in all of life is the growth from ignorance to knowledge of our true nature as consciousness. - 1995
Where two or more are joined together to create ... MAGIC happens as consciousness blesses the union with a spiritual force that is beyond compare. - 1995
By its very nature, consciousness is subjective -- she will not submit to objective probing and reveal her true beauty.
- 1996
The choreography of consciousness is incredible. Everything is in place that needs to be in place, and everything is unfolding in its proper timing. - 1998
Our consciousness is free to fly and engage each moment in a whirlwind of activity, seeing everything from multiple vantage points simultaneously. - 1998
There is nothing but God in expression. But, consciousness herself is God observing God in expression. - 1999
Consciousness ever seeks to expand the vessels through which she expresses so that more spirit can be expressed in flesh. That is the whole purpose of the game. And what a grand game it is. - 1999
Consciousness springs from the unknown, and perhaps the unknowable. - 2002
We are the consciousness of the Earth; evolved into human form over many millennia, or even millions of years.
- 2002
Consciousness creating what she will can work wonders in our lives, if only we will give her the opportunity to express through us. - 2002
The expansion of consciousness within us and through us is a hallmark of this existence. It is what we are here for, in a very real way, it is why we exist. - 2002
Consciousness exists everywhere. It composes and animates everything. It gives us life and awareness. - 2002
Consciousness is orchestrating how ideas are communicated across the social fabric so that they can enthuse the appropriate minds to take action to manifest those ideas. - 2002
Consciousness ever seeks to actualize more of itself ... to make actual, to make real, to make manifest in the world more of whom that it is through us. - 2002
If we are ever going to learn what makes us tick as individuals, we need detailed records of what consciousness does.
- 2002
The universe is a big place. Consciousness is even far greater ... occupying not only the universe but many dimensions that science does not choose to recognize. - 2002
To stretch our consciousness, we must stretch our minds. We must learn to think in new ways, ways that go beyond reasoning and rational thinking. - 2002
We are the vehicles through which consciousness expresses in flesh ... doing her works in the world. We are the legs, the feet, the arms, the hands, the eyes, the voice, and even the brain of consciousness. Everything is spirit. - 2002
It is consciousness that animates us, each and every moment. We are spiritual beings, all. This is our true nature. It is a matter of realizing it and acting from this place. It is a matter of choice, a matter of where and how we choose to express our time and energy. - 2002
Where one consciousness has been others may follow if there is a map, a record of sufficient fidelity. - 2003
Behind the scenes, consciousness communicates to consciousness through consciousness. - 2003
Consciousness is a form that spirit takes, a set of clothes that she wears. - 2003
It is only in consciousness that we can find permanence, and even then, it is an everchanging permanence. - 2003
Consciousness is not something to be taken lightly. We are consciousness expressing in flesh though many see this upside down, seeing themselves as animals who happened to evolve enough to possess consciousness. - 2003
We need to be careful when we play with consciousness, for we truly are playing with fire ... the fire of spirit. - 2003
Consciousness learns from everything we do, everything we think, and everything we realize. No act of kindness goes unnoticed ... nor any act of neglect nor any atrocity. - 2003
It seems that consciousness doesn't care much about each individual. But, she does care about how individuals fit together to form greater organizations that in turn can do more. - 2004
Consciousness works through us. On her own, her impact is limited. Through us, her impact is beyond imagination.
- 2004
Everything comes down to consciousness. Everything is the expression of consciousness. - 2005
Consciousness animates the physical form, but it is not confined within it. It stretches out into other unseen dimensions from where it makes its presence known. - 2005
Consciousness knows exactly what you need and will ensure that you get it. It is simply a matter of allowing what will be to be. - 2005
We are consciousness experiencing itself. The whole purpose of life is just that, to express and experience. - 2005
We are the eyes, the ears, the hands, and the brain of consciousness. - 2005
It is through expanded consciousness that we make the world a better place for all. - 2005
Consciousness is ever in search of new and creative ways to manifest. She utilizes every resource that she is given. However, she does not force her way on anyone. - 2005
The flower of consciousness will unfold within us when we are ready to experience its magnificence. - 2005
When we do the work of consciousness ... we give up some level of control to participate in something far greater than ourselves. - 2002
Consciousness is highly creative and quite prolific if we allow her to be. It is amazing how much work we can do when we resign ourselves to allowing spirit to work through us. It seems that when we do so, our resources increase many fold. - 2003
One learns what consciousness can be by walking in the shoes of where other consciousnesses have been. - 2003
Consciousness is that powerful. When she expresses, whole new realms of reality are born to be experienced by all who are drawn to them. - 2003
Consciousness will not be forced. She reveals what can be revealed through us in each moment. - 2003
Consciousness can get very convoluted at times as she bends back and reflects on herself. - 2003
There is something about walking in the shoes of consciousness that is uplifting to the soul. - 2004
It is from spirit that we are spawned and thrown forth into existence. We are the expression of consciousness in flesh first and foremost. Not just some special few who have realized this, but each and every one of us. - 2004
Consciousness finds ways to get through to us, regardless of how dense we may be. - 2004
The universe ensures that we get what we need. In return, consciousness is given the tools that she needs to more fully express in flesh. - 2005
Consciousness knows what she is doing, even if we do not much of the time. - 2005
Consciousness is ever creating new forms through which to express and experience. - 2005
We are consciousness already. Yes, consciousness expressing through form, but consciousness nonetheless. We are what we are. The trick is to be aware of what we are. - 2005
Consciousness Enfleshed
We are consciousness enfleshed. It is important that we not lose sight of this. Consciousness should ever be on the forefront of our minds. It is through her that we are granted this precious thing called life. It is our job to make the most of this special gift we have been granted. - 2002
Constraints only exist to the degree that we believe in them. There is always a way over them, through them, or around them. Though we may have to be patient and creative to find these ways. - 2003
It is not enough just to experience life. We have to share who we are, we have to contribute to life, to the universe. The more aware that we become, the more we can do this. - 2005
Just as in the body, where a small lump of gray matter inside the skull seems to control the world of the self ... there is a small portion of the population of the world that seems to control the world. - 2002
Without cooperation, everything crumbles -- and consciousness remains asleep, unaware of its true nature. Our inner self already knows this. - 1994
Our inner self already operates completely through cooperation. It already has the connections to source, or consciousness, or All That Is that provide it with its mission, directions, and higher level operating constraints.
- 1994
Remember, the universe naturally works through great cooperation. It is only at the surface of things that choice about cooperation is allowed to provide a challenging environment for experience and growth. - 1994
One of the key behaviors that becomes more conscious with awakening is cooperation. - 2002
Life is already a highly cooperative endeavor, more so than any have ever imagined. It is just that this cooperation primarily occurs behind the scenes, where it often goes unnoticed. - 2002
There is incredible cooperation that takes place behind the scenes to ensure that necessary connections are made in the world. These connections are between individuals and ideas ... and between individuals and other individuals. - 2002
At an inner level, we already know that reality creation operates through incredible cooperation. To take this further, we need to consciously choose to cooperate and do our parts to make the world a better place for all of us. - 2002
Though cooperation we can manifest incredible things in the world. - 2002
Through cooperation, we are building the organs, the organizations, that constitute the body for spiritual expression on the planet. - 2003
It is amazing what we can do when we willingly cooperate and go with the flow. - 2003
Two things noticeably lacking are cooperation and taking responsibility for one another. These are higher level behaviors that appear by choice, not by chance. - 2002
We are not meant to do everything by ourselves. That is one of the reasons that there are others in our world. People have different skills and talents. We are meant to serve one another, freely and openly. We are meant to cooperate and work together with one another to achieve great things. - 2002
Cooperation is the way of the future. Competition has its place, but it needs to be limited to where it is truly of value. Cooperation is always WIN/WIN, provided it is sincere. Competition is nearly always WIN/LOSE. - 2003
Cooperate and graduate. It seems that we are at a critical juncture point in the growth of our world. Either we learn to cooperate and work together to create a better world, or we fail and we suffer the consequences of our actions and inactions. - 2003
Cooperation requires the establishment of relationships, personal relationships with the people that we work with. These are the means through which we become interdependent on one another. - 2002
Cooperate and graduate. That is the name of the game at the turn of an age. - 2002
The more cooperation, the greater the benefit. It is that simple. It is through cooperation that synergy is manifest. As time goes by, we will find that the motivation to cooperate grows greatly. Those who choose to do so benefit greatly.
- 2003
Individuals with free will are much more difficult to get to cooperate than the cells of the body. They have much less incentive to cooperate ... especially when they have been trained to compete from an early age, and that only the fittest survive. - 2003
Cooperation is what it is all about. That is how social systems function effectively ... through the cooperation of their members. Here, we must do our part. Cooperation is a mutual endeavor. - 2003
Cooperation is the only solution. We divide the problem up into pieces that different individuals or groups can handle, and then we cooperate to come up with the overall integrated solution. - 2003
Cooperation and Competition
The universe is a cooperative endeavor. It can also be a competitive one, even fiercely so at times. - 2004
Cooperative Interdependence
Spirit can't work in isolation. She can only work through us. This works best when there is a cooperative interdependence in effect. - 2004
In a world that is ONE, there can be no "independence"... there can only be interdependence and this is only good when it is cooperative. - 1999
If we are to grow into greater collective creative expression we have to find ways to interact with each other in cooperatively interdependent ways. - 2002
Cooperative interdependence is the optimum expression of spirit for the whole as well as for each individual. - 2002
Cooperative interdependence is the wave of the future. In such an environment, we are responsible for one another ... as a matter of choice. - 2002
We have a collective responsibility to one another. We live in a cooperative interdependent society now. Most of us just don't realize it yet. - 2002
Cooperative interdependence is the banner sign for the new age. Independence is the way of the past. It had its utility ... but only as a stepping stone. The world is interdependent. The human family and our animal friends are interdependent. - 2002
Independence must eventually give way to interdependence, preferably cooperative interdependence. - 2005
Cooperative interdependence is all about relationships. Systems arise out of the complexities of relationships. - 2002
We are so used to being independent that it takes extensive training to think and act in cooperatively interdependent ways. - 2003
Cooperative interdependence is the next step. It is one that does not happen automatically, but voluntarily. - 2003
Cooperative interdependence is the wave of the future. It is the only way that we can continue to exist and to thrive in the times that are ahead. - 2003
Cooperative interdependence is the way of the future. It needs to be the way of the present as soon as we can make it so. Actually, it already is, except it is happening at other than conscious levels. - 2003
Core Beliefs
When we work in general, entire areas of our reality can be changed in one fell swoop. Here, we deal primarily with the core beliefs upon which the rest of our beliefs are founded. When we change core beliefs, entire structures of beliefs can be impacted at once. - 2004
It takes extreme courage to be unique and authentic, and to live the life of spirit that we are meant to live. - 2002
It takes a lot of courage to allow spirit to express her will in our lives. - 2003
The thoughts that consciousness forms have the power to create worlds upon worlds upon worlds, like this very one where we presently find ourselves.
- 1994
We tend to create exactly what we believe that we deserve. - 2002
Creating a Better World
How do we create a better world for all of us? It seems that it all starts with ideas. We have to empower people. We have to get them to believe in what is possible. Then, we need to convince them to act in accord with realizing these possibilities. - 2004
Creating Abundance
We have the know-how to create an abundance seeming beyond measure. But, do we have the wisdom to do it, and to distribute that abundance fairly and justly to the populace, to each individual? - 2002
Creating Masterpieces
We are the sculptors of our own reality. It is for us to create masterpieces of our lives. It is always within our ability to do so. We are all masters ... though clearly some are more masterful at this than others. - 2002
Creative Expression
Creative expression is one of the highest, if not the highest endeavors of spirit. It is here that we make the unknown known and the unmanifest manifest. - 2002
All creative expression is valued and important. Further, all expression is of spirit. We are spirit enfleshed, here and now. That means that our true nature is spiritual. It always has been and always will be ... at least until we go beyond time at which point always no longer carries any meaning. - 2002
Every expression is a creative act that brings forth something that has never been expressed before. - 2004
Creative expression is the hallmark of the universe. Yes, it is that special. There is something about creating something new, something unique, something that has never existed before. When we do this, there is a sense of power but also a sense of awe. - 2004
Creative expression is where it is at. This is where consciousness makes it presence known in our lives. - 2005
There is something about spontaneous creative expression that is extremely special. - 2002
There is something about spontaneous creative expression. It elevates one to a whole new level of consciousness, especially when one experiences being aware of being the one through whom the creative expression is happening.
- 2003
You are a creative expression of consciousness here and now. But, you are also a point of awareness, observing all that you do and all that happens to you. - 2005
Creative expression is worth it. It is worth everything that it asks of us. - 2005
Creative Talents
Each of us has creative talents and abilities. No, these are not the same for all, not even close. But, whatever they are for you, that is an area in which you were born to express. - 2005
Creativity in general is far more intuitive than logical.
- 2002
The creativity that we see expressed in the world is a mirror reflection of the creativity of spirit. - 2002
It takes creativity to invent and discover new things. - 2004
Creativity of Consciousness
The creativity of consciousness seems to know no bounds. She always finds more to express in more and more effective ways. - 2003
The creativity of consciousness is without measure. It exceeds any and all bounds that we try to place on it. Once it is unleashed in our lives, we can never go back to being what we were before. For we are awakened to the spirit that we are. We have touched the fire within. - 2003
People want to believe in something, in a force that is greater than they are, in a creator that is grand enough to create all of this. - 2005
We are creators bringing the stuff of our dreams and imagination down to Earth. - 2002
We are the creators of our reality, we are the masters of our fate. What we do, and how we do it makes all the difference. - 2002
We are the creators of our reality ... the masters of our fate. We are the lords of our lives. - 2003
We are all creators, we are all the masters of our fate. It is a matter of realizing what we are and acting in accordance with that. - 2004
We are creators manifesting the experience that we need each and every moment both individually and collectively.
- 2005
We are creators of a very high order. It is time we recognized this, and took responsibility for whom that we are. Some do this more than others. But, most do not do this anywhere near enough. - 2003
Indeed, we are creators. We are gods and goddesses all. It is for us to decide what we want in our lives, and to draw in the necessary circumstances to make it so. We do this through our beliefs and through our actions. - 2005
Crossing Paths
The way is different for each of us, though our paths may cross at times, and we may share in our adventures.
- 2003
Dance of Consciousness
Many are engaged in the dance of consciousness. But, few record that dance and make it available for others to experience.
- 2003
One overcomes darkness by shining light upon it. When one does so, darkness simply vanishes. - 2002
Ultimately there is no darkness, no evil. There is just a lack of light, a lack of awareness. - 2004
Day to Day Existence
It seems that much of our lives are consumed in the process of day to day existence. At the end of each day, there is little to show for what has been expended. - 2002
The body is essentially the same at death and immediately before death. What is different is that spirit has withdrawn into its own realm. - 2002
We are eternal and immortal ... at some level of our being. That makes death not an ending, but rather a transition from one state of awareness to another. Our ego experiences many such transitions over the course of our lifetime.
- 2002
No one dies before their time. No one dies without choosing to participate in the event at some level of their being.
- 2003
Death will come to us when we are ready. Our time is up when it is up, not one moment sooner nor later. - 2004
Death is not the end of life ... it is a transition to another form of life, another form of awareness. - 2005
In the area of defense, it is primarily fear that drives us, a fear of what others might do if we were not strong enough. This justifies expending horrendous amounts of money. Yet, it also employs a lot of people and pushes technology in ways that bring some overall benefits to society. - 2002
Delaying Actions
Don't delay until tomorrow what can be completed today. This is a very demanding way to live ones life. However, we need to be careful about what we deem important. - 2002
Depths of Spirit
It seems that the depths of spirit are truly unfathomable. The more we explore, the more we find that there is remaining to explore. The process is never-ending. - 2004
Desire provides the impetus that allows the forces of change to manifest in life. - 2002
Everything starts with the desire to do something. - 2002
Our desires may or may not be met depending on the benefit they produce for us and for others. The greater the overall benefit, the more likely they are to actualize. - 2003
When we make choices of desperation, we experience desperation. To get beyond this we need to realize that it is our choices that are creating the reality that we experience ... and that we are free to make more empowering choices at any time. - 2003
Destinations only get in the way. They keep us from taking the next step in the journey. - 2005
What must be done ultimately will be done. There is a destiny that is unfolding ... a spiritual destiny as well as our individual destinies. - 2002
Fate has its way of entering into our affairs. There is a destiny for each of us that will not be denied. It will play itself out as it must in our lives. - 2002
We each have a destiny of our own to experience. We each have a number of roles to play. However, they are not thrust upon us. They are roles that we chose, roles that we auditioned for, and roles that we are fully prepared to play at some level. In a very real way, we create our own destiny. - 2002
Part of achieving our destiny is finding what we are great at and doing it. - 2002
Destiny will ensure that those whose lives need to touch one another will indeed do so. - 2003
It takes being all that we are to manifest our destiny. And, we are far more than we think ourselves to be, even those of us who already think in grandiose terms. - 2003
There is a grand spiritual destiny that is unfolding. We are all players in a grand drama ... in the expression of spirit in flesh as us and through us. - 2003
There is a destiny that we came to fulfill, a destiny that will not be denied. Yet, it does not happen automatically ... it takes work, sometimes hard work, to make it happen. - 2003
Patience. It seems that this is the keyword. Our destiny cannot be forced. It is something that is to be allowed. It will occur when the time is right, not one moment sooner or later. - 2002
Some say that we create our own destiny. But, in my experience, we need to get out of our own way and allow our destiny to unfold as it will. - 2002
Destiny. This is what drives us to be whom that we are, and to do what we are meant to do. - 2002
Destiny ... yes, there is a grand plan of consciousness unfolding not only in each of our lives, but en masse in the life of the world. - 2002
We must allow what is to unfold to do so in its own timing. Struggling to try to make it happen faster simply doesn't work. - 2002
Each day takes us one step closer to our destiny ... whatever that may be. One step at a time, doing each day what spirit moves us to do, that is how we achieve what we came to do. - 2003
What we do habitually ultimately determines our destiny. - 2003
We are destined to be all that we can be. However, the destiny is only a force that pulls us in a given direction. Unless we recognize this force and give in to it, we may or may not manifest our intended destiny. - 2004
Some things are destined. There are no options regarding whether they will be done. Though, there are always choices as to how they will be done. Here, free will is a determining factor. - 2004
It is the differences between us that make us the unique individuals that we are. - 2002
We are all different, with extremes being very different. That is OK. Variety is good. Differences are good. We just need to find ways to make beneficial use of the differences. - 2003
Differences are good. Spirit expresses with endless diversity. Yet, within that diversity lies a unity, a oneness, a wholeness that will not be separated no matter how hard we try. - 2003
Differences are to be tolerated, even embraced. We need to be wary of allowing such differences to divide us however. We do this by recognizing the unity amidst the diversity. - 2003
We are different manifestations of the one. While our similarities provide an important framework for relating, it is the differences that make us interesting as individuals. - 2004
We all live in a world of our own making, and our own meaning. For some of us, this may be more elaborately constructed than for others. That is OK, there is nothing saying that this should be the same for all of us. The universe seems to thrive on differences and diversity. - 2002
Different Results
If we want a different result, we need to change what we do or how we do it. This is a choice that we can make at any time. What it requires is being observant and learning from what we do ... learning what works, and what doesn't work by whatever value scale we choose to impose. - 2002
Direct Knowingness
Direct knowingness is a faculty that lies within us all. It comes from a deep connection to source, the ONE consciousness which is omniscient. It knows everything, because it is EVERYTHING. - 2002
Directives From Spirit
Be kind. Do good unto others. Do what you know to be right. These are directives from spirit. - 2005
We are the directors of the dramas of our lives. We are also the playwrights. We craft the very lines that we speak.
- 2004
When we are dissatisfied enough to start looking for something new, we will be amazed at how quickly we find what we seek. - 2003
Divine Plan
Overall, everything is proceeding in accordance with a divine plan laid out by consciousness for the evolution of the expression of spirit in flesh. We are part of that evolution. Each of us have a role or multiple roles to play in that plan. It is a matter of allowing consciousness to express through us as she will. - 2005
There is a divine plan for the unfoldment of consciousness. From the beginning it has pushed the individual and collective consciousness to ever greater awareness and to ever greater expression of spirit in flesh. - 2002
Division of Labor
One of the benefits of organizations is the division of labor. We only need enough people in every area of endeavor to do that thing effectively. Any more than that is a waste of resources. Any less than that and there is not the critical mass necessary to do the job. - 2002
Divisions are OK if they are useful ... if they allow us to do things better. However, they are dangerous as well ... potentially leading to a system of castes where some are judged to be "better" than others. - 2003
Do Something
Each day, do something that has lasting value. Each day, do something that serves others or your world. - 2005
Do What You Are Moved To Do
That is the key, do what you are moved to do, when you are moved to do it. Yes, that requires that you recognize what you are moved to do. For that, you need to find the source within that knows. It is there, waiting to be found. However, you must take the first step and initiate the search. - 2005
Do What You Love
Do what you love to do! Do what you do best! Trust that the universe will see that your contributions matter. Though, it may involve you directly in doing this. - 2004
Do what you love to do! That is the directive of spirit. Consciousness naturally encourages us in this direction.
- 2005
Doing and Being Our Best
Spirit asks that we do our best to be the best that we can be. Our best is always good enough. Always! - 2002
In general, people are doing the best they can with the gifts they have under the circumstances that they find themselves in. Yes, they are attracting these very circumstances ... so this is not meant to be an escape or rationalization for behavior. - 2002
We alone know when we are doing our best. However, this may not be obvious at the surface level. We may have to dig deep to find that place within that knows. This requires being honest with ourselves ... which may not be such an easy thing to do. However, do it anyway. - 2002
Our best is always a stretch ... or it should be anyway. That is what allows us to become more of whom that we are. We need to strive to perform at this level as much as we can. That doesn't mean that we need to be perfect. It is enough to be ourselves, and to express as best we can. - 2002
There is something powerful about operating with an attitude of doing ones best in everything that we do. It is the stuff of greatness. - 2002
It is always enough to do our best at whatever we are moved to do. In doing so, we are literally being our best. This is all that spirit ever asks of us ... be all that you can be. - 2002
Doing and Being Too Much
You can never do too much or be too much, especially if you maintain the awareness that it is spirit doing the works through you, and her supplies are inexhaustible. - 2002
Doing and Expressing
Each of us is doing exactly what we need to do to express what we are meant to express and to learn and experience what we need to learn and experience. - 2002
Doing and Living
We must do what we were designed to do. We must live the life that we were born to live. - 2005
Doing Our Best
WHO YOU ARE counts for a lot, but WHAT YOU DO makes all the difference. - 1994
Everyone is doing their best, given their understanding, abilities, and the circumstances in which they find themselves.
- 2002
There is a sense that people are doing the best that they can under the circumstances in which they find themselves. In general, people try to make the right choice and do the right thing. They don't always succeed, but they try. - 2002
People are doing the best that they can under the conditions in which they find themselves. That their choices are in error when compared to some higher standard is of no import. Intention counts for a lot. Though, spiritual law still applies. - 2004
For each thing that you do, do it to the best of your abilities. Live a life of excellence. That does not mean that everything will be perfect. Nor does it mean that you won't have your share of challenges. These are good for you. They offer the opportunity for you to grow and to learn who you truly are. - 2005
Doing Our Work with Love
Imbue your work with love. By doing so, you transform it into the greatest act of consciousness that it can be.
- 2005
Doing the Works of Spirit
When we do the works of spirit, our lives work. Everything falls into place. There is a host of forces that are harnessed to do our bidding ... or more correctly spirit's bidding. - 2002
Doing Things
The universe doesn't waste effort, it only does things as many times as necessary for the function to be accomplished.
- 1994
What permits us to do things despite incredible odds? It is our connection to spirit. It is that intuitive side that we allow to take over and shape our efforts to accomplish a desired objective. - 1998
If we truly want to do something, we will find a way. The easiest way for this to happen is for us to be open and allow the universe to reveal the way to us. It will do so if we wait patiently and expectantly. - 2004
If we are going to do something, we need to do it right ... and we need to do it with as few resources as necessary so that other resources are freed to do other things that need to be done. - 2003
Doing What is Ours to Do
It does take courage to do what is ours to do. This requires stretching beyond what we typically see as the boundaries of ourselves to become something greater that we ever thought we ever were. - 2003
Doing What We Love
Do what you love to do! That is the directive of your spirit. No arguments, no hesitations. You already know what that is. - 1994
It is crucial to our overall wellbeing that we find work that we love to do. - 2003
To do what we love, we have to find out what we love and then find a way to do it. For some this seems to be simple and natural. For others, this seems to be the greatest of challenges. - 2005
Doing What We Love
When we love what we do, a magical transformation takes place allowing the very forces of the universe to join in to do our bidding. - 2002
We are the players in the drama of life, in the drama of spirit expressing in flesh on this planet at this time. - 2002
See the world in a bold new way. Dare to dream of things as they have never been. For, as you dream, as you imagine, the way is paved for others to pick up on your dreams and imaginings and assist in carrying them out. - 1994
We are dreamers, yes, but more than that, we are creators ... manifesting the reality we choose to experience both individually and en masse. - 2002
In a very real way, all of existence is played out as dreams in the mind of God. - 2002
We may dream and imagine many things. But, until we make them real and manifest them physically ... they remain only dreams. - 2002
At some level, there is no duality, there is no good and evil, there is just spirit expressing in flesh. - 2002
Each Moment
Each and every moment counts. Not one moment is repeated. Once gone, it is gone. - 2003
If we are going to get anything substantial done, we need to find ways to make the most of each moment. It is in how we spend our moments that the works of our lives are manifest. - 2005
Each moment that is wasted cannot be recovered. But, we need to be careful about how we assess what constitutes waste. - 2003
Economic Success
See a need and fill it ... that is the key to economic success.
- 2002
Economic System
The economic system should serve us. It should enable us to be prosperous ... not just some of us, but all of us. - 2004
We have the capacity to produce more of whatever is needed, but we are blocked in doing so by a lack in ability to consume additional capacity due to insufficiency of funds. - 1999
We have the mechanisms in place to create all the goods and services that we need. It is a matter of deciding that we will enable each individual and each family to get what they need. - 1999
It seems that anyone operating in our markets needs to be operating fairly, honestly, and in a win-win manner ... or they shouldn't be allowed to play the game. It is that simple. - 2002
Education first and foremost should teach us of whom that we are, and what we are happens to be spiritual beings having a physical experience. - 2002
Conventional education focuses on the mind and facts. What we are looking for however is awareness, and a sense of direct knowingness. We want to experience what our soul knows and to give our souls more room to express in our lives. - 2002
You can teach someone facts, which grow obsolete and useless in time; or you can teach someone whom they are and how to learn, which serve them forever. - 2002
Education should challenge us, not overwhelm us. It should bring out the best in us. Further, it should continue to do this so long as we live. - 2003
That is a sad commentary on the educational system ... that it focuses so much on filling our minds with the whats that it forgets about the hows and the whys, about the very nature of the mind and the consciousness that learns the whats. - 2003
Good efforts are nearly always sufficient ... though in some instances great efforts are called for and expected. However, this is always in areas where these are well within our talents and abilities. - 2002
Our efforts are as important if not more important than our successes. - 2003
It is ego that keeps us attached to what we are and the states with which we are familiar. We must be bold and adventurous to go beyond self to find Self and ultimately SELF. - 1999
Ego is not meant to be the master in our lives, though many appear to be locked within its grips. - 2002
Ego in and of itself is neither good nor bad. It all depends on how it is used. - 2003
Ego has a function. It is meant to interpret physical reality. However, it can be opened so that it facilitates and accepts the expression of spirit through us. - 2003
Elegance is one of the prime directives of spirit. Spirit ever seeks to express in more and more elegant ways. Elegance involves achieving a given result with the most efficient use of resources. - 2003
It is how society is empowered that enables it to ultimately produce a greater expression, a greater reality that benefits its constituents. - 2002
Each day the energies are at play in a unique way. It is for us to take from them as we will ... and to find a way to mold them into expression. - 2002
Enjoy the Process
One step at a time gets us to any destination eventually. However, remember to enjoy the process ... each and every step of the way. - 2003
One day at a time. That is how we get from where we currently are to any destination. It helps to remember that enjoying the process is more important than reaching the destination. - 2003
Enlightened Times
We're fortunate to have chosen to live in times that are to be far more enlightened than most. We're not there yet, but we're getting closer with each passing day. It is simply a matter of time. Ours will be an enlightened society. It is destined to be so. - 2003
Equal Opportunity
We have equal opportunity. We can be whatever we want to be. We can achieve whatever our abilities and focus allow us to achieve. - 2003
Equality Amidst Diversity
Equality amidst incredible diversity is a cornerstone of spiritual expression. We all have our differences, different abilities and talents, different preferences, different likes and dislikes ... Yet, in some manner we are all created equal.
- 2002
Escape from Bondage
It is for us to recognize that we are in bondage before we can remove the shackles that hold us back from being all that we could be. - 2002
If we want to take the next step in evolution, we need to start thinking as a society composed of individuals rather than as individuals joined together into social groupings. - 2002
There is an evolution of the expression of consciousness in form that is going on ... an evolution that drives everything. We are all part of that evolution. It is time for the foundations to be built that facilitate this evolution and this expression. - 2004
Evolutionary Ladder
On the evolutionary ladder, that makes the expression of spirit through consciousness one of the most powerful things that we can do in flesh. - 2002
We are ever evolving into greater concepts of ourselves. As our concepts change, our experiences change ... and hence our reality changes. - 2003
It is by our example that the mold is set through which events in the world are shaped. - 2003
Through our example we can impact others, who in turn can impact others, etc ... until the whole world is touched. How we live makes that much difference. - 2003
We are meant to be all that we can be. We are meant to express whom that we are. We are meant to live lives of excellence, not of mediocrity. There is always a way to do that, if we will but use our god-given talents in service.
Expanding Ourself
This is how we expand our concept of self, we incorporate more and more what is outside of us into what is inside of us. - 2002
The reality that we experience often conforms to our expectations. We see what we expect to see. We hear what we expect to hear. We do what we expect to do. - 2002
Expectations are a rough area to deal with. Where we can, we should do what we know is right for us to do without expectation of results. This does not mean that we cannot enjoy the results that do come. It just means that we should remain open and allow spirit to determine what results follow from our actions. - 2002
Our beliefs and expectations form screens that filter all that we experience. As a result, reality conforms to our expectations ... at least sometimes anyway. Often, we have conflicting beliefs or have no expectations, leaving it open as to what we will experience. - 2002
We get what we expect. Managing our expectations is thus extremely important. In particular, we need to be careful to avoid limiting our expectations. - 2004
Expectations are constraints that we place on what reality we consider possible. We don't always get what we expect however, because we don't always believe that we are worthy enough to receive it. This is a tricky game that we play. There is mystery and magic in it. - 2004
Expending Resources
Deciding where and how to expend resources to get the most benefit is a major challenge. However, it is something that must be done locally, with our own time, as well as collectively for the whole. - 2002
There is nothing that you will be forced to face that is beyond your ability to handle, nothing. - 2002
Every experience bears its gifts ... though it may be a challenge to find them. - 2002
What the individual experiences, the whole experiences. Consciousness learns from each and every experience, each and every breakthrough. - 2002
We see what we need to see, when we need to see it. We experience what we need to experience, when we need to experience it. - 2003
We attract experiences in accord with our beliefs and in accord with what we need to learn. What we most need to learn are the things of spirit. Yes, there are other things that count. But, the spiritual things are the things that count most. - 2003
If we don't like our experience, we have no one to blame but ourselves. To change the experience, we need only to adopt more empowering beliefs. Yes, it is that simple. - 2003
Some things we just have to experience. Life is one of those things. The working of our mind is another, as is the nature of our consciousness. - 2004
Our senses and our brains evolved specifically to experience life as we do. That we are able to experience things individually as differently as we do is one of the grand miracles of life. - 2005
At some level, every experience that we have is drawn to us by us. Part of this process is conscious, but much of it occurs at other than conscious levels. - 2005
To a large degree, it is our beliefs, actions, and expectations that determine what comes into our lives. - 2005
Experiencing Life
Each of us experiences life in a manner that have never been experienced before. - 2002
The bottom line is that we cannot be experts on everything. We have to have some trust in the people who provide services that they are honest and that they are giving us a reasonable deal for the service we are buying. - 2004
Explaining Things
There are some things that will never be explained, try as we might. However, there are many more things that can be explained given sufficient priority, resources, and of course funding. - 2003
Those who would be explorers have only one question in mind, how do we make what is unknown known. Discovery is what it is all about. - 1998
We express what can be expressed through us because we must ... because in a real way, that is whom that we are.
- 2002
The more that I express, the more that I give, the more energy is released unto the world. What happens with that energy is somewhat out of my hands. - 2004
Expressing Spirit
Nothing is too great for us when we are expressing spirit fully through us to the degree that we are able. - 2002
Expressing Who We Are
The things that need to get done get done. The things that need to get learned get learned. In the process, we find ways to discover and to express whom that we are. The process is amazing to behold. - 2003
Extraordinary Lives
We are meant to lead extraordinary lives. We truly are. Settling for any less than this is selling not only ourselves short, but those whom our lives touch as well. - 2002
It seems that we all have the potential to live even ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. It is not what we do, but how we do it that makes this so. - 2002
Fabric of Reality
The fabric of reality is rich with meaning. It is up to us to decide which sections and patterns to focus upon ... and then to determine what meaning to apply to what we find. - 2003
We can trust that spirit has our needs and desires in mind and is considering these as she builds the fabric of reality that we will experience. Our needs will be met one way or another. - 2003
Fabric of the Whole
We exist within a context. It is for us to find our position within the fabric of the whole. - 2002
Facets of Consciousness
We are all facets of the same one consciousness. And what do facets do? They reflect the light, which in our case is the very light of consciousness. - 2002
We won't always succeed the first time. That is why it is so important to keep on trying. Failure is not the enemy. Failure is not something we avoid at all costs ... except perhaps in specific areas such as manned space flight. - 2003
Failure is part of the learning process on the way to success. The sooner we see it as such, the sooner we will be able to see the gifts that each failure has to offer us. - 2003
Fair Deals
Trust, but verify. Perhaps that is the key. We need to be knowledgeable enough about what we consume to be able to verify that indeed we are getting a fair deal. - 2004
Faith is a powerful thing. Not necessarily faith in the religious sense, though that has its utility. But, faith in the very process of life unfolding. - 2002
Have faith and accept things for what they are. We are spirit expressing in flesh now. We always have been, and always will be. It is time for us to do so with eyes wide open ... with an awareness of what we are doing and why we are doing it. - 2002
Faith in Life
What seems to work is trust, a faith in life as it is unfolding through us. A faith that we are the instrument through which spirit is expressing and that she knows exactly what she is doing even if we don't. - 2002
Some of us are destined to a fate that will not be denied. We may not know exactly what that fate is. But, it is there nonetheless. We can feel it calling us to it. We know that there is something that we are meant to do, something that we came into this existence to perform. - 2002
Generally, when we accept our fate and do what is necessary, it turns out to be better than we might have imagined. When we fight doing things, we make it that much harder for ourselves. - 2005
Fear should not keep us from doing the things that we know we must do. - 2002
Fear results in all of the problems in the world. But, fear is false, it is illusory, it only appears to be real. - 2004
Sometimes a small to moderate amount of fear is helpful, but we need to be careful not to take this to excess. - 2004
It doesn't matter what the fear is. If we believe in it, we give away some of our power to it. As we do this, we set up additional restrictions for ourselves. Eventually, we are confined in a prison of our own making. However, the walls of this prison are not real, they have no substance. They are founded on darkness, on shadows, on the lack of light.
- 2005
Federation of Worlds
How can we join a Federation of Worlds, if we cannot even create a Federation of Nations? - 2002
Feedback is something that is far more rare than it should be. I don't understand why that is. Without good assessment and feedback mechanisms there is no means for continuous improvement.
- 2002
Complex systems need feedback to keep them within proper operating constraints. - 2003
Feedback is extremely important in systems. It is what allows them to stay within their operating ranges so that they can function effectively. - 2003
In a social system, we need frequent honest feedback to allow us to identify what is not working and adjust our processes to try to improve things. - 2003
Field of Intentionality
We have to believe that we are worthy of what we desire. Then, we have to expect that we will indeed get it. That is what sets the field of intentionality. It is this very field that attracts to us what we need to experience. The stronger the field, the quicker the manifestation. Our focus is what energizes this field. - 2005
Filling Needs
If we find ourselves in need, the place to start is not by finding how we can fill the need ... rather, it is by determining what it is that we can give that is of most utility and value to others, then by providing this as a service voluntarily. The universe will ensure that we reap what we sow. You cannot give without return. - 2002
Finding Our Parts
Ye shall know them by their works is a powerful truth. This is how we become aware of parts of our selves. We observe and become aware of what works the parts do. The more observant we are, the more aware of our parts we become. - 2002
Finding the Way
When there are too many factors to consider consciously, we must trust and go within to find the way to proceed. It is there that we can FEEL the force and allow it to do what it will through us. - 1998
First Step
For any journey, we have to start with the first step. And sometimes, it doesn't really matter in what direction we take that first step ... what is important is that we overcome the inertia and start to move. - 2003
As they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Find a way to take the first step, then the next, then the next after that. You will be amazed at where it all leads. - 2003
Firsthand Experience
In many areas of life, especially those involving self-knowledge and consciousness, firsthand experience is the only acceptable path. Nothing short of this is sufficient. - 1994
It is amazing what firsthand experience brings into one's life ... especially in the spiritual domain. - 2003
Flexibility is a very good thing ... flexibility of body, of mind, of emotions, and of spirit. - 2003
Focus on doing that which spirit moves you to do. As you do so, you will be cared for. - 1994
We get what we focus our energy, attention, and resources on. - 2002
The general law is that we get what we focus upon. It is through our focus that we attract those things that we most desire into our lives. - 2002
We get what we focus upon. However, we also experience who we are as we do this. - 2005
Focus on the spiritual tasks first. Focus on your mission. Its accomplishment is crucial, but is ultimately assured as well. All manner of forces will come to your aid once you decide what it is that you want and what you wish to do. It is that simple. - 2005
Focus on the spiritual first, and all else will be added unto you. - 2005
The nature of the world is such that it can be very demanding of our attention. However, we can loosen the grips that the world has on our attention. We do this by focusing elsewhere ... in particular, on awareness itself. - 2005
We get what we focus upon. If we spend our time focusing on consciousness, spirit, and awareness we reap the rewards of our efforts. - 2002
Focus is extremely important. It is as if there are only so many resources. Yet, I know that this works much as the base current in a transistor. We provide the small base current that controls a far greater current that flows from spirit to do works far greater than we alone could accomplish. - 2002
When we focus on who we are, the inner reality is most important. When we focus on what we want, the outer reality is most important. - 2004
Where we place our focus and attention makes all of the difference. It determines what experiences we will have and even how we will be impacted by those experiences. - 2004
It is amazing what can be done when you focus intently on what you are doing. Amazing indeed. - 2005
Focus on the Moments
If we focus on taking care of the moments, one after another, the end will take care of itself, and will be far better than we have ever dreamed or imagined. - 2002
Following Our Path
When we are following the path that is right for us, things click ... and the very forces of the universe are engaged in doing our bidding. - 2002
Fooling Yourself
You know when you are being your best. You can't fool yourself unless you choose to do so ... and even then, at some level you know exactly what you are doing. - 2004
Forces of the Universe
Be bold and decide, and then the forces of the universe will come to your aid. - 2002
If we do those things that we are moved by consciousness to do, we will find that our lives work out magically. The very forces of the universe cooperate to do our bidding. - 2005
When we live a life of spirit, we enlist the forces of the universe to do our bidding. The process is very powerful.
- 2002
Foundations for a New World
Creating the foundations for a new world is a big task ... one that is beyond what anyone can be expected to do. But, this is not a task for anyone, it is a task for consciousness herself to do through us. - 2005
Free Market
In a free market economy, all of the costs are born by the consumers ... plus any profits that companies make above and beyond the costs involved in providing the goods and services. - 2002
Free Things
It is amazing how many of the things that truly matter in life are free. Most of it is a matter of attitude. - 2003
It seems that many of the things that matter most in life are indeed free. They are not things that our economic system enables us to acquire. They fall completely outside of this system. - 2004
Free Time
Our free time is the key resource that we have available to do the work of spirit. This does not mean we must spend all of it in this manner ... but we should do our fair share. - 2002
When we look closely at it, we find that we have far more free time than we might have thought. It is a matter of how we choose to spend that time. Ultimately, this is what determines what we accomplish with our lives. - 2004
Free Will
Everything is unfolding exactly as it is meant to unfold. Spirit is ensuring that. Yet, within the overall constraints of the play, individuals have free will that allows them to tailor the reality in their local vicinity. - 2003
You are given as much freedom as you show that you are ready to handle responsibly. - 1994
It seems that each time we make a choice we further limit not expand our freedom. Nonetheless, if the choices are all made satisfactorily an enjoyable lifestyle can arise. - 1994
If you would be free, you must first realize that you are in chains, and then take the appropriate steps to restore your liberty. - 1995
Freedom requires that we are ever watchful for chains which may bind us and that we endeavor to remove such chains wherever we may find them. - 1998
It seems that the only true freedom is spiritual freedom. In all other forms we are simply unaware of our shackles. Sometimes they are even looked upon as gifts or blessings. - 2002
What makes freedom work is an openness that allows individuals and groups to be and do as they will so long as it hurts no one. - 2002
It is the collective that provides the infrastructure in which we can experience the very freedoms that we enjoy. - 2002
The freedom of belief is far more powerful than the freedom of speech. - 2002
We need to reassert our freedom and remove the chains of those elements of our lives and our world that shackle us.
- 2002
To remove the chains that bind us and restrict our freedom, we must see that they are there and then realize that is fully within our power to remove the shackles. - 2002
The most interesting parts of our life are in those areas where we have choice ... the very realm of beliefs. Here we have true freedom. We can believe whatsoever we will. - 2003
We are free to remove our shackles whenever we wish. Though, this is difficult if we view our shackles as wings.
- 2003
There is a balancing act that is going on. Too much freedom and we have chaos. Too much structure and we lack the flexibility needed to evolve and adapt ... two important characteristics required for life to exist. - 2003
Our people have a degree of freedom that is unknown in many parts of the world. Further, our people have a degree of creativity and industriousness that has resulted in the strongest economy in the world. - 2003
This country prides itself on individual freedom. However, to get collective benefits, individuals must choose to relinquish part of their independence to create cooperatively interdependent enterprises. At first, small groups cooperating interdependently may be sufficient. Eventually this needs to grow to larger and larger groups. - 2002
Freedom is one of our most valued possessions. But, it is something that we have to safeguard or we risk losing it.
- 2003
Freedom from Limitation
To be free of limitations; first, we must become aware of them; second, we must realize they are of our own making; third, we must know that it within our power to remove them. Only then can we take the actions necessary to shed them. - 2002
We are capable of so much. All that is required is to unleash our potential by freeing ourselves from our self-imposed limitations. - 2003
Freedom to Choose
When people feel that they are being coerced, they fight it and run away. That yields the opposite result of what we might be trying to achieve. It is better to extend our energy in a supportive manner that gives others the freedom to choose what is right on their own. - 2005
Friends accept you unconditionally for whom that you are. Friends enjoy one anothers company and are mutually supportive. Friends care about one another deeply. Friends communicate with one another deeply. - 2002
Game of Life
The game of life is stacked in our favor. We are meant to succeed. This does not mean it will be easy, challenges seem to be a natural part of life. However, challenges can be just as easily be approached joyfully and playfully as they can be dreadfully. - 2003
Life is indeed a game that we are playing. When we are operating at our finest, we play it win-win on every level
- 2003
Each of us has genius inside of us. Love is the soul of that genius -- the very key that can unleash its expression in our lives. - 1994
Getting Things Done
The key to getting things done efficiently is to employ the RIGHT resources and make sure they have the right tools and the right training to use the tools. - 1995
The giants of the world are such because they stand high on the shoulders of others. Whether it is on the wings of their thoughts, or their experiences, or their examples matters not. - 2002
Gift from Spirit
Every moment is a gift from spirit. It is up to us to return that gift by doing our part to make the most of every moment. - 2002
Gift of Life
It is truly a wonderful gift that we exist ... and it is important to give of ourselves in return, thus making the most of what we have been so generously given. - 2002
Life is definitely a great gift, one not to be squandered. It is up to us to find something useful to do ... some way to make the life we have been given a gift back to spirit, our society, and our world. What we choose to do with our life is our gift to the world. - 2002
Life is too short to waste. The time that we have is precious. Being alive, being incarnate, is truly a gift. It is up to us to make the most of this gift. - 2005
Life is a precious gift, one that we should make the most of. One might say it is the most precious gift that we can ever be given. - 2002
Life is a gift, a very special gift. We show our gratitude by doing something with our lives ... something memorable, something wonderful, something that truly makes a difference. - 2002
Life is a special gift ... a gift from spirit to us. It is for us to find a way to use this gift in a way that serves others, our society, and our world. It is for us to give the gift of ourselves. That is the most precious gift that we can give.
- 2002
Spirit never gives us gifts unless there is a task for which the gifts are needed. Along with the gifts comes a sacred responsibility to use them in the service of spirit, and ultimately of all humankind ... or better yet, all life. - 2002
What we love to do will be those things that allow us to elegantly engage our gifts and talents in ways that make a difference in our world. - 2002
Gifts are meant to be used. The greater the gifts, the greater the tasks for which they are to be used. - 2003
Gifts often have their challenges as well. - 2002
Our gifts and talents are not meant for us alone. They are meant to be used in service to others and to the world in some way. For many of us, in many ways. - 2004
We know our gifts already. They are the very things that give us joy in using them. - 2004
Each of us have our unique gifts and talents, and a purpose that makes use of these in some way that serves. - 2002
Gifts from Heaven
Whenever I start to question whether something is possible ... the means to make it happen seems to arrive as if it were a gift from heaven. It happens so often that I have come to expect it as the very way that the world works. - 2002
We receive much in our lives. It is up to each of us to find a way to GIVE BACK freely in return for the many blessings we receive. - 1998
There is a time for taking and a time for giving so long as we strike a balance and never take more than we give. If all of us do this, there will always be enough ... or better yet a surplus. - 1998
When you think about it ... we consume a lot, just to live as we do in a free society. To balance the scale, we should be giving back a lot. We do this by providing services to others. - 2002
What ye give shall be returned unto thee ... and many fold. The most valuable thing that we can give is ourselves.
- 2002
It is important that we find ways to give of whom that we are in service to something greater than ourselves. This is how we abide by the spiritual economic law to never take more than we give. - 2003
Spiritual giving is unconditional, or it simply doesn't count. When we give conditionally, our reward occurs in whatever is exchanged. When we give unconditionally, our reward is abundance ... we get what we need when we need it. - 2003
Freely give! That is the key to abundance. When we constrain our wealth, our possessions, our time, or our knowledge then we announce to the universe that we truly do not believe in the abundance that is our birthright. - 2004
Giving primes the pump for abundance. One can never give too much nor share too much. It seems that spiritual law prohibits it. - 2004
The more we give of ourselves, the more spirit refills us. That is how spiritual law works. We are meant to be useful ... to do things with a sense of purpose ... to accomplish some mission that is ours to do. - 2004
What we give comes back to us many fold. Such is spiritual law. Though, the form of what returns may be different than we might expect ... often quite different. - 2005
It is not what we take that matters in the end, it is what we give. - 2002
This is the greatest thing that we have to give ... ourselves and our abilities in service to others, our society, and our world. - 2003
Freely give! That is the directive that creates abundance. Freely give! - 2003
What we give, we get returned unto us ... and generally many fold. But, it all starts with finding a way to give, finding a way to be of service somehow. This is easy to do if we allow ourselves to naturally move in the direction that spirit pulls us toward. - 2004
Giving of Ourself
Ultimately it is what we give of ourselves that makes the difference in the world. - 2002
Life is a very precious gift. The most important thing we can do in our life is to find a way to be whom we truly are and give of ourselves and our abilities to the greatest degree that we can. - 2002
Giving Our Life
What we do with our life is the gift that we bestow on the world. It is for us to make this the grand gift that it can be. This requires doing things that make a difference. It is for us to seek these out, especially those that require our unique abilities. - 2002
Global Family
It's time for mankind to become aware, spiritually aware, so that we can harness the energies of change and make the entire world one global family. - 1994
Goals are our way of telling the universe what it is that we want, what it is that we are willing to work towards.
- 2002
We create plans of action to do what it takes to accomplish our goals. However, we need to leave room for the universe to pitch in and help via spiritual laws. - 2002
It has been said that God is omniscient, all-knowing ... and omnipotent, all-powerful ... and many other such things. Yet, if this is so, why does he allow the atrocities, that he knows will happen, to take place in the world? - 2002
Good and Bad
We are free to interpret any experience in whatever way that we choose. Nothing is bad unless we label it so. Neither is anything good except we make it so. - 2004
Good Enough
We need to learn under what circumstances good enough is good enough so that we can conserve our resources for doing those things that we are passionate about, those things that consume our heart and soul. - 2003
Good Job
People are trying to do a good job. They may not have the right knowledge, skills, training, or talents ... but they are trying nonetheless. - 2002
Grand Adventure
Life is meant to be a grand adventure. If that is not the way we are experiencing it, it is high time to start making different choices so that we experience a different reality more consistent with this. - 2003
Life is a grand adventure in consciousness. That is exactly what it is meant to be. Yet, it is also a physical sojourn ... and it is to be enjoyed in the body as well. - 2003
Grand Beings
We are meant to be and express whom that we are, in our full glory. We are grand beings, we truly are. We are gods in flesh, creating the very reality that we experience. - 2002
No matter how grandiose our thoughts of who we are and what we can do, these pale in comparison to our true nature and reality. We truly are grand beings and we are here to do grand things. - 2003
We are all grand beings. We truly are. Yet, clearly a large majority do not believe thus. That doesn't change the fact one iota. - 2003
It helps if we recreate ever grander versions of ourselves, for we are grand beings all, grander than we could ever imagine. - 2003
We are spiritual beings. As such, at the very least we are eternal, immortal, all-knowing, and unlimited. When we see ourselves as other than these things, what we are seeing is illusion ... not whom that we truly are. - 2003
We are grand beings all. We are spirit enfleshed. It is time for us to realize this and start behaving as if we know that it is true. - 2003
It seems that we are grand on other than conscious levels and that these levels express through us regularly if we allow them to. - 2004
Grand Plan
There is a grand plan at play ... a spiritual plan that involves the unfoldment of consciousness and its expression in flesh. - 2002
There is a grand plan of consciousness. Each of us has a spiritual destiny. Everything that happens does so for a reason. - 2002
All we can give is our best. After that, things are in spirit's hands. She knows what she desires to express through us. She knows the grand plan for the evolution and unfoldment of consciousness in the world. - 2004
Each day is a precious gift. To the degree we can, we need to be grateful for this gift and in turn give of ourselves in a way that makes a difference. - 2002
We need to be grateful for all that we are given. The best way of showing our gratitude is by finding a way to use what we are given in service to others, to society, and to our world. - 2002
Great Thoughts
This is why great thoughts come from the greatest intellectuals. They have developed their faculties through their focus on self-knowledge and knowledge in general, such that their brains are capable of receiving these thoughts. - 1994
Great Works
All great works are done with LOVE for the work that is being done and with a great deal of intuition. - 1998
Greater Drama
Each of us plays our parts in the manner that we choose. Yet, from a higher level, there is a greater drama that is being played out, one in which many roles are intertwined into chords and fabrics of splendid beauty and grand designs. - 2004
Greater Good
From an individual perspective, we need to understand that what we do as individuals must fit within a larger perspective and it is the good of the greater whole that ultimately matters. That does not mean we must sacrifice our individuality. - 2002
Greater Whole
In many ways, we are both individuals and part of a greater whole at the same time. Too few see their place within this greater whole, however. That is the reason for many of the difficulties in our world. - 2004
Greatest Endeavor
The search for self, the search for soul is the greatest endeavor of the first part of our life. The expression of what we find is the greatest endeavor of our whole life. - 2003
Greatest Good
The greatest good we can do is to fully express whom that we are, openly and wholeheartedly. Yes, that is the key ... living with our whole heart. - 2002
For the greatest good of all concerned is the key operating directive. This requires some level of evaluation of what we do. If we don't know what impact we have, how can we ever improve and make this better. Yes, better is a subjective judgment ... but we are subjective beings, and this is a judgment we must make for ourselves. - 2002
We need to consider the impact to the collective when we make decisions. The greatest good comes when we do this.
- 2003
The greatest good will not always maximize the benefit to us personally. But, we need to learn what is enough for us, and how to balance this against the needs of others. - 2003
Ours are not meant to be ordinary lives. Every one of us has greatness looking to shine forth from within us. We are all special beings, unique expressions of the one consciousness. - 2002
An attitude of gratitude clearly helps. But we also need an attitude of greatness, one that comes from knowing that what we do and how we do it makes a difference. - 2002
We achieve greatness not by doing what we would do ... but by allowing spirit to do what she would do through us.
- 2002
Each of us are capable of greatness in some area or endeavor. It is simply a matter of finding what that is and doing it. This takes courage, the courage to be whom that we truly are ... not what others want us to be, and not even what we might want to show as our mask to the world. - 2002
Each of us is especially suited for something. Each of us have the potential for greatness in our lives. - 2004
We have to choose how we are going to work together to achieve greatness. Acting alone, this is only possible locally. Right now, the game calls for this to manifest globally. - 2004
We are here to evolve and grow into what we are capable of becoming. This exceeds any concepts that we may have, no matter how grand they may be. - 2003
To grow we need to be willing to stretch. When we do this, we demonstrate that we are more than we knew ourselves to be. This is a powerful experience, one that we should engage in often. - 2003
Life provides for us exactly those circumstances and events that we need to experience to learn and to grow. We grow into whom that we are capable of becoming. - 2004
That is what growing is all about. We find our limits, then we take whatever steps are necessary to stretch beyond them. We can do this at any time. It is a matter of looking, finding, and overcoming. - 2003
We each see and experience the world in a manner that provides the impetus and environment for our growth as human beings and as spiritual beings expressing in flesh. - 2002
Growth is a natural process. We take it one step at a time when we are ready. - 2002
Growth does not seem to come gradually, but rather in spurts and jumps. These can take us by surprise. - 2005
Growth cannot be forced. It can only be nurtured and allowed. - 2005
Growth happens when it is meant to happen. There is no forcing it. Natural and spiritual laws operate here. It is for us to enjoy the process and do what we can to facilitate it. - 2005
What is meant to happen will unfold in its proper timing. We cannot stop the natural processes of growth ... that applies to the growth of the soul as well as the growth of the body. - 2005
Old habits can be hard to break. Yet, break them we must, if we are to proceed to the next phase, the next adventure.
- 2002
How do we overcome the inertia of habitual behavior in our lives? Many of us are slaves of habits. That doesn't mean that habits in and of themselves are bad. It just means that they can be misused. - 2004
When used properly, habits make our lives easier and more productive. However, they can also dampen creativity and spontaneity. It is important that we not let them do this. - 2004
When we are happy, it is a sure sign that we are living our life as it is meant to be lived. Further, in creating well, we are contributing what we can to those that we touch. - 2004
It is the heart, not the mind, that needs to be the star by which we steer the course of our life. - 2002
God helps those who help themselves. But this applies to the collective, even more than to any individual. - 2002
Helping Others
Help those who ask to the degree that you can and to the degree that you feel obligated. If you seek within, your obligations will be obvious. This doesn't mean that you have to help everyone who asks but if they are asking you for help, there is some reason for it. - 2004
Herd Mentality
The many are possessed of the mentality of the herd. Blending in, and doing things as others do, are important to them. - 2003
High Impact
We need to strive to lead lives of high positive impact. High impact can be achieved by touching many at some level, or by touching a few deeply. - 2003
History is not so much about events as it is about the march of ideas and their hold over mankind over the course of time. - 2002
History is the record of the march of the expression of spirit in flesh ... of the unfoldment of the plan of consciousness, of the triumph of ideas over the minds of man, and of the actualization of ideals. - 2002
Host of Forces
It is extremely empowering to believe that there are a host of forces ready to do our bidding, ready to create reality in accord with our beliefs. They are there whether we believe in them or not. However, our beliefs empower them to operate more freely. - 2002
How do we create abundant, fun, productive lives? This is always possible. In fact, this is our birthright. It is a matter of stepping up and claiming it ... trusting that as we do so a whole host of forces are unleashed in our favor.
- 2004
The body is a house for the brain, the brain is a house for the mind, the mind is a house for consciousness, consciousness is a house for spirit. - 2002
The plan of spirit involves the manifestation of ideals over time. That is, the realization of ideals in physical existence. - 2002
Ideals, Beliefs, and Dreams
It is the ideals, the beliefs, and even the dreams of the people that are the most powerful resources that we have. It is through these that we create a better reality, not only for us, but for society and the world. - 2002
Ideas have power, great power when we understand them and base our actions upon them. - 2002
Ideas are powerful ... especially ideas that move us to act in a new way. - 2002
We no longer live in times of empires ... yet we do live in an information age, an age where ideas have empires of their own ... that is they have minds/people over which they have dominion. - 2002
Ideas are born, are ingested and experienced, and ultimately impact the reality of those whom they reach. Ideas can be very powerful, in fact, powerful enough to change the world when properly expressed and disseminated. - 2002
Ideas command behavior. The grander and more powerful the ideas, the more impact they will have on the world.
- 2004
Ideas have the power to move us deeply. And, the right ideas at the right time have the power to change the world as we know it. - 2003
Duality is an illusion, an engaging illusion, but an illusion nonetheless.
- 2002
Remember that the play is illusion. Trying to substitute one illusion for another is not the work for the awakened ones.
- 1994
The correction for illusion is never more illusion. - 1994
The many are caught in the web of illusion, stuck in a world that is intricate and fascinating. - 1994
Focus on the illusion all that you want, and in the end all you know is illusion. Further, the illusion is enticing enough to draw your attention, lifetime after lifetime, if you are not careful. - 1994
So long as we are stuck in the realm of mind, or in the realm of imagination, we are dealing with the illusion. Oh, the illusion is very enticing ... constantly demanding of our attention. But, that does not make it real, even if it is what we experience. - 2005
Dream and imagine what is to be as vividly as you can, then speak and act as if it is already accomplished -- and surely it will be done. - 1994
Imagination is the key. We are ever in the process of becoming whatever we can truly imagine ourselves to be.
- 2002
Our imaginations are wonderful places. They allow us to play and dream of things that have never been ... and from these dreams to create the very conditions necessary to bring our dreams to life, to manifest them, to make them physical. - 2002
We may find that spirit has far better things in store for us than we could imagine for ourselves. Then again, our imagination is one of the tools that we've been given through which spirit manifests such things in our lives. - 2002
Imagination lies beyond reason. It is by far the superior of the two. That doesn't mean that reason doesn't have its place. It has allowed us to create some wonderful things. But, it has only done so with the help of imagination.
- 2004
Imagination is a very powerful tool in our arsenal for reality creation. However, consciousness does not restrict herself to the tools of the mind, though she uses these to the degree that they can be used. - 2003
What we can imagine, we can achieve. However, it may take some discipline to apply the right resources in the right ways. - 2005
Incredible Beings
We are incredible beings, capable of so much. However, it is for us to realize this and then to do what we are capable of doing for not only our own welfare but for the benefit of others. - 2002
We are all incredible beings capable of doing extraordinary things. We don't always live up to this. But, if we look closely we will find that parts of our lives are indeed miraculous. - 2003
Independence does not work as a valid way of existing in a spiritual age. We are all ONE. Within ONE, there can be no independence. - 1994
Independence is an illusion in this world. There are interdependencies everywhere we look. We are all richly interconnected in the web that is LIFE. - 2003
We have been so afraid of losing our independence, that we have failed to realize how interdependent we are. - 2002
We are only individuals to the degree that we have lost our connection to our self. We can only remain individuals so long as we focus our attention toward doing so. - 2005
When you think about it, much of our lives center around the many types of information that we consume, play, and interact with. - 2002
Information is that way. Sometimes it is correct, sometimes it is wrong, sometimes it is simply unknown as to whether it is correct or wrong. - 2002
If we are to truly see the value of information, we need to see it in all its glory, with all its connectivity. We need to see how it fits within the whole. - 2003
Information Age
We live in an information age. The ability to generate information and make it freely available electronically to others is one of the main benefits of living in this day and age. - 2002
We live in an information age. To be effective in this age, we must develop sophisticated communications skills that allow us to access, collect, process, filter, make connections between, generate, and disseminate information. - 2002
At no time in history have people had such free access to information and the ability to interact with and interchange information with one another so quickly and on such a global scale. Ideas can literally be shared within minutes with no filters, barriers, or censors. - 2002
We are only beginning to see the power and the freedom of an information age. One area that we are struggling with is access to information, and the ease by which digital information can be replicated and disseminated. This goes against all of our concepts of copyright and ownership of information. - 2002
We live in an information age. It is only recently that we have become so interconnected that information can be generated and shared so freely and quickly. - 2002
One thing freedom does not guarantee is access to information. We live in an information age. We live in a world where information is power. For information to be powerful, it must be controlled. - 2003
We are information consumers and information creators in an information age. It is amazing how much information is so readily available and how easy it is to share information due to the present state of technology that is manifest.
- 2005
Information Management
Our information management skills are becoming more and more important in the information rich world in which we live. To a large degree, these very skills define our worth in the work world ... that is, for those of us who work in information intensive jobs, anyway. - 2002
We need to establish infrastructures that allow people to discover, develop, and be whom that they truly are. - 2002
Inner Agreement
Nothing happens to any of us without an inner agreement on our part to participate. - 2002
Inner Compass
We all have an inner compass that guides us. However, to use it consciously, we must find it and then learn how to read and operate it. Here, there seem to be substantial differences between people. Some seem to have not only a compass, but a map, and the ability to plan a course of action to get them to a destination. - 2002
There is an inner compass within each of us that knows exactly what direction we need to head in next. We can choose to follow it and take the optimal route to our destination ... or we can ignore it and take a more roundabout way. - 2003
Inner Source
It is in the metaphysical domain that the inner source and intuition have been given voice and emphasis. - 2002
Intelligence Tests
There are many types of intelligence, few of which are measured by IQ tests. That doesn't mean that such tests are not valid, just that they are meaningful only to the people who possess the types of intelligence that they test. - 2003
Intelligent Design
There is an intelligence designing and creating the events in our world including the thoughts that are experienced by each individual. - 2002
There is obviously intelligent design at play in the universe. There is simply no denying it. - 2005
We need interaction to enable us to be the best that we can be. - 2005
The sooner we recognize that there is an intricate web in which we are all part and via which we are all interconnected to others, the sooner we will be able to fix some of the dire problems experienced by many on this planet. - 2002
Each of our lives unfold into a patchwork quilt full of interconnectivity. - 2002
In a world that is ONE, there can be no true separation and independence. Interdependence is a fact of life. In this, it doesn't matter what we believe. We are connected to one another and to all life for that matter. - 2002
Independence required breaking away from the established order. Interdependence can be a realization that occurs within the present order. - 2002
We are interdependent now in many ways. Our lives will improve greatly when we accept this fact and align our actions in accord with this. - 2002
At what point do we jump from independence to interdependence? This is a major step, a breakpoint in the way we think about society. Yet, it is not clear that our organizations are taking this into consideration. - 2003
We live in an interdependent world, like it or not. There is no way to be independent in an interdependent world. Interdependence requires cooperation for it to work smoothly. Independence has no need for such. - 2003
The world is interdependent now. In many ways, it has always been ... even when we believed that we could remain isolated and independent. However, with our technology the world is a much smaller place in many ways than it has ever been. - 2003
Interdependent Society
We are meant to live in an interdependent society. Actually, we already live in one, we just are not consciously aware of all of the interdependencies. - 2003
If one allows the intuition to speak, it will tell you what you need to know. This does not mean it will tell you everything, for some things you have no need to know, though you might want to. - 1994
Intuition, the inner voice of spirit, is our closest connection to source. It provides the surest guide for our actions in the world. - 1999
Intuition is just as important, if not more important, than reason. - 2002
Part of the problem with repeatability is that the intuition simply will not be subjected to any such tests. Either we learn to trust what she knows and what she tells us, or we don't. - 2003
We can use intuition to help find or assign the meaning to things. We all have powerful intuitions. Though, most of us have blocked the channels through which this intuition can pass information to us consciously. - 2003
Intuition is the mechanism for reaching the spark of consciousness within us. - 2005
Increased intuition and increased awareness go hand in hand. Where one is, so is the other. - 2005
Intuition and Reason
Intuition is what gives us the insight as to how to tackle the challenges and problems that we face. Reason then helps us to weigh the alternatives and find the most useful solution under a given set of constraints. - 2002
Our journeys are just that, our journeys. It is OK to share them to whatever degree we are moved and to whatever degree others are interested. However, we are not meant to compete, and compare our experiences to that of others. There is no better or no worse. - 2002
Your life is meant to be full of joy. If this is not your experience, it is time for something to change, in particular, for you to change. - 2005
Ultimately, joy comes from the doing, not from the end result. Life is meant to be a process, a journey. - 2005
Joyous Exuberance
There is a joyous exuberance that comes through when we are living the life we are meant to live. - 2002
Karmic Record
When we take advantage of another nation, politically or economically, the action is recorded on a national karmic record of sorts. In the end, we will have to balance our accounts. That is simply the way it is. - 2003
Keys to Life
Awareness, allowance, and acceptance ... these are the keys to living life. Until we are aware, until we allow, until we accept ... there is nothing we can do to change things to the way that we would prefer for them to be. - 2003
Kindred Spirits
It is in the interactions of kindred spirits that special things can be created. - 1998
Know Thyself
Know thyself is the strongest directive in existence. However, it seems that it is felt on subtle planes or vibrational levels that we have to reach before we can progress. - 2002
Know thyself has been a directive to us since at least the time of Plato ... and perhaps much longer than this. It seems that with the complexity of the times, this has become more difficult to do than it has ever been before. That is OK. Our capacity for doing this has grown greatly as well. But, so have our distractions. - 2002
When we expend effort to know thyself, one of the fringe benefits is that we find the source within us. - 2003
The more that we know of whom that we are, the more fully and clearly spirit can express through us. However, self-knowledge doesn't just come to us ... we have to pursue it with all of our heart and soul. - 2003
Know thyself has been a prime directive for some time. So, why haven't more of us been moved to do what it takes to achieve this? Perhaps we have, only in our own way. Further, we have to the degree that we could for the times.
- 2002
There is always more to us to fathom. Further, there are always parts of us that may be unfathomable, no matter how hard we try to comprehend them. Some things are simply beyond our minds power to understand. - 2003
Often, we do not know ourselves as well as we might think. However, spirit is never fooled. She knows us far more intimately than we know ourselves. Because of this she knows what is in our best interest ... always. - 2003
Our souls know exactly what they are doing. - 2002
There are other modalities of knowing that operate beyond the realms in which rationality is effective. - 2002
Knowing is beyond both mind and heart ... it exists in another realm entirely, though this realm strongly impacts the reality we experience in every other dimension. - 2002
Everything that consciousness knows is open to us when we can get to the right vibration from which to ask. - 2002
What any one of us know, the whole knows ... and that knowingness can be shared with anyone else at any time.
- 2002
Knowing People
While we know people by their works, it is not clear that we truly know them via this fashion. - 2002
Knowing Ourself
What we know ourselves to be is only a fraction of what we truly are ... and probably a small fraction at that. - 2002
Knowing thyself is where the spiral of evolution starts. This is what propels us to ever greater expression of spirit in flesh. And, that after all, is what the reality game is all about. - 2002
We innately know what we need to do with our lives. However, it seems that many are not in touch with this knowingness ... and instead create walls that prevent their full expression. - 2002
When we operate with knowingness in the now ... the future will take care of itself naturally. - 2002
Knowingness and Awareness
For the most part, it is not things that we need, it is knowingness and awareness. It is not clear that traditional forms of study result in these things. Rather, knowingness and awareness seem to come to us when we are ready.
- 2005
It is the whole that possesses the knowledge of mankind, and it is this knowledge that drives what appears in our reality - 1994
Knowledge seems to grow best where it is open and free. - 2002
While physical laws are beyond our control, social and economic laws are ours to create. - 2003
Layers of Self
The self is very much like an onion with layer after layer to be unpeeled. At times, it seems that there are so many layers that we may never get even close to the core. - 2003
One cannot be exemplary without being willing to take on some risk, and greater responsibility. It goes with the territory. This is what leaders do. - 2002
One of the best ways to learn anything is by doing it. - 2002
There is always something to learn from every experience. It is for us to choose to learn our lessons in joy. - 2002
We are all allotted our time on the planet. We come back existence after existence until we learn what we are meant to learn. In particular, until we learn whom that we are and why we are here. But that is not enough ... we need to do something with what we learn. - 2002
Learning to express whom that we are is much like trying to teach a bird to fly. The basic skills needed to fly are already within us when we are born. We simply develop them and then do it. - 2002
Learning by doing seems to be one of the best ways for us to learn. It is amazing in how many areas it seems to apply. We seem to have an innate capacity to learn in this manner. It is as if we already know what we are learning ... we are simply rediscovering this fact. - 2002
The day that we stop learning, we are as good as dead. Yes, learning is that important to life. - 2003
Life is a place for creatively expressing and for learning whatever we need to know. Our souls know what this is and attract the reality that is appropriate to make it happen. - 2004
To learn something important each and every day ... that should be one of our top goals. Our very focus on doing this will attract to us those things that are most important for us to learn. - 2004
We know what we need to learn. We know internally what we need to allow us to grow and to prosper. And, yes, we are meant to prosper. - 2004
It seems that most of the things that are the most useful to know fall outside of the traditional curriculum of our schools. Something is wrong with that. It needs to change and soon. We are wasting too much of the potential of our society by not doing something about it. - 2004
Find what is right for you. Use what works for you and discard the rest. That requires learning about new things, trying them, and evaluating their impact in your life. It is well worth the effort. The very quest for knowledge sets us on the path to find what we seek. - 2005
Learning from Experience
Spirit learns from every experience, every success and every failure. - 2002
It is in some of our darkest moments that we learn some of our greatest lessons. - 2002
Letting Go
To progress in life we have to be willing to let go sometimes so that something greater can come into our lives. Unfortunately, we usually have to let go before we can embrace whatever comes next. - 2003
We live our lives on several levels, and it seems that there are things that we came to learn and to do on each level.
- 2003
Life itself is a game being played by consciousness for a purpose. There is meaning behind it all on many levels. The intricacies are amazing, simply wonderful to behold. - 1994
All of life is a highly orchestrated and cooperative endeavor ... despite what it appears to be on the outside alone.
- 2002
Life is a very precious gift bestowed on us each and every moment. - 2002
Life is not meant to be taken too serious. It is a game that we are playing. And games are meant to be enjoyed. - 2002
Life is a process of discovering our fears, encountering them, and overcoming them with love. - 2002
Life is meant to be our greatest masterpiece ... yet few seem to realize they are artists, creating the very reality they experience. - 2002
Life collectively seeks to express ever more and more of whom that it is. It does this through every avenue that it has available ... through every resource it is given. - 2002
Life to me is a highly subjective experience. We cannot stand back and look at it objectively. To explore the domains of consciousness, one must be an active participant. - 2002
Life is what happens when you start paying attention to the little things. When you do this ... it is amazing how the big things seem to take care of themselves. - 2002
Life is about the expression of spirit in flesh. We are the instruments of consciousness. She orchestrates all that is expressed. - 2002
Life goes on. We never know exactly to where we are headed until we get there. Further, we don't know what we will experience or what meaning we will assign to that experience until it happens. - 2002
Life is a mystery ... one that confounds us at every turn. - 2002
Life has a way of exceeding all of our expectations, and of surprising us in nearly every area in which we endeavor.
- 2002
Life is meant for our enjoyment .... though, it seems, many find it hard to maintain a state of being in joy. - 2002
Life is meant to be an exciting adventure. We are not meant to be ordinary. We are meant to live extraordinary lives. It is always within our power to do so. We don't necessarily have to do any different things, we simply need to do whatever we do with the proper attitude. - 2002
Life is a process of growth and of expressing whatever we have become as faithfully as we can every step of the way.
- 2003
Life is primarily a subjective experience. That is simply how it is. We can try to make it objective, but the more we try, the more hollow it becomes. - 2003
Life does not have to be difficult. It is meant to be engaging yes, and to be a challenge ... but it is not meant to be overwhelming, as it seems to be for many. - 2003
Life is a subjective experience. It can't be anything else, no matter how hard we may try to make it so. - 2004
Life is meant to be lived. It is also meant to be enjoyed. Further, it is meant to be lived in a manner that makes a difference. This later constraint is one that I place on myself. - 2004
Life is the process of consciousness in form experiencing other aspects of consciousness in form. - 2005
Life is meant to be a challenge, and an exciting one at that. However, it is up to us to do our part to make it so. This doesn't necessarily happen automatically ... though it seems that the degree of challenge and the degree of excitement vary dramatically from one individual to another. - 2002
Life is a voyage of discovery ... in particular, discovery of the realm of consciousness. It is amazing when we see life as the expression of spirit that it is. - 2002
Life is a process of the ever-increasing expression of spirit in flesh. We are an active part of that process. The more active we can be in this the better. The more fully we can allow spirit to express through us, the better for us and for everyone our life touches. - 2003
You get out of life what you put into life. The greatest things that we can put into life are our hearts and souls. Everything else is window dressing, so to speak. - 2004
It is important to do what we can to approach life in an open and flexible manner ... a manner that allows us to be response-able. - 2004
Life shouldn't become so static that it grows stale. We need a change of scenery now and then to stay sane. - 2004
Life is truly a gift, and a miraculous one at that. - 2005
Life of Greatness
Each of us has the potential to live a life of greatness in our own way, using the unique gifts that we brought into this world. It is simply a matter of discovering whom that we are, and expressing that authentically in our lives.
- 2002
Life Unfolding
Life unfolds exactly as it is meant to unfold. Each event, each choice, each experience, each expression is exactly what it needs to be. - 2002
Life unfolds exactly as it needs to. It makes it easier if we are open to it and allow it to unfold naturally. Though, it is perfectly OK for us to actively assist in the unfoldment as well. - 2002
Life is meant to unfold into ever greater and greater expression. It does so naturally if we allow it to. However, we have a tendency to get in our own way and set up roadblocks and impediments. - 2003
One must light one's own Light, before one can help others in the quest for Light. - 1994
Light and Love
Spirit shines its light and shares its love wherever it can and to whomever will ask and seek for it. - 2002
Light and Shadows
In the end the restrictions that create the shadows will be alleviated. The light will shine through, and the shadows will be no more. And then, we will have to find other games to play ... games more worthy of our attention and energy. - 2003
Light and Shadows
Light is might. It will win out in the end. Darkness is mere shadow. It can only exist until light is shone upon it to reveal it for what it is. - 2004
Lighting the Way
Some people are as a candle in the wind ... ever fearful of being blown out. It is much better to go through life as a blazing torch, not only lighting our own way but helping to light the way for others in the process. - 2003
We can get used to our chains no matter what they are and come to think of them as the gifts and pleasures of life after a while. - 1994
So long as we are kept from dreaming or envisioning what could be, what we have is enough, we simply don't see the limitation. - 1994
Limitations are self-imposed ... they always are. They can only exist as long as we accept them as real. - 2002
The only thing holding us back is the limitations that we impose on ourselves. These typically show up as fears ... as places where we are afraid to tread. It is time to realize this and rise beyond the limitations. We are to be whom that we are, not just for ourselves but for others. - 2002
Of ourselves, there is not much that we can do. Spirit has no such limits, except for those that we place in her way. It is important that we do what it takes to discover where we are doing this ... and then to remove the limits of our own accord. - 2003
We are only limited to the degree that we limit ourselves. - 2003
Don't allow arbitrary limits to constrain you ... whether self-chosen or not. - 2005
We are what we are for a reason. However, where limitation is involved, we need to be careful to examine what chains we bear. Further, we need to decide if it is in our best interest and the best interest of others to bear these chains. Sometimes it is, sometimes not. - 2005
We become so used to limitations that often we forget that they are limitations. A quote comes to mind: none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. - 2003
We need to be careful not to limit what we would be. There is always such a danger when it comes to limitations. They seem so real that often we do not think to question them. - 2005
We are unlimited by nature. The limits that we experience are all self-imposed. - 2005
If we don't test our limits, how do we know what we can do? Limitations are self-imposed. If we want to get beyond our limits, first we must find them and realize that they are of our own making. When we do so, we will be amazed at what we can accomplish. - 2002
It is for us to realize where our limits are ... and then to understand that the limits are always self-imposed. - 2002
Living a Life of Spirit
It is amazing what happens when one chooses to consciously live a life of spirit. There is something magical that is engaged. There is something that cooperates with us to allow us to do more than we could do otherwise. - 2003
Awareness, allowance, acceptance ... these are the keywords for living a spiritual life, for living the life that we are meant to live. - 2002
The major choice we make is to live a spiritual life, to allow consciousness to manifest fully in our life. Once we make that choice, a host of other things simply fall into place naturally. - 2005
Living As We Believe
We must live as we believe. We must be true to ourselves. At the same time, we must lead the life that we are meant to lead. - 2005
Living in the Moment
When one lives life from moment to moment, fully focused on here and now, a day can be a very long time. It is amazing how much we can do when we are more fully conscious of every activity in which we are engaged. - 1998
Living in the moment, there are no bills or mortgages, there is only the present reality. But this stretches over time into minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months ... accompanied by all the baggage that entails. - 1998
Such is how life works best, we operate in the now, taking whatever step is most appropriate at this instance ... then take one step after another, until we get to wherever we are headed. - 2002
When you truly live in the moment, it seems that time is endless. It is only when you step back to try to see things from a higher perspective that the days and weeks and months and years blur into nothingness. - 2005
When we do what we can in the moment, both the past and the future take care of themselves. Yes, the past as well as the future. We can reinvent what the past means at any moment. And, in doing so, we literally create a different past. - 2002
Life is best lived in the moment. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't consider the consequences of our actions. In fact, quite the contrary ... we are completely responsible. The sooner that we realize this, the better that it is for everyone including ourselves. - 2002
Our lives are to be lived in the present with an eye to the future. This does not mean we neglect the past. It has its lessons to teach us. We learn from it, and hopefully make better choices in the present. - 2003
We need to live our life in the moment. However, we need to do it in a manner that moves us toward the future that we desire. That requires accounting for the past as well, not allowing it to confine and enchain us, but adjusting it as necessary to move in the course that we desire to move. - 2004
Living Life on Purpose
We need to live our life on purpose. We will know when we are doing what we are here to do by how we feel inside. There is a part of us that knows. We simply have to find it and listen to what it has to tell us. That takes some quiet time. This is something many find difficult to deal with. - 2002
Living for something ... even if you come short of achieving your highest goals is far better than living a life of normalcy and mediocrity. Not everyone can win the gold ... but everyone can give their best. - 2004
Living Well
The process for living one's life well is simple ... do what you are moved by spirit to do in each moment, and do it to the best of your ability. You don't have to know why you are being so moved. - 2005
Living Wholeheartedly
It is important to live wholeheartedly. Literally, that means living with all of our heart. Actually, with all of our soul, since the heart is said to be the seat of the soul. - 2005
Living with Dignity
We can live our lives with dignity regardless of the circumstances. It is simply a matter of choosing to do so.
- 2002
Living Your Life
Live the life that only you can live. It takes courage to do this. Yet, in other respects, it is the most natural thing for you to do. - 2005
Allowing life to unfold as it will is a powerful way to live life. - 2005
In our lives, often logic does not rule. That is not to say that it does not have a place ... just that it does not have a supreme position. - 2002
Logic and Intuition
Logic and reasoning have their utility ... however, so does intuition, and sometimes both need to be applied cooperatively. The more we engage our whole brain in the endeavors that we undertake ... the better the results overall. - 2002
Looking Within
If we look within, we will see that we are compelled by spirit to act and express in certain ways. However, not all look within, and many who try do not yet have the eyes to see. - 2004
That is the key ... look within to what guidance is offered and follow it wherever it may lead. - 2004
Loss and Gain
You have to be willing to lose something in order to gain something. - 2005
Love transforms even everyday objects into treasures, and transforms work into a kind of play. - 1994
The more that LOVE is expressed, the better everything is. This is the key, the critical factor. Actually, peace, love, and light are all important. But, the greatest of these is Love. - 1994
In the end, there is only love. Everything else is illusion. The sooner that we realize this, the better off we are.
- 2004
Love the life that you live. Imbue your life with as much love as you can. You'll find that love is contagious. Love, love, love. We can't emphasize that strongly enough. This is what unleashes the genius within us. - 2004
Love is by far the strongest force in the universe. In fact, it may even be the only force in the universe. - 2005
Loving What You Do
There is something infectious about being around people who love what they do. - 2003
Do what you love or love what you do. One way or another the result is still the same. Great things come from this one practice. - 2004
When we love what we do, we imbue our work with a wonderful energy that permeates it in a way that is apparent to others. There is a perfection that comes from this. There is a sense of beauty and majesty as well. - 2004
Love what you do! Love the life that you live! Otherwise, find a way to transform it so that you can love it. Don't sell this concept short. It is extremely important. - 2004
Love Who You Are
There are always things to love about who you are and how you live. Each of us is a miracle manifest. Each of us is unique. Each of us is spirit expressing in flesh. Further, we have always been thus and will always be thus. - 2004
At some point, we realize that there is more to life than this, and more to us than we know ourselves to be. At that point, the magic appears, and the unseen portions of consciousness get enlisted to assist in a more active manner in our lives. - 2002
It is good to have a little magic and mystery in one's life. Not everything needs to be explained. Sometimes it is enough to be aware of some of the mechanics of a process to put it to use in our life. - 2003
There is magic at work here, the magic of consciousness. Her depths are not meant to be fathomed, try though we might. Though, the effort to try is worth it. However, it seems the more that we discover, the more that we find that we do not know. That makes for a grand adventure. - 2005
Magnificent Beings
We are capable of doing wonderful things. We are capable of being magnificent beings. However, it is up to us to do and be these things. - 2004
Magnificent Creation
Allow yourself to simply be ... in doing so, your beauty will open to the world as does the flower's. You are a magnificent creation of consciousness at this moment. - 2005
Make Each Day Count
Make each and every day count to its fullest. We never know how many days we are granted in this existence.
- 2002
Make each and every day count. By doing so, you maximize the positive impact that you have on the world. - 2005
Making a Difference
Thinking something, and speaking something, are not enough to make a difference in the world. We must find a way to give our words the legs to walk on. - 1998
It is amazing how much difference a person can make when they commit to making a difference with their life. - 2002
Thoughts count, beliefs count even more, but actions are where we truly make a difference. - 2002
It is for us to make a masterpiece of our lives and to live in a manner that make a difference to others, to society, and to the world. - 2002
Yes, making a difference is extremely important. However, it seems it is not for us to choose what difference we will make. Rather, we act, and we see what difference results. If we like the difference, we continue to do what it takes to achieve it. If not, we do what we are moved to do next. - 2002
There is always a way to make a difference, a beneficial difference. It is a matter of finding it, and doing it. - 2002
We are here to make a difference ... each and every one of us. - 2003
We are important, each and every one of us. Each of us has the power to make a difference, and a great difference at that ... to our family, our friends, our society, and even our world. - 2003
It is not enough to make any difference, I must make a big difference, a difference of world import. Yes, that is asking a lot of myself. But, if we are not going to ask a lot of our self, then who is going to push us to excel and be all that we can be? - 2004
The more aware that we become, the more potential that we have for making a difference in the world. It is not that we choose to force the conditions of the world to be different. They are already the best they can be for the levels of consciousness that are manifest. - 2005
What matters is now, what is right in front of us. It is there that we have the power to make a difference. And, making a difference is what it is all about. - 2005
Making a Difference
No matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we can always make a difference. We can always live our lives in ways that are extraordinary.
- 2002
We are all special and unique. It is for us to learn in what ways, and to express that in ways that make a difference.
- 2002
In the end, that is the measure of our lives ... what difference did we make for whom. - 2002
It is amazing how quickly time flies by. It makes it all the more important that we find a way to do something each day of lasting value ... something that at least has the potential to make a difference not only in our own life but in the lives of others. - 2003
We take each day as it comes. We apply ourselves where it seems that we can make a difference. Whether we actually make a difference or not is a different matter. The fact that we tried is ultimately what counts. - 2003
What we do makes all the difference in the world. We can't emphasize that strongly enough. We have the power to change the world. However, it doesn't happen by thinking about it. We have to take the next step and take action.
- 2003
Making a Living
There is incredible wealth in this country. Yet, making a living is still a challenge. - 2004
We should be concerned with more than making a living. We should be concerned with making a masterpiece of our lives. - 2004
Making Our Mark
Each of us make our mark on the world in our own way. Whatever that mark is ... is right for us. It is the part that we came to play. - 2002
Making Progress
To make progress in any area of knowledge, we must choose to apply extensive effort in that area. In general, the more effort and resources, the more progress. - 2002
In every endeavor, we make great progress when we apply our best and brightest to the task. - 2002
We get what we focus on. If we want to make progress in any area of endeavor ... the way is simple, apply the best and the brightest and give them what they need to get the job done. We will be amazed at how much progress is made when we do this. - 2002
Making the Most of the Moment
It is amazing what we can do with the time that we have when we make the most of each moment. And, after all, what more can we do than that? - 2005
Making Things Happen
We can make things happen ... but, it is usually better to allow spirit to do her works in our lives. Consciousness knows what needs to be done and through whom. We know this as well ... just not consciously. - 2002
One speaks forth the WORD and sees what is manifest as a result. It is not necessarily a direct path from the WORD to the manifestation. - 1998
If we can imagine it, if we can create an ideal, then we can take action to manifest it in flesh. - 2002
What we think, what we believe ... we manifest in our lives. - 2002
When something becomes a certainty for us, we will indeed find a way to manifest it. It is all a matter of believing strongly in what can be achieved. - 2004
Manifesting Dreams
We can dream of many things. But, it takes commitment, focus, and dedication to realize them. These involve a choice of how we expend our time, our energy, and ourselves. - 2002
Dream big and believe that your dreams will indeed be manifest, then act as if ... as if the dreams are already so. For at some level, by the time the dream is expressed it has indeed been actualized on some level. - 2004
What does it take to manifest dreams? First, we have to have the dreams. Then, we have to share them with those who will be touched by them. - 2004
Mansion of the Self
Each awakening unlocks a new door within me, allowing me to find another room or set of rooms within the mansion that is my greater Self. - 2002
The true kingdom lies within. That's where the mansions are, mansion's far more stately and elegant than anything conceived on earth. Yet, there is no reason such could not be brought to earth as well. - 1994
Many Ways
There are many ways to get where we are going. On one extreme, we consciously direct this. On the other extreme, we go with the flow of the universe. There are also many paths between these extremes with varying degrees of resignation to the will of spirit in our lives. - 2004
Mass Media
Between movies, videos, music, and TV ... we have the opportunity to influence many quickly in ways that we have never had before. - 2002
Master Gardener
You are the master gardener. It is up to you to care for the garden of your beliefs. - 2005
Masterful Creators
We are masterful creators already ... each and every one of us. We are creating exactly the reality that we experience, every aspect of it. - 2003
Your life after all is your most important masterpiece. Yes, masterpiece ... you are creating every aspect of it. - 2002
To create a masterpiece of our lives, we must work with the paints of beliefs. These are the building blocks that result in everything that we see and experience. - 2002
We shouldn't have to sacrifice our lives to earn a living. Our first priority should be to make a masterpiece of our life. We do that by finding what we excel at, and then doing it to the maximum of our abilities. - 2002
We create our reality via our beliefs. It is up to us to make a masterpiece of our belief systems. In doing so, we will also make a masterpiece of our lives. - 2003
Our life is our masterpiece. Yes, masterpiece. We are all masters in the art of reality creation. - 2003
It seems that desire is not enough. We must dare to act in accord with our dreams if we are to make our lives the masterpieces that they are meant to be. - 2004
Masters of Fate
Indeed, that is what we are ... the creators or our reality, the masters of our fate. This is an awesome responsibility that we carry. It is for us to use whom that we are in a manner that serves ourselves, our families, our societies, and our world. - 2002
Me to We
The ME generation is about to become the WE generation. The resulting change will send a shock wave round the world. The changes to come are mind blowing, truly beyond imagination. - 1996
Our world can be improved rapidly. However, we as individuals need to make the jump from a ME to a WE perspective. We need to understand how we fit within the larger whole, and what responsibility we have therein.
- 2002
We have to move beyond our selfishness to a mode of providing service to spirit and to others with our lives. How we do this is up to us. However, we have to move from a me to a we mode of expression. We have to move from a what is in it for me, to a what is in it for all of us perspective. - 2002
There is something special about living a life of meaning, especially when the meaning comes forth from within.
- 2002
This may be our greatest choice as sentient beings ... the ability to choose what anything that we experience means on whatever scale we choose to apply that meaning. - 2003
We may or may not control what we experience. But, we definitely choose the meaning of what we experience, especially the meaning to us, but also the meaning in a larger context. - 2003
It is often our work that gives our life its meaning. - 2003
Often it is not what happens that is important ... it is the meaning that we assign to what happens. This is always a choice. You might even say it is the biggest choice that we make. - 2004
Our reality is what we experience and the meaning that we assign to that experience. The meaning is more important than most people know. It is where free will reigns supreme. - 2004
We can assign any meaning we choose to any experience that we have. Actually, for most, this is only in theory as their belief systems rigidly define how they interpret reality. - 2002
Life provides a context for meaning to be experienced. Ultimately, it is the meaning and not the events which matter. Though, some events are more conducive to particular kinds of meaning than others. - 2004
Our life is literally what we make of it. We assign the meaning to everything: to every word, to every idea, to every action, to every synchronicity, to everything. We make the connections that are relevant between disparate information. - 2005
It is not so much what happens in our life that is important, rather it is the meaning that we assign to whatever happens. The same event can mean very different things to different people. Much depends on one's level of awareness. In addition, much depends on our focus, on what we pay attention to and what we don't. - 2005
Meaning in Life
The outer world permits experience, but the inner one creates meaning. - 1999
For life to have real meaning, it must make a statement or make a difference. - 2002
Life is meant to have meaning. It is meant to be an adventure. We are meant to encounter the unknown, explore it, and integrate it into our lives. - 2002
Meaningful Work
In general, people want their work to be useful and meaningful. Further, they want to do a good job. - 2002
The measure of a person however is not meant to be in comparison to another. What is important is how what we are measures up to what we could be. That is, how close we are to living up to our full potential. - 2002
The key measure of a man is whether he leaves the world in a better state than that in which he found it. - 2002
Who we are is not measured by what we have ... it is measured by what we can do. - 2002
Ultimately, whom that we are ... and when we depart, whom that we were ... is measured by the works that we have left behind, including whatever impacts we have had on others. - 2002
The only thing it is fair to measure anyone against is what they are versus what they could be. - 2002
Meeting Needs
People must have all of their needs met. This is true for all people in this country whether they have jobs or not.
- 1994
Everyone deserves to have their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs met in exchange for applying themselves in service to society. - 2002
It is time for the needs of all to be considered in a new light, and for the resources of all to be applied more equitable to meet those needs. We as the world, are responsible for meeting the needs of the world. - 2002
There are many places in the world where the struggle is great for a large number of people to even get basic needs met ... water, food, clothing, shelter, education. Who has responsibility to change this? Clearly, the individuals suffering from such dire conditions do not appear to be in control of their own destiny. - 2002
Members of Organizations
Individuals are members of multiple organizations, some by choice and others by chance. Within these organizations, we have various roles and responsibilities. - 2002
When you operate in the moment and trust the inner processes of consciousness, whatever your memory is is perfect. It is exactly what you need when you need it. - 2004
Everything has its message for us, if only we have the eyes to see it and ears to hear it. - 2005
Metaphysics must match experience if it is to be truly lived. It must be practical. One must be able to trust it and to ACT based on that trust. - 1996
Metaphysics offers some powerful concepts on which to base our beliefs about the nature of reality. However, most of these concepts cannot be proven. They must be accepted on faith to allow them to operate in our lives. - 2005
Middle Path
The middle path seems to be to allow what is to unfold in our lives to do so naturally, without undo force being applied one way or another. Yes, we can make things happen. However, it is far more important that we allow spirit to make things happen through us. This makes all the difference in the world. - 2002
The mind is an incredible tool when we use it skillfully. This means using all of it ... or as much of it as we can. And, I don't mean just the rational part. The intuition is equally if not more important. - 2002
Mind, while it resides within the brain, does not seem to be contained by the brain. Further, consciousness, while it resides within the mind, does not seem to be contained by the mind. - 2003
Mind and Heart
It is amazing what we can do when we put our mind to something, especially if our heart is set on it as well. The mind and heart operating together is a very powerful combination indeed. - 2003
Mind of God
In the beginning was the Word ... but, who uttered the first words. Out of what mind did they originate. One might answer, the very mind of God. Perhaps, perhaps not. We can't even know whether God has a mind in anything close to the way we define and experience it. - 2002
Our minds are capable of some incredible things if we free them from the shackles that bind them. - 2002
We must learn to harness our minds or the power is wasted on endless diversions. - 2002
Life itself is a miracle in progress. The very facts that we exist and that we continue to exist through time in this incarnation, and beyond time between incarnations are astonishing in themselves. - 2004
Miraculous Expression
What we see unfolding is a miraculous expression. Each of us has a part to play in that expression ... this is our dharma, the work that we chose to come here to do.
- 1997
Miraculous Realm
We live in a miraculous realm. We truly do. It is a matter of seeing it for what it truly is, of being aware of all its majesty and wonder. - 2004
Mirror Reflections
I create pictures of how the World and how my Self look through my eyes, knowing that the WORLD and the ONE SELF are mirror reflections of which I am only aware of pieces. - 1998
The world is a mirrored reflection of yourself. What you find in the world has its corresponding reality within you. What you find inside of you has its corresponding reality in your world. - 2005
What we encounter in our world is a mirror of whom that we are. What touches us personally are those things for which there are compatible parts within us. - 2002
The surest way to stay on mission is to do what we are moved by spirit to do. That means we must know when spirit is moving us, and then must do as she moves us. This requires trust and faith in spirit. - 2003
Our mission is just that, our mission. It is for us to seek and find it. We can turn to others for help, but ultimately this is something that we have to learn and do for ourselves. - 2003
Nothing to excess, everything in moderation might be a worthy goal. Though it seems that this is easier said than done. - 2004
Life is a series of moments. It is for us to make each moment count as much as we can. In the end, it is what we do with our moments that matters. - 2002
The time and place for action is here and now. When we pay attention to what can be done in the moment, we find that the future takes care of itself. - 2002
Moved by Spirit
That is the key ... to do as we are moved by spirit to do. That means that we must have a connection to spirit within. That also means that we must have the discipline to abide by what it tells us. - 2003
Movies indeed are vehicles for the expression of this consciousness. They literally impact millions in ways that most have not yet begun to expect. It matters not that the movie is fiction. When it is experienced, it is REAL! - 1999
Multinational Corporations
We don't have one country which controls major portions of the world as in times past. Though we do have major worldwide economic powers ... multinational corporations that span the political boundaries. There are fewer of these than there are countries in the world. - 2002
With great music, we have been able to move the mind beyond thinking to experiencing a harmony that it does not otherwise see in the world. - 1998
Mysteries are to be experienced and known, not analyzed and understood. They strike our heart and intuition first, and then leave their impression upon our brains. - 1994
There is nothing wrong with mysteries ... in fact, they are what make life interesting. Indeed, they are among the most important things that can happen to us. Life itself is a mystery, as is spirit and consciousness. - 2002
There is something about living the mystery that makes life worthwhile. - 2002
Mysteries are OK. They are what make life interesting. They are what make life the wonder that it is. As such, these are to be relished and enjoyed. - 2003
Being associated with a mystery can be quite exciting. The unknown is ever there, just one step from where we are. But, there is a sense of security as well, a sense that there is always room for one more step and after that another and another - 2004
The mind can be a difficult thing to fathom. And, consciousness, is even more mysterious. Yet, it is the very mystery that is the attractive force. - 2002
Mystery is a very good thing. It engages us and enlivens us in ways that nothing else does. Mystery is able to touch the spirit in us. It is akin to the sacred. It stirs our souls. And, our souls need to be stirred at times. - 2003
Mysteries are good. They challenge us and keep our interest. Not everything is meant to have an explanation, especially a logical explanation. Some things simply defy logic ... they exist in a realm outside of that in which logic or even rationality has power. - 2003
Mystery of Life
Life is a mystery and is meant to be such. Because of this, understanding is neither necessary, nor it seems possible.
- 2002
Some things are a mystery and are best left that way. Life is one of those such things. It is for us to live the mystery and simply be whom that we are. That is OK. This is as it should be. - 2002
The bottom line for much of life is that it is a mystery. Nothing more, and nothing less. Mysteries, and the unknown that is generally associated with them, have their place. Miracles are of the same order. These combine to make life rich and interesting. - 2002
Need to Know
Within, there is a source that knows everything that we could possibly need to know, either directly ... or via an ability to access and/or bring into our lives whatever we need to know. The operative term is need to know. - 2002
The bottom line is that each of us find exactly that information that we need to experience when we need to know it. Consciousness operates on a need to know basis. - 2002
We don't have to be omniscient to live our lives. However, it is useful to trust that we will always know what we need to know. One way or another the universe will ensure that. - 2005
There is a difference between want to know and need to know, a big difference. - 2005
Spirit is ever in the process of finding needs and filling them. - 2003
Consciousness knows exactly what we need. The various forces of the universe are called into play to manifest this in our lives. - 2005
We always get what we need. Always! Realize this and allow your life to unfold harmoniously in accord with natural laws. - 2005
Needs and Desires
The bottom line is that needs are always met. Desires may or may not be met depending on how committed we are to doing what it takes to make them so. Here, the universe doesn't limit us. - 2004
New Age
When open researchers start applying their whole brains to seeing and understanding the symbols and structures of the spiritual world, a truly New Age will be born on this planet. - 1994
A new age calls for a new mode of expression, and an accompanying new mode of being. It asks that we come to know ourselves to a greater degree than we thought possible so that we can more fully manifest whom that we truly are in flesh. - 2002
We are indeed at the beginning of a new age ... with possibilities for manifestation of which we have only dreamed. Now is the time to make those dreams real ... to establish the foundations needed to bring them down to Earth.
- 2002
It is not the world as it is that is important, rather it is the world as we are in the process of creating it to be. That is, a new world order in a new age. - 2003
We lie at the crossroads of a new age ... one that has been forecast for many years. We have been on the threshold of the age since at least the 60's. It seems though that now the dawn is finally upon this. A new day and a new age has come. - 2002
New World
We speak of building the foundations for a new world. That involves building an infrastructure that supports each and every individual on the planet to be the best that they can be. That means educational, social, political, economic, and spiritual systems that work to support this. - 2003
No Regrets
To live life without regrets, we need to make each moment of each day count, we need to make sure that the world is a better place as a result of our presence and our life. - 2002
No regrets. If I were to die tomorrow, I want to know that I fulfilled my mission as fully as I could in my life to date. That is the key, no regrets. - 2002
No regrets. It is important to live our lives so that we have no regrets. - 2003
The measure that we are ultimately held against is what we achieve versus what we had the potential to do ... with what we could have been. This makes it very important to live our lives without regrets. - 2003
No regrets. How do we live our lives so that we have no regrets? One important thing is to leave nothing that needs to be done by us undone. - 2002
We are meant to live our lives with no regrets. That doesn't mean that we have to do and experience everything. However, we do need to do and experience the things that are important to us. - 2003
No regrets doesn't mean that we have to do everything perfectly. Good enough is sufficient. In a resource constrained world ... we need to establish reasonable criteria for what is good enough. - 2003
Take care of now, and the future will take care of itself. - 2002
TRUST. Know that you will be placed exactly where you need to be to do what you need to do and to meet your obligations. - 1996
As we become more aware, it seems that we take on more and more obligations ... not because they are forced on us, but because we freely choose to recognize our responsibilities - 2002
My obligation is to do what I know to be right for me, and to do it fully, with all my heart and to the best of my abilities. - 2002
In our lives, we have those things we owe to our government and society, and those things we owe to spirit. We are not relieved from either. Obligations are part of life. They are necessary for society to function. - 2002
By being born into a society, and being entitled to the blessing that society offers ... we also inherit a spiritual obligation to apply ourselves in service to that society in some manner that uses our special abilities and talents.
- 2002
Obligations must be met one way or another. That does not mean that we can't hire out what we don't want to do ourselves, provided we have the resources to do so. - 2005
Doing what is ours to do is a sacred obligation that we all have ... whether we accept this or not. It helps if we accept this obligation willingly. However, we will experience the obligation regardless. - 2002
Freedom doesn't mean that we don't have obligations. In fact, when we are free, it seems we are in the best position to be able to accept those obligations that are rightly ours to bear. - 2003
Some things we just have to do to meet our obligations. Though we might wish that this were not the case, wishing doesn't make the obligations go away. However, there are usually options available as to how we meet these obligations. Some of these options are far more agreeable than others. - 2005
It is the observer part of ourself that is aware ... that sees things for what they are, that is not fooled by the illusions.
- 2003
Old Souls
Each of us are old souls that have incarnated many times. Even babies are accompanied by an inner spiritual wisdom.
- 2004
At some level we are ONE; we are not separate individuals. It is time we start acting in a manner consistent with this realization, so that we can see the results of this understanding manifest in our experience. - 1999
Living as one is definitely where we are headed. It is only appropriate, for in fact, we are one. - 2003
One Consciousness
Each of us is a unique aspect of the one consciousness ... a unique facet of the same diamond. - 2002
At some point, we must realize that we are ONE consciousness expressed through ONE people occupying ONE world, this blue-green jewel that we call Earth. - 2002
As individual expressions of the ONE consciousness, we each see things through unique eyes. The reality we experience is different. That doesn't make it right or wrong. That doesn't make it better or worse. That simply makes it different, unique for each of us. - 2002
There is one consciousness that animates us all. We all spring forth from that same source. This consciousness learns as we learn, expresses as we express, experiences as we experience. - 2002
We are ONE! One world, one race, one people, one entity, one civilization, one consciousness ... There must be a recognition, a realization of this simple yet great truth. - 2002
This is how we personally experience being ONE consciousness. We connect with others in ways that allow us to blend and merge our energies, interrelate, and enter into cooperatively interdependent relationships. - 2002
There is only one consciousness that animates us all. We are the portion of that one consciousness experiencing life as we do and expressing in the manner that we do. One of our tasks is to realize our interconnectedness with others.
- 2002
When we come from the perspective of ONE consciousness, we see everyone as cells in a single body that constitutes all humankind and perhaps even all beings. Just as the cells in the body are separated into organs with particular functions ... so the individuals within society are separated into organizations of various types. - 2002
There is only ONE consciousness from which we all spring. The partitions within that ONE consciousness are illusory separations that permit us to experience reality as we do. - 2003
There is only spirit, there is only consciousness, and all consciousness is one. - 2005
When we live a life of spirit, we go beyond personal responsibility ... we enter a realm where our lives become a very part of the ONE consciousness. Our life becomes the very life of the universe. We resonate with the chord that is ours to play. Until we find it, it is a lost chord. - 2002
There is only ONE consciousness of which we all are part. Everything that is manifest is the expression of a single consciousness creating and operating in the world. - 2005
One Hoop
There is indeed one hoop, one richly interconnected web that touches and contains us all. I would label that entity consciousness ... the one consciousness from which we all spring. What any one of us experiences, all of us experience.
- 2002
One More Step
There is always room for one more step no matter how close to the unknown that we venture. - 2003
One People
ONE people sharing one spaceship Earth living life in peace, understanding, unity, cooperation, compassion, freedom, abundance, friendship, and love. It is easy enough to dream, and easy enough to say ... but how do we manifest it?
- 2002
One Spirit
Spirit is all ONE! She is orchestrating everything. Those with roles to play will gravitate naturally towards what they need to do when they need to do it. It is not necessary for any one cell to know everything about the whole. The whole is the synergistic result of a collective cooperative effort. - 2002
One Step at a Time
One step at a time. Each step builds upon the step before. That is how life is lived. - 2003
One Whole
While it seems that different areas of our life are compartmentalized, this is not the case at all. Every aspect affects every other aspect. We are one whole. Any experience to the contrary is illusory. - 2005
One World
Until we are ONE world, we permit needless suffering to continue indefinitely. - 2004
We are one world composed of hundreds of nations, much as we are one country composed of 50 states. It is about time that we recognized this and acted in accord with it. It is easy to see our differences. It can be much more difficult to see our similarities. Yet, as human beings, we have a great deal in common. - 2005
When we live a life from the perspective of Oneness, we allow spirit to guide our lives and we stop making choices. We simply do what we are moved to do and we express whom that we truly are as much as we can. - 2005
Openness is the key to allowing more to unfold in your life. - 2005
Don't expect opportunity to come knocking at your door. Sometimes you have to take the initiative to allow it to find you. - 1994
Our lives are meant to be challenging to us ... providing us with the opportunities to be the best that we can be.
- 2002
Each day provides its opportunities and its challenges. We can choose to accept them and the gifts that they offer, or avoid them and thus put them off for another day. - 2002
Every day is a new adventure. Every day brings new opportunities for expression. It is for us to be the adventurer and to take advantage of the opportunities that come our way ... knowing that at some level we are the very creator that is manifesting the opportunities. - 2002
We consider this country a land of equal opportunity. However, this does not imply that the opportunities are the same for everyone. Equal does not mean identical, nor should it be. Opportunity is matched to our needs for experience and expression. - 2002
Once we discover whom that we are and why we are here ... all manner of opportunities are opened up for carrying out our missions. - 2002
Each day provides new opportunities. What we have done in the past is in the past. It does not suffice to rest on our laurels. We must ever prove ourselves by doing what we can do and being all that we can be. This is our constant challenge. This is what spirit asks of us. Further, it is what we should demand of ourselves. - 2002
We have to desire new experiences in our lives and then have to be willing to act upon the opportunities that present themselves as a result. - 2004
As we act, we set in motion more opportunities until in the end our reality is completely different because we allowed ourselves to be different. This is the way that we create our reality. It is completely within our power. In fact, we do it whether we know it or not. - 2004
Opportunities come from interaction. For the most part, they spring from relationships between people. - 2005
Take each opportunity as it comes and evaluate if that is what you truly want to do. - 2005
Be flexible. Evaluate the opportunities that come your way. You don't have to accept them all ... but they are coming into your life because you need them at this time. - 2005
There is a saying that opportunity only knocks once. We want to make sure that we are awake when it knocks so that we can open the door and invite it in. We must be vigilant. We must be ready. But, we also must be patient. This is not something that can be rushed. - 2002
Other Than Conscious Forces
We have a host of other than conscious forces within us that are actively engaged to do our bidding. We task them primarily via our belief system. - 2003
Other Than Conscious Levels
At other than conscious levels we choose and are responsible for all that we do and experience. - 2004
Other Than Conscious Parts
It doesn't hurt to rely on the other than conscious parts of ourselves. These are far wiser and far more capable than most would suspect. We are far wiser and far more capable than we might suspect. - 2005
Our Calling
It does not matter what our circumstances are. These can be changed. It does not matter what our specific abilities are. These can be honed and developed. If we search for what we most love to do, we will find our true calling.
- 2004
Our Grandest Self
We are ever in the process of choosing to express the grandest concept of our self that we can express. - 2003
Our Mission
You are not expected to do everything, only that for which your unique talents and abilities make you best suited. You have a mission, a role that is yours to perform. All that you are has been designed with this end in mind. - 1994
Each of us will experience exactly what we need to develop into the beings that we need to be to know and carry out our missions. - 2002
Our Place in The World
There is a sense that if we allow ourselves to we fall into our place in the world as naturally as a star falls into its place in the heavens. It is by spiritual law that this occurs. - 2004
Our Tasks
Each individuated consciousness has the same two tasks: one, to play its role to the best of its ability and two, to come to know itself. Most people err in spending too much time on task one and not enough on task two. - 1994
Each of us chose the tasks that we came to do in this existence. These are not as weights around our necks that hold us down, rather they are the very wings that set us free. - 2002
Our World
We each create our own worlds within a common environment that serves as a framework for experiencing physical reality. Though, we live as much outside of that framework as we do within it. - 2004
Out of Control
At deep levels, we are never really out of control ... though the control may not be consciously applied. Our Self, our soul, is always in control at some level ... always. - 2002
Out of Step
The most developed among us have always been out of step with the mainstream and walked to the beat of our own drummer. - 2002
Be not concerned with outcomes. These ultimately are in spirits hands. That does not mean that you can't learn from outcomes. Notice them and adapt your behavior accordingly to accomplish what you desire to accomplish. - 2005
Be not concerned with outcomes. You are to do as you are moved by spirit/consciousness to do. You will know what that is when it is time for you to act. However, you won't necessarily have much warning in advance. - 2004
Don't be concerned about specific outcomes. It is best to leave such things to consciousness herself. - 2005
Outer and Inner
The outer, the material, and the inner, the awareness are wrapped together as hand in glove. There is no separating of the two. - 1999
Passion is contagious. The flame that others see burning in us, is often sufficient to ignite or rekindle a flame in them. - 2002
We discover what we came to do by following our passion. - 2002
It is in those things that we are passionate about where we find that our most powerful and beneficial expression lies.
- 2002
We need something in our life that we can be passionate about. It doesn't matter what it is, but it needs to have the power to move us deeply. - 2003
If we change the filter of our beliefs, we can literally remember a different past ... one that is just as valid as the prior one. It is all a matter of focus and interpretation. - 2002
Past Laurels
There is a sense that there is no rest for the weary ... that past laurels, no matter how great, are not good enough. We must move ever onward to the next monition of consciousness, wherever it may take us. - 2003
We can't afford to rest too long on past laurels. It is for us to proceed ever onward to new heights and depths of expression. - 2003
Past, Present, and Future
The past is gone. The future will take care of itself based on what we choose to do in the present. - 2005
We are what we are in the moment. What we have been is past. It may impact the present, but it does not decide or dictate the present. Actually, the present is also influenced by the future ... or the probable futures. Yes, in a real sense, these already exist. We just haven't experienced them yet. - 2002
There are many paths to the ONE. Each of us must ultimately find the path that is right for us, and follow it to where it leads. - 2002
There are as many paths to spirit as there are people. Each of us must ultimately find the path that is right for us.
- 2003
There are as many paths to spirit as there are individuals ... perhaps even more. - 2003
Just as the acorn holds the pattern for the mighty oak, so there is a pattern for us that knows how to grow us into what we are destined to be. This happens naturally. All that it takes is the right nourishment. - 2004
We tend to get stuck in our patterns ... especially when that are comfortable to us. - 2003
Once the pattern is established, it can be replicated. Consciousness will use that pattern as she will, wherever it can be of use. And, from there we build ever new patterns. - 2005
We get what we focus our efforts on. If we want a more peaceful community on a worldwide basis ... we should not be spending tens to hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons and defense. - 2003
Peaceful World
There is a hoop, a circle that never ends that connects everything to everything. What we do to one, we do to all. We cannot tolerate war, hate, and aggression any longer. It is time to weave a peaceful world. - 2002
Force is not compatible with a peaceful world. Yet, strength is completely compatible. - 2004
From one standpoint, we are indeed beautiful peacocks ... some of us on the outside, others on the inside, and many a combination of both. - 2002
HERE and NOW, the Universe and all its manifestations is perfect. It can never be any other than that, for GOD is perfect, and cannot create anything other than perfection of itself. - 1994
We are in the midst of creating a perfect world now, everywhere, on all fronts simultaneously. - 1998
At some level, the manifestation that is all life is perfect in each moment, at least, as perfect as it can be in each moment. - 2002
It is not for us to compare what we experience with another ... though it doesn't hurt to get a different perspective from time to time.
- 2002
Physical World
The physical world is a playground for spiritual expression. - 2004
Piscean Rules
It seems that those who have lived their lives by Piscean rules are entitled to the fruits of their labors. - 2002
Plan of Consciousness
It is interesting to watch the plan of consciousness unfold. Indeed, there is such a plan ... and it is manifesting at all levels from the individual to the whole world, and perhaps even to multiple worlds that extend far into the galaxy and beyond. - 2002
Each of us is being groomed for a particular role in the plan of consciousness. If we allow ourselves to ... we will fall into that role naturally. - 2003
There is a plan for the evolution of consciousness that is being manifested in flesh. We are the players in that drama. Our individual lives fit within the context of a larger whole. We did not make that whole, but we contribute to it with every aspect of our being. - 2003
Each of us take on change to the degree that we can and to the degree that is necessary for our lives to unfold in accord with the plan of consciousness. This plan has a destiny in store for us. There is a role that we came to play. Actually, several roles in various areas of our lives. - 2002
There is a plan of consciousness that is being enacted. Day by day it is being unveiled. Where it is leading and what we will be able to do once we get there remains to be seen ... but the sense is that miracles will be as child's play.
- 2003
Plan of Spirit
Life will unfold as it is meant to unfold. Spirit has a plan for the expression of spirit in flesh. This covers both individual and collective expression. The smaller plans fit within the context of a grand plan. - 2002
Planting Seeds
Each contact point in our life is special. It provides a place where a seed can be planted. We never know exactly how fertile the soil is until we see what comes to fruition from what was planted - 1998
Earth, and the world that we know is but one playground in which spirit can express and explore whom that it is. And what a splendid and wonderful playground it is. - 2002
We are the playwrights in our own lives whether we know this or not, whether we believe this or not. - 2004
Point of Power
The point of power is the present. That is where our actions have the power to impact our reality and the reality of the larger world. - 2002
You can't take it with you applies to physical possessions ... not to spiritual ones. - 2002
The future is ripe with possibilities, but these must be embraced and accepted in the moment to make them real in our lives. - 2005
There is such great potential in each and every individual ... and even more so when we consider the collective. The trick comes in realizing this potential. When we do so, our individual and collective achievements will truly be beyond imagination. - 2005
You came into this world as a capable being full of potential. It is simply a matter of realizing who you truly are and expressing that. - 2005
It is up to the individual as to how much they want to do to achieve their potential. We all have far greater potential than most of us even begin to suspect. We will be amazed at what we can accomplish when we put our minds and our hearts to it. - 2003
Keeping people below the poverty line is wasteful of resources. It should be changed, and will be changed when the collective goodwill of the people demands it. - 1999
Society should have a collective responsibility to ensure that no one is forced to live in poverty by circumstances beyond their control. - 2002
In this day and age, no one should be living in poverty. We have more than enough economic capacity to produce the goods and services needed by everyone in society. It is a matter of choosing to distribute these goods and services where they are needed. - 2003
The only place that we have any power is in the moment ... right here and right now. - 2003
Power of Choice
We have the power of a choice of action in the present, that allows us to create a dramatically different future, and by some accounts a correspondingly different past. After all, the past is a set of recollections that we have. - 2002
Power of Love
The power of love is far greater than that of fear if only we allow ourselves the freedom to express it. - 2002
Power of Words
In the right minds at the right time, words have the power to do amazing things ... up to and including transforming the world as we know it. - 2002
Powerful Creatures
We are extremely powerful creatures, far more powerful than any among us has yet imagined. Collectively, we have a power that is awesome. The key is to find ways to harness it for the collective good. This is easier to say than to do.
- 2002
Powerful Souls
We are each powerful souls, regardless of what our present physical form may indicate. - 2002
Practice is all that it takes to revive our skills. We learn by doing. The more we practice, the better we get. However, how we practice can make a big difference. - 2004
Precious Beings
It is time more people realized how precious they are, how fragile, and yet how powerful. - 2003
Precious Gift
This thing called life is a precious gift ... every moment of it. Now is constantly sustained by spirit. Every moment, life is renewed. Each moment is a death and a new birth. Similarly, each night is a death to the waking consciousness, and each morning a rebirth of that consciousness. - 2002
Precious Moments
Every moment is precious. Every moment is an opportunity to excel, to express spirit in a bold new way. However, to do this, we must be the best that we can be ... no holding back. - 2002
Precious Stones
We are all as precious stones on the inside. It is up to us to find the stone that we are, clean it, polish it, and even cut it into shape ... and then share the brilliance of our light with the world. - 2002
Our major problems are spiritual problems. They can only be resolved with spiritual solutions. - 2003
When problems go unsolved for decades ... we simply aren't expending the right resources to fix them. - 2003
We live in a world where spiritual problems abound. Hunger, poverty, crime, terrorism, war, ... all of these are spiritual problems. They exist because we have refused to take responsibility to care for one another collectively.
- 2003
Spirituality teaches us that all problems are our problems. What we do to another, ultimately, we do to ourselves.
- 2003
Effectively, our whole lives are a process of programming our brains. We are attempting to create the infrastructure for spirit to express in flesh. - 2002
Propelling Force
External pushing only works for a while. At some point, we need to become the propelling force ourselves for our actions in the world. We do things because that is the most natural expression of who we are. And, what we are is spirit expressing in flesh. - 2004
Be whom that you are, and providence will guide your hand in fulfilling your destiny. And, when providence guideth, there is never a lack of required abilities. - 1994
The pages that I create are the rooms of my psyche, the places and states where my psyche and spirit has wandered.
- 1998
The things, structures, and organizations in the world are there for a purpose -- they have a reason to exist, a reason that facilitates or demonstrates the unfoldment of a Grand Plan. - 1994
Everything has its place and its purpose in our lives. Everything is there for a reason. Everything contributes to whom that we are and what we can express in the world. - 2002
We have a purpose, a reason for incarnating into this very existence. While we may have established some challenges to overcome ... we stacked the deck so that we would succeed in accomplishing our mission. - 2003
Pursuit of Happiness
Our founding fathers considered the pursuit of happiness to be an inalienable right. Note, they said pursuit of happiness, not happiness itself. This is a major distinction. Pursuing does not guarantee that we will find what we are pursuing. We may, or we may not. - 2002
Questions are one of the tools we consciously use to focus our awareness on what we most need to know. - 2002
Questions are one of the primary means for demonstrating that we are ready to know something. - 2002
One sign that we need to know something is the questions that we are moved to ask. When questions are formulated and expressed, it seems that they attract the very answers to address them. - 2003
Questions are a powerful means of self-discovery and of reality creation as well. They allow us to focus our energies on what we want, or more precisely, on what we need to know. - 2003
When we are ready to ask questions, it is a sure sign that we are ready to find the answers to those questions. It is a matter of focus and persistence. - 2004
Questions show our intent. They point out where we wish to go and how fast we desire to get there. - 2004
Questions are a way of life. They are a useful tool for fashioning and interpreting the reality that we experience. Both creating this reality and interpreting it are of equal importance. It is the interpretation process that results in meaning. - 2004
In many respects, the quality of our questions determines the quality of our life. So, learning how to ask the right questions is quite important. - 2004
Asking with expectation of an answer nearly always results in an answer. We may not like that answer, in which case perhaps we should rephrase the question. - 2004
Questions are powerful. Through our questions we attract experiences into our lives that bring answers, at least to those questions for which we have a need to know the answers. - 2002
Two key questions dominate life: who are you, and what do you want? - 2004
Quiet Time
Busily doing things is not necessarily the most productive way to live our lives. It is amazing what some quiet time can do for the mind and for the soul. - 2002
Meditation and quiet time are important. It is amazing what benefit silence can bring to one's life ... especially if it allows you to connect to and listen to the source within you. - 2003
But, then, in our quiet times ... when we look within, we find that still place from whence we spring. It is in those times that we know whom that we are. It is in those times that we are in touch with our inner self ... the seat of our soul. - 2003
Reach and Grasp
Our reach should exceed our grasp. That is what keeps us striving for more. However, it should not be so far beyond our grasp that we will never achieve it ... whatever it may be. - 2004
We experience what we are ready to experience. That readiness comes from an inheritance from past lives, and from our efforts at knowing ourselves in this lifetime. - 2002
Reality is indeed far stranger and more glorious than our fictions could ever be. - 1996
Spirits' nature is to express creatively in the world. She is the muse behind all genius, the beauty behind all expression. She is the very weaver of the fabric that we call reality. And, what a rich tapestry she has woven for us to play in.
- 1999
Reality is created not so much by what happens as by what meaning we assign to what happens. - 2002
Your reality is shaped as much by what you choose not to do as by what you do. - 2002
The world is what we make of it. Reality is whatever we choose to experience it to be. We have that much power both individually and collectively. - 2002
Reality is what we make of it. To change it, we have to change what we are, what we do, and what we believe. This we can do at any time. It is a matter of choice, a matter of being dissatisfied enough to move us to action. - 2004
Our very reality is crafted by us to draw out the best in us. - 2005
It seems that reality is far stranger than any of us have ever imagined. Our greatest physicists are speaking much like mystics. Perhaps we are seeing a reunion of science and religion ... or at least of science and spirituality. - 2005
Reality Creation
This is a game we are playing, hiding from ourselves the fact that we create the events in the game even as we experience them. That is, we create the very reality to which we react. - 1994
Our reality is created by subconscious processes that are highly aware of all that they need to know to function in the world. - 1994
The laws of reality creation are valid for everyone. Everything works as it does because of them. These are spiritual laws however, and science has not yet discovered the most important of them. - 1998
Reality creation is a process that we are constantly engaged in ... not only as experiencers, but as observers and creators. - 2002
Reality creation is a game that we play ... an engaging one, but a game nonetheless. As such, it should be something that we have fun playing. - 2002
Reality creation is about manifesting ideas, about making thoughts real. - 2002
There is a basic law of reality creation. We get what we focus upon. The more the focus, the more force with which the necessary reality is manifest to conform with the beliefs. - 2002
We live in a time when we can conform reality to our bidding. We are magicians that can create whatever reality we so choose. - 2002
We create our reality whether we believe that we do or not. One key result from this is that there is no one but us to blame for anything that happens to us. This is a powerful pill to swallow, and many live their entire lifetimes without realizing this truth. - 2002
We can be the creators of our reality, and the masters of our fate. Perhaps we are this whether we consciously know it or not. - 2002
At some level, we are all masters at the art of reality creation. - 2002
Reality creation is one of the most important endeavors that we engage in. It seems that if we are to play the game well, we must learn the rules, and learn the techniques which optimize getting the results and experience we want out of the game of life. - 2002
We create reality in accordance with our beliefs ... both individually and en masse. That is simply the way it is. We can choose to accept this and consciously co-create the reality we would prefer, or we can ignore this and allow other than conscious processes to create this by default. - 2002
We attract into our lives what we believe that we will experience. The spiritual laws of reality creation work the same for all ... though, it seems the more aware that we are, the quicker the laws seem to work. - 2002
This business of reality creation is not easy stuff ... yet, at the same time, it is mere child's play if we view it from the right perspective. - 2003
Crafting reality to be what we want it to be is creation at its finest. The trick is to make sure what we want for ourselves is aligned with what spirit has planned for us. - 2003
We are all the conductors of our own lives. Moreover, we are the composers as well. We create it all ... everything that we experience. - 2003
We literally create the reality that we experience, every aspect of it. - 2005
Everything that we experience is drawn into our lives by us. We literally create our own reality. - 2005
The fact is that we create our own reality ... regardless of whether we believe this or not. - 2005
We each create the life that we are meant to lead. We each are responsible for all that we experience. Yes, everything ... no fine print, no exceptions. We are that powerful. We are that much in control of our destiny. We create the very reality that we experience. - 2002
We can do whatever we set our minds and hearts to do. Yes, we are that powerful. We are creators all, creators of the reality that we experience. - 2002
At some level we know what is in store for us. We are attracting everything into our lives. We are cooperating with others and co-creating scenes and acts that we intend to play out in our lives. We create our own reality ... every aspect of it. - 2002
We need to accept what life brings. However, that doesn't mean that we can't take action to change it if we are so moved. We create our reality. What life brings is what we manifest in that reality. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, much of this happens subconsciously, behind the scenes. - 2002
We are free to fashion our reality in any manner that we choose. However, we bear full responsibility for all consequences of our choices as well. - 2003
There is a time lag involved in reality creation. This can be on the order of weeks and even months at times. Be patient however. In the end, things do indeed work out as they are meant to. - 2003
We create our own reality. We draw it unto ourselves via our beliefs ... and primarily our conscious beliefs at that.
- 2003
We already live in an interdependent world. The sooner we accept this consciously, the sooner we can start to take advantage of how reality creation works in such a world ... the sooner we can start to create the world that we choose to live in. - 2003
Reality is subjective. The whole process of reality creation is subjective. It is not clear that the sciences will ever offer us answers in these domains. These are the domains of the spiritual. - 2003
It is amazing what happens when we start to take responsibility for ourselves and the reality that we create. When we do this spirit herself kicks in with untold forces to aid in our endeavors. It is as if we command an army from on high to do our bidding. - 2003
Reality creation is not a difficult process. It is not something to labor over for untold hours. It is something that we should allow to naturally unfold in our lives. - 2004
Indeed, it is consciousness that creates reality ... whether this be on conscious or other than conscious levels. - 2004
We create our own reality. I'm not the first to say that and I clearly won't be the last. The truth is the truth. It will be uttered until it is understood. Ultimately, it will transform the world. - 2004
That is how reality creation works. We do what we can in the moment. That is the point of power. That is where all paths diverge. That is also the point of choice, the point that determines which path we will follow. - 2005
We create our own reality. If we don't like what we are experiencing individually or en masse, there is no one to blame but us, there is no one that can fix it but us. - 2005
Our lives are meant to be joyful. Our spirits are meant to playfully create the reality that we experience. - 2005
Whatever we need shall be drawn into our reality. That is the way that reality creation works. Though, it may not be completely to our liking or in the timeframe that we might prefer. - 2005
Realm of Information
Many of us spend significant amounts of our time in the realm of information and ideas. This realm is just as real as anything that might be considered physical. Actually, in the information age that we are in, it may even be more real, because it is where much of our reality is. - 2002
Reaping What We Sow
Ultimately, we reap what we sow. What we invest of ourselves ultimately pays dividends. Maybe not right away. Sometimes it takes time for the interest to compound or for the market to turn around. - 2003
Reason and Intuition
Reason and intuition are dual sides of the same coin. To operate from one without the other is to go through life with heavy blinders on. - 2002
Without intuition, we have no compass and vehicle for creative expression. Without reason, we have no follow through and means for evaluating the relative utility of things. - 2002
Trust not what your eyes and other senses tell you. They reflect to you whatever you would have them reflect, for it is your own thoughts and beliefs that come back to you. - 1994
If "God" is the ability to create in one's own image, then what we are building is a reflection space that permits us to see ourselves in our reflections. The greater one's consciousness, the more one sees in this space. - 1999
Our personal world reflects back to us whom that we are in the eyes of the world. This may or may not be consistent with whom that we believe ourselves to be. - 2003
Relationships with Spirit
All relationships with spirit are cooperative and interdependent. They are also unconditional, since this is really the only way that the love from spirit can be expressed. This is its only nature ... it will not be molded by any restriction or conditions. - 2002
There is nothing that is right for all. Nearly everything in this world is relative. In particular, our reality is relative to whom that we are. - 2004
While repetition works in building a skill, it is not an efficient way to bring the message of spirit through. - 1994
Resigning Our Will
When we resign our will to spirit, a new level of organization takes place in our lives. Our wants, our desires, get replaced by higher wants and higher desires. These come from spirit herself via our consciousness. - 2005
Trust that the resources that you need to support the accomplishment of your mission will be there when you need them. Remember, it is not you that makes things happen, it is consciousness -- and her resources are inexhaustible.
- 1996
In general, we seem to have two scarce resources ... money and time. For most people, money seems to be the tightest constraint. It seems that time only becomes a critical factor once one has sufficient money to live a comfortable life.
- 1998
If we partition the workload properly, we will always find that there are sufficient resources to do the overall job good enough. The trick is to make good enough as near to as good as can be within the resource constraints that apply.
- 2002
We can do whatever we choose to do. It is a matter of applying our best and brightest and employing the necessary resources to do it. We tend to do whatever we set our minds and our hearts on. Resources are everything. - 2003
Respect is a very powerful tool, especially when based on integrity. - 2002
Give people the respect that they are due. It is not often that we are given the chance to walk in their shoes for a while. Until we do so, we have no right to pass judgment. Actually, even if we walk in their shoes, it seems that we still have no right to pass judgment. - 2002
Along with privileges come responsibilities -- with sacred privileges, sacred responsibilities. - 1994
Individual responsibility is not enough unless we add the idea that there is only one individual. And that, is a huge addition that most people are not willing to swallow. - 1994
Along with the power to create comes a great responsibility for one's creations. - 1998
We are individually and collectively responsible for everything that we experience. - 2002
We create it all ... the good as well as the bad, and everything in between. It is time for us to take responsibility for this and clean up our mess. - 2002
What we see collectively is a result of our collective choices. Until we take responsibility for all that WE experience, we are not doing are part. - 2002
It is not enough simply to do our jobs at work and take care of our family. We need to extend this to serving the family of man. That means taking on a level of responsibility in society that many have not thought about, much less chosen to accept. - 2002
We are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. We are the authors, the playwrights, the directors.
- 2002
What we do to any one of us, we ultimately do to all of us. That is a very powerful principle. However, we need to take the next step and realize that we have a sacred responsibility to one another. - 2003
We have a right to use things. However, with this right comes the responsibility of stewardship. - 2003
For many, being responsible for creating their own reality is too big of a burden to bear. They would rather have someone else to blame for their troubles. - 2003
This is how we make the world a better place. We teach each individual of their responsibility to society and society's responsibility to them. - 2004
We are all responsible for everything, including how we treat people in other countries. - 2004
We are responsible for it all, for everything that we experience. There is nothing for us to blame for anything except ourselves. And then, it is not clear that blame applies either. What happens, happens. It is for us to learn from this and adjust our beliefs and actions to see different results in our experience. - 2002
We are responsible not only for ourselves, but for one another. The sooner we realize this and act in a manner consistent with it, the sooner many of the problems that plague our society will start to diminish and vanish. - 2003
I take responsibility for all that I create ... both consciously and other than consciously. I accept all that I experience as the result of choices that I either have made or chose not to make. Yes, the later are just as important as the former.
- 2003
Each of us have responsibilities ... sacred responsibilities that we must carry out during our life. The sooner that we accept this and accomplish it the better. - 2003
Right to Live
Trust that you have a right to live and to express who you are. In fact, the universe expects this of you. - 2005
Each of us leaves our ripples on the pool of the world and these interact in a manner that results in impacting others and the world in some way. How we do this is up to us ... we decide by the very way that we choose to express in our lives. - 2004
Be willing to risk more and give more ... that is the only way to get more. - 2005
We must be willing to risk if we want to achieve rewards. The bigger the risks, the bigger the potential for rewards. But, there is a conservative side that says we should avoid risks where we can as they tend to lead to nothing but trouble. - 2003
Each of you have many roles and responsibilities to carry out, some great and some small. This gives your life the richness of interconnectivity that you experience. - 1994
We intuitively know what we are here to do, and what rules we need to play by as we express. - 2002
There are hard rules and soft rules. Hard rules apply to everyone incarnate and simply cannot be broken while we are in flesh. Soft rules, however, can be bent and even broken if necessary. - 2002
Within reality, there are hard rules which are absolute, and soft rules which can be broken given appropriate training and the proper circumstances. Many people are not aware of the soft rules. They falsely assume everything is absolute. To get beyond the soft rules, we must get beyond the limits that we have accepted in our minds. - 2002
Some rules in the game of life are like that, they have limited applicability. Part of the challenge is for us to figure out which rules apply to us and which don't. This requires keen powers of observation on our part. Awareness helps as well. - 2002
Sacred Responsibility
We are all related to each other. Because of this we have a responsibility to one another. This is a sacred responsibility, spirit to spirit. - 2002
Safe World
The world is safe. We have a rightful place in that world. Nothing can befall us unless we choose to experience it. We are that powerful. We are creators all. - 2005
Science has come a long way to understanding the nature of various levels of worlds. But, quantum physics only leaves us with probabilities from which an act of consciousness is required to collapse the probabilities into the events that we experience. - 2005
Science and Spirituality
We need spirituality to guide science into doing the things that are right for individuals, society, and the world. We need science to apply discipline to our pursuits into metaphysical domains. - 2002
We are sculptors all. It is up to us to sculpt our lives into what we would have them be. Interesting, what we would have them be. Not what someone else might want for us. In the end, we are accountable.
- 2004
Seeing and Believing
There is a saying, seeing is believing ... but they got the order wrong. In many cases, we don't see something until we believe it. So, in a very real way believing leads to seeing.
- 2002
How many seekers there are, I have no means of knowing. But our numbers are significant and they are growing. We are the wave of the future. We are the harbingers of a new age. - 2002
Seeking and Finding
We always find whatever we seek. Maybe not in the moment, but eventually.
- 2002
It is important that we do a self-assessment on a regular basis. Only we know what we can do and when we are fully engaged. - 2002
Self-assessment is difficult work. And, one may not like what one finds. But, it is better to know where one's strengths and weaknesses lie than to wander through life unaware. - 2003
It is only through self-awareness that we become all that we can be. And this is one of the strongest dictates of spirit.
- 2005
Self-discovery is extremely important. The voyage of self-discovery is the major journey of our lives, the one journey that all must make. - 2002
The journey of self-discovery is truly an adventure, the likes of which no earthly adventure can compare. However, we need to give our consciousness the space to soar to heights unknown and to realms beyond imagining. - 2003
As time goes by, other than conscious parts of me tend to become conscious parts of me. That is what the process of self-discovery is all about. - 2003
We need to stretch beyond the confines of what we thought we were capable of to find what we are truly capable of. That is part of the path of self-discovery. We will be amazed at what we will find. It is all a matter of looking in the right directions. - 2004
Self-knowledge is the way out of illusion. This has been taught for untold ages, yet few follow the straight and narrow path that leads to enlightenment. - 1994
Self-knowledge is extremely empowering. If we don't know whom that we are, how can we express this in society to do the works that are ours to do? - 2002
When we operate as the observer of ourself, we have achieved a new level of self-realization, and that is ultimately what we are here to do. - 2004
We can be self-reliant and still exist within a circle, a hoop that connects everything and everyone. - 2002
Selling Our Soul
There seems to be a tradeoff between what we can receive and what we need to sell our soul to do. - 2002
There can be no separation other than that which we choose to create and experience. Much of the richness of our experience, however, comes from our willingness to explore separation and limitation. - 2002
Do what it is that only you can do, for that is the most important service that you can provide for spirit. - 1994
Service involves giving of oneself to something greater than oneself. - 2002
Whenever we fully engage our talents and abilities in service, we are being all that we can be. This is all that can be asked of anyone. - 2002
When I operate in the service of spirit, what I desire is what she desires to manifest through me. There is no separation. - 2002
Service is the only thing that truly has value, especially those services we perform out of love. - 2002
The greatest service seems to be service to spirit herself. This seems to be the service that allows us to maximize the benefit of our endeavors to all concerned. - 2002
Service is the only thing that ultimately has value. This is what the expression of spirit is all about. It serves by seeing where there is need and then finding a way to fill the need. It does this everywhere at once. And it uses us as its instruments for filling the needs that it finds. - 2002
Our service is what primes the prosperity pump. The more service, the more prosperity ... it is that simple. - 2002
Service is the key ingredient out of which abundance is manifest ... an abundance that encompasses the whole world, an abundance that operates on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. - 2002
Service to others is all that truly matters in this world. In all other modes of operation we take. In providing service, we give. - 2002
Service ... a simple word, one that should be a commandment to all. It is through service that we define whom that we are in the context of others. - 2002
When we focus on service, on what we can do to serve others, society, and our world ... we engage the greatest parts of ourselves. We may not know exactly what we are doing, but there is a surety in our step. We are personally guided by spirit. - 2003
Service is always of benefit to others. Whether this be one or many is irrelevant. - 2004
It doesn't matter how we serve. Though, it helps if our service fully employs our greatest talents and abilities. We can serve publicly and openly or privately. We can even serve anonymously. - 2004
It is our choice as to who we help and how. We can serve individuals, groups, society, or even the world. We can even serve in ways that none except spirit herself are aware. It literally is wide open. There are no restrictions, and rightly so. - 2004
Service is very important. We are meant to serve ... to apply our skills and abilities in such a way that we serve others. The sooner that we realize this and start doing it, the better it will be for everyone, ourselves included. However, it is important that we do this unconditionally. - 2002
In many areas of our lives, we trade our services for pay, or for some things or services that we desire. The greater good is gained when we do things without consideration for what we will get. Universal law applies. We will indeed reap what we sow. - 2002
Life is about service ... service to self, service to family, service to society, and even service to the world. - 2002
It is through service that we encounter meaning in our lives. - 2002
Service is everything! In the end, it is what we have given of ourselves in service that truly matters. This is what distinguishes us. - 2002
Probably the most important question that we can ask is how can we serve? - 2002
Each of us have unique gifts and talents. Part of our challenge is to find a way to use them in service to society and the world. - 2003
Whatever gifts we are given are meant to be used in service to spirit. Serving society and serving humanity is serving spirit. - 2003
Seek to serve first with all your heart and soul, and your reward will be abundance on all levels. However, the service must come first and must be voluntary. - 2004
Service and Love
When it comes down to the bottom line, service is all that truly matters. I was going to say love, but that alone is not enough ... love needs to be expressed and applied in some manner. - 2002
Service to Spirit
Spirit may prod and push gently ... but it is up to us to volunteer to offer ourselves in her service. This is one of the greatest and noblest things that we can do. However, it requires a kind of resignation that most are not willing to embrace. - 2003
Serving Society
You either agree to serve society ... or you cannot participate in the abundance created by society. - 2002
Consciousness' only weapon is to shine its Light wherever it can, that the shadows can be seen to be what they are, mere shadows. - 1994
We are very poor at generating and sharing information. As a result, we have many people doing the same thing over and over again. This is a very poor use of resources that we simply should not tolerate. - 1999
This is how we accelerate the rate of spiritual growth. We SHARE! We share what we have, we share what we feel, we share what we know, we share what we experience, we share whom that we are, as much as we can. - 2002
The greatest gift we can give to the world is to fully share whom that we are in whatever manner we find appropriate for us. - 2002
In the end, what truly matters is who we have become and how we have shared this with others in our world. - 2002
Each of us see things that others do not see, and sense things that others do not sense, and know things that others do not know. It is for us to find a way to share our worlds with others in manners that benefit each of us in the exchange. - 2002
For life to have value, ultimately it must be shared. - 2003
Sharing is a two-way process. It is an exchange of energy. - 2002
Share whom that you are with others as intimately as you can. You will not lose yourself in doing so, you will find yourself. - 2005
There needs to be an exchange of energy and the initiation of cooperative endeavors. Sharing is a two-way exchange when it is operating at its finest. Everyone has something to contribute. It is a matter of being open to what each can express. - 2002
It is not for us to impose our way on anyone else. We can freely share our way with all who care to listen. Indeed, we are encouraged to do so. For, great benefits can come from such sharing. - 2003
It is by sharing that we evoke the power of synergy. We can learn from one another's failures as well as successes ... and in doing so as a whole make fewer of the same mistakes and experience far more successes. - 2003
Sharing is easy when the audience is an unknown one. - 2004
Shining Light
Our goal is not to replace one set of shadows for another ... but to shine light where there was no light. - 2005
My sense is that whatever skills are needed for any task ... we will find that somewhere within the population not only do they exist in potential, they have been developed in practice, awaiting the day when they could be harnessed for the good of society. - 2002
Sleeping Dragon
We have only to unleash the sleeping dragon that lies within most of us, and the works that will unfold will be simply spectacular, beyond all our hopes and dreams. - 1994
It is time to be set free, and allow our spirits to soar where they will. However, it is also time to build the foundations that allow us to bring to earth what we find when we soar. - 2002
Social Contract
We are meant to give of whom that we are in service to our world in some way ... preferably in some effective way. In return, we are entitled to all that we need and more. That is the social contract. - 2003
We need a means for society and the individual to agree on the needs of each individual, and we need a means for society and the individual to agree on what services the individual will provide to whom and how. - 2003
Social Fabric
Choices are made within an overall social fabric that we create collectively. Change this fabric, and we free people to make entire new ranges of choices that simply did not exist before. We will be amazed at the collective creative freedom that will be unleashed as we do this. - 2002
Social Responsibility
Where we have people living at or below the poverty level, we are saying that it is OK for people to suffer and for people to receive less than they need to live a decent life. This is a measure of the level of responsibility that we have accepted both individually and collectively. - 2002
Social Systems
Social systems should serve us, not control us. However, we must realize that such systems do not exist separate from us. Social systems can adapt and change to meet our needs, whatever we decide those needs to be. - 2005
Society is a web in which every individual has their place, their roles, and their responsibilities -- but also, the means for meeting their needs effectively and efficiently. - 1994
The whole purpose of a society is to enable individuals acting together to do more than they could do as individuals alone. - 1995
Enlightened societies benefit from the collective resources of their entire constituency. - 1999
It is through the sharing of ourselves in ways that benefit others that we create a society among us. - 2002
Society is an entity, one that is just as real as any individual; one that is born, learns, grows, experiences, and creates.
- 2002
By giving each individual what they need to be whom that they truly are, society as a whole reaches levels unimagined. - 2002
In society, it seems we suffer by trying too hard to put round pegs in square holes. It would be far better to assess the shape of each person and then try to place them in the right place within society. - 2003
We need to decide what we want to be as a society, and as human beings. And then, we need to make our beliefs and our actions consistent with getting us there. It is our choice. It is up to us. - 2003
If we are going to partake of the benefits of society, we need to be willing to invest some part of ourselves in that society. We do this by contributing of our time and our talents. - 2003
Society is most effective when individuals are expending their finest abilities in service to society. Of course, society needs to keep its part of the bargain and ensure the needs of each individual are met as a result. - 2003
Solving Problems
Big problems do not necessarily require big and costly solutions. The trick is to attack the problems at their root causes and be innovative and flexible. - 1994
Something Meaningful
One never knows when something meaningful will enter our lives. Often this happens when we are in the midst of doing something else. - 2002
We are sorcerers of a sort, conjuring up the reality that we then experience. Each of us do this. Though, for most, this happens on other than conscious levels. - 2004
Our souls, our spiritual selves, are grander and wiser than we have ever imagined. Even for those of us who already hold grandiose visions of ourselves. - 2003
There are depths to the self, to the soul that may never be fathomed no matter how hard or how long we try. It seems that there are just some things that are meant to remain a mystery. - 2003
There is a spark of spirit, a soul, in every individual. That spark needs to be treated with dignity and given everything it needs to develop into all that it can be. - 2003
As souls, we are ancient beings ... some would say eternal beings. When we take on a new mortal form, we forget whom that we are for a while, and go about the business of living in physical reality. - 2002
Our souls are powerful entities in their own right. They are parts of the ONE consciousness. They are sparks of spirit ... literally god stuff. - 2002
Our souls know what they are doing, even if at times it seems that we do not. - 2004
Souls Incarnate
It is fine to have and acknowledge unknown portions of our greater self. We can trust whom that we are. We are all souls incarnate. As such, we know far more than we typically give ourselves credit for. - 2002
There is a source within that knows. This source can serve as a compass to help keep us headed in the right direction.
- 2002
Unless we are quiet, our own chatter drowns out any chance of receiving anything from source. - 2003
Spaceship Earth
It is time that we stood united, as the body of humankind on this spaceship earth that is our home. Actually, it is not only our home. We also need to be concerned about all lifeforms on the planet ... and the natural resources of the planet itself. - 2005
Sparks of Consciousness
One thing that may help is to start seeing the sparks of consciousness within others, and realizing that we are all special and have important gifts to give to one another. We do this by sharing our lives in meaningful ways. We do this by entering into cooperative interdependent relationships. - 2002
We can discover the spark of consciousness that is within us. We can learn to hear it and even communicate with it should we desire to do so. People have been doing this for untold ages ... and not just the avatars among us. - 2005
Spark of Spirit
Each of us has a spark of spirit inside of us. This spark is part of us ... but, it is also part of all that is, part of spirit herself. - 2002
Special and Unique
We are each special and unique. Spirit would have us celebrate this and allow it to permeate all that we do. - 2003
Special Numbers
Special numbers come up quite often. I take these as confirmation that spirit is at work in my life. Perhaps the numbers come up so often because I am looking for them. Then again, perhaps it is the universe trying to tell me something. - 2003
The greatest spirits on the planet should be filling those positions that require the greatest amount of spirit for the successful execution of their duties and responsibilities. - 1994
The lofty peaks of spirit, the all-consuming fire, these are what call to me. Compared to them even the greatest of earthly majesties is but a trifle. - 1994
Without spirit at the foundation, any structure will eventually become so flawed and so weak that it can no longer stand. - 1994
I still see spirit operating everywhere, yet I also sense that I may be ALONE in seeing reality from this specific perspective. - 1995
Spirit is subtle. It does not force its way or desires upon the world. It gives completely of itself wherever it is needed and called. It is primarily called by awakenings of awareness. - 1996
Everything is spirit and its expression. Yes, everything ... there literally is nothing else save spirit. - 2002
Spirit animates all life. She has been doing so since the very beginning of all that is manifest. She did not create it all. But it is through her and out of her that everything was created. - 2002
We can live weeks without food (the stuff of the ground), days without water, but only minutes without air ... and not one second without the fire of spirit that animates us. - 2002
Spirit has much more in store for us than we can imagine, if only we will allow her to impact our lives as only she can.
- 2003
Spirit has no power of her own. She must work through us to get things done in the world. - 2002
We are meant to live our lives as if spirit matters. - 2002
Spirit doesn't force us to do anything. She asks, and she gently nudges ... but it is up to us to choose what we do and how we do it. - 2002
What is important is not what we do of our own accord, but what we allow spirit to do through us. - 2002
We are spirit. It is high time that we lived our lives as if we truly believed this. - 2002
When we operate from spirit, we blur the line of individuality. We express from a connectivity to the collective. This is a matter of where our awareness resides. From my experience, this constantly fluctuates. However, the overall trend is towards greater awareness, and an increased tie to the collective, to the ONE source, the ONE consciousness that animates us all. - 2002
The major point is that we should live our lives as if spirit mattered ... for that is exactly what we are spirit expressing in matter. - 2002
There is not you and spirit. There is only you as the expression of spirit. Only part of this expression is in flesh. However, that is the part that counts. We have incarnated specifically to allow spirit to manifest and experience reality. - 2003
Spirit is orchestrating the unfoldment of the expression of consciousness in flesh. - 2003
Spirit is truly awesome! Her works are magnificent. Or, they can be if we allow them to be. - 2004
God is the creator, but spirit is the animating force that expresses through us. - 2002
Spirit does not waste effort. Each thing in our background is there because it needs to be. Each thing has its utility. Each thing provides its lessons and its challenges. - 2002
Spirit will not force her way into our lives. She gently prompts us at times, but it is up to us to listen and to choose to abide by what she says. - 2003
Spirit is there, ever ready to communicate. But, she awaits us to take the initiative and invite her to play an active role in our lives. Even then, we must develop a relationship with her. - 2003
It is spirit that is the wind beneath our wings. She allows us to soar to heights that would not be possible for us otherwise. - 2003
Spirit would not lead us astray. She always has our best interests at heart. - 2003
Spirit is amazing, however. She can literally move mountains if necessary to effect her works in the world. - 2003
Spirit knows what she is doing, even when we do not. We can count on her to guide us and to protect us. She takes us to where we need to go. She brings unto us what we need to experience. - 2003
Spirit will not be forced. She must be allowed to have her way. From my experience, she can be trusted to steer us on the path that is right for us. Though, it doesn't hurt if we participate and help in the process. - 2004
We are spirit, first and foremost. But, there is no part within our bodies where spirit resides. It is not in our heart, nor in our brain, nor even globally throughout the body. It is beyond all of these, springing forth from other dimensions entirely. - 2005
Spirit Enfleshed
We are spirit enfleshed. We are spirit having a physical experience. Because of this, spirit herself will see that we experience exactly what we need to experience. - 2002
We are spirit enfleshed, not only as individuals, but as collective organizations. Our organizations are still in their infancy compared to what can be achieved. We haven't truly empowered individuals working collectively for the common good. - 2002
Expressing spirit in flesh is what the game of life is all about. The more spirit is expressed, the better everything is.
- 2002
We are all spirit manifesting in flesh. Further, we are all souls that spring forth from the same ONE spirit, ONE consciousness. - 2003
At every moment, we are spirit manifesting in flesh as fully as we can here and now, under the circumstances that we have created for ourselves. This is true for every moment that we exist ... for each and every one of us. - 2003
The greater and greater expression of spirit in flesh is the name of the game. But, it has to be in flesh, or it doesn't count. - 2003
We are spirit enfleshed. All that we do is the expression of spirit at some level. What level depends on how open we are to spirit expressing through us. Openness requires a deep trust in the sanctity of spirit. Yet, the spiritual is by far stronger than anything material. - 2004
Spirit Expressing
Things evolve into greater and greater complexity, and as they do, the possibilities for spirit to express grow as well.
- 2002
When we see everything as spirit expressed in flesh, the perspective changes dramatically. - 2002
Each of us is a unique expression of spirit in flesh. Each of us is here to do something with our life ... something that makes a difference, whether it be to one or one hundred million. All that we can do is do what we are moved to do, be whom that we are, and express this as best we can. - 2002
When we choose to allow spirit to express through us, when we choose to live a life of destiny ... we are still responsible for our choice and for everything that comes of it. What has changed is that we now have a helping hand in our corner ... a hand from a source that knows us far more than we know ourselves. - 2002
There is nothing else except spirit in expression in this world. Everything is spirit. No exceptions. - 2003
It is amazing how spirit manifests in our lives. She works through us to do grand things. With her help, we can do far more than we have ever imagined possible for us. Rightfully so, because it is her not us doing the work. - 2004
For spirit to come forth through us with greater force, we have to step aside and clear the pathway. This is a giving up of oneself. In this case, for a far greater good to express. - 2004
We are all spirit in expression. That is what truly matters. Yes, we are physical, and we are meant to enjoy physical reality. However, equally and more importantly, we are spiritual and are meant to enjoy this part of our reality as well. - 2004
Everything is spirit in expression. Everything! - 2004
The more that I become, the more I open up, the more that spirit can express through me. - 2002
Every moment, every day, every month, every year spirit is always in expression through us. Yes, it seems some days more so than others. However, each day counts nonetheless. - 2002
This whole adventure that is life is about the greater and greater expression of spirit in flesh. It is as if it has to be manifest, to be realized, for it to count. - 2002
Everything is spirit in expression. Everything is thought congealed into forms of various types. Everything is vibration, the word made flesh ... and number. - 2002
We are the creators of our reality. We are the masters of our fate. We are the vehicles through which spirit expresses in flesh. We are spirit incarnate. As such, first we are spirit ... then we experience an incarnation. It is not a matter of the evolution of the physical to the spiritual. Everything is already spirit. - 2002
Spirit is somewhat neutral. She seeks to express in whatever manner she can express through the resources that she is given. She is given resources by our willingness to do her works. - 2003
Expressing spirit in flesh is the name of the game. We do that by making thoughts conscious, and more than that, by doing what it takes to actualize the thoughts in the world. - 2003
There is only spirit/consciousness in expression. There is literally nothing else. That doesn't mean that it is all light. There are many areas of darkness and shadows. But, these are only there until we find ways to shine light upon them.
- 2003
Spirit can express freely regardless of the amount of restriction and oppression imposed ... though it does seem to take exceptional souls to demonstrate this to us. - 2003
Spirit does what she does by working through us. We are her instruments, her hands, her feet, her voice, her mind.
- 2003
We have to be willing recipients and willing vessels for the expression of spirit through us for the process to work properly. If we fall short, we have only ourselves to blame. And, even then, if we do our best ... there is no place for blame. - 2004
The earth is becoming a more conducive environment for the expression of spirit in flesh. It has always been this, but now it is becoming orders of magnitude simpler. And, it will remain so for quite some time. - 2004
Everything is spirit in expression. Everything! Know that and act in accord with it. Yes, that means acting as if you are spirit. And, indeed you are. You know this. Find a way to truly live it. The more that you do so, the more your life will work and the happier you will be. - 2004
To open ourselves to spirit having a more active role in our lives, we have to create a vacuum, an open space or blank slate in which consciousness can manifest what she will. This often comes through creative expression spawned from intuition. - 2005
Spirit in Flesh
Every one of us counts. Every one of us has great value. We are spirit enfleshed, lost though we may be in whatever illusions we currently experience. - 1994
Our nature is spirit, regardless of the limitations of form that we have chosen to wrap ourselves within for whatever periods of time. - 1994
Spiritual transformation is the process of turning oneself inside out so that spirit may do its work in the world through the flesh. - 1994
We are indeed spirit expressed in flesh, forever learning how to embody more of whom that we truly are. This is the Great Work. All else pales in comparison. - 1996
We are here to experience the expression of spirit in flesh. We are consciousness first and foremost, expressing through form. Actually, we are the awareness of consciousness expressing through form. - 1999
The goal of enabling spirit to more fully express in flesh is achieved by making what is unique into what is commonplace. - 2002
We literally are spirit incarnate. Our awareness is spirits awareness. Our experience is spirits experience. Our expression is spirits expression. Everything is spirit ... no fine print, no exceptions. We are gods/goddesses in flesh.
- 2002
The more sophisticated and complicated our organizations, the higher the vibrations of spirit that can be embodied in flesh. - 2002
We are the vessels and channels through which spirit expresses. We are spirit enfleshed. Everything is spirit ... there simply is nothing else. - 2002
Spirit having a physical experience. That is what we are. We have always been thus. It is a matter of realizing this and acting in accord with this. When we do, our life clicks. We are doing what we are meant to do. We are being whom that we are meant to be. This is how our life is meant to be lived. - 2002
Spirit Incarnate
We are all spirit incarnate. We are all connected to the same one consciousness, some remotely by a very thin thread, others by a circuit of great capacity. It is not so much a matter of what connection we have ... rather it is a matter of how well we use the connection we have been gifted with. - 2002
Spirit Within
We need to find the spirit within that moves us. If we follow this source, and do as it moves us to do, we will always be operating optimally. - 2002
Spirit's Works
When we do spirit's works, the spirit within us is responsible for what happens as a result ... and she knows what she is doing. - 2002
Spiritual Beings
It is time people realize that they are spiritual beings living in a spiritual world. - 2003
Never underestimate the spiritual component of individuals. It is there in each of us, a giant waiting to be unleashed to do its works in our lives. But, it only operates by invitation. We have to choose to make it an active part of our lives. - 2003
Spiritual Beliefs
If we aren't changing the spiritual beliefs, we aren't tackling our problems at their core. - 2003
Spiritual Destiny
Each of us has a spiritual destiny. But, we only achieve it if we accept it and allow it to happen. - 2003
We each have a spiritual destiny to manifest. Herein lies our opportunity for greatness. We have each come to carry out a role in a spiritual master plan for the unfoldment of consciousness. - 2003
Each of us has a spiritual destiny to fulfill and barring extraordinary circumstances (or maybe even because of them) we will indeed reach a state where we can fulfill that destiny. - 2004
Spiritual Economics
Let the buyer beware is not an acceptable way to operate in a new age. Rather, let the seller be responsible is more appropriate. Unfortunately, the economic system doesn't yet operate this way. - 2004
Spiritual Expression
It is not sufficient to be a Master of this World -- that requires no spirituality. One must be a true master expressing spirit in flesh to the greatest degree possible at this time on this planet. - 1994
Spirit by its very nature seeks to express and unfold whom that it is in whatever way it can. We are the limiting factors in this expression, by the restrictions that we place on our connection to source, and on how we allow that source to express and manifest in our lives. - 2002
All expression is spiritual expression regardless of how light or how dark it may seem. In the world of illusion, we have the play of light and shadow. - 2004
Spiritual Gravity
There is a sort of spiritual gravity that operates to try to get us to where we need to be to actualize and then to act out our roles in the play of consciousness. - 2003
Spiritual Growth
For spiritual growth, one must focus on the unfoldment of the flower of consciousness. Consciousness itself must be nurtured, understood, realized, and transcended in a seemingly never-ending process. - 1994
Spiritual Job
Unlike the physical job, which physical circumstances force us to take; the spiritual job must be recognized and volunteered for. It must be done for the sheer joy and love of doing it, or it will not be done at all. - 1994
It seems that our spiritual job is something that we must volunteer for, something that we choose to do because we must, because we are driven to do it as the very expression of whom that we are. - 2002
Spiritual Laws
The laws of physics apply to us whether we believe that they do or not. Further, they apply equally to each of us. Spiritual laws are no different. They just operate in a different domain. - 2002
Spiritual Life
We are all spirit expressing in flesh already. However, this is not sufficient to lead a spiritual life. It takes something more. It takes a commitment to consciousness. It takes a commitment to expressing the unseen within us. Even then, it may not be enough. We need the grace of spirit to touch us ... to awaken us to whom that we are. - 2002
Spiritual Meaning
There is nothing that does not convey deep spiritual meaning if we are open to seeing what is truly there. - 1998
The world is alive with spiritual meaning. It is everywhere that we look. It is embedded in all of the symbol systems of the world. Everything has not one, not two, but multiple meanings.
- 2003
Spiritual Problems
It is time we realize that most of our social problems are spiritual problems and that if we want to fix them, we are going to have to find spiritual solutions.
- 2003
Spiritual Services
There is something special about providing spiritual services for free. This comes not from a sense that such services are worthless, but rather that they are priceless. - 2004
Spiritual Warrior
The life of a spiritual warrior is lived in consciousness, ever on the edge of the unknown, trusting that there is always room for one more step ... leaping forward where one can fighting off the demons of illusion, ever in search of truth.
- 1999
Spiritual Work
Our spiritual work, our mission, is indeed our play ... or, at least, it should be. - 2002
Remember, it is not us doing the work ... it is spirit doing the work through us. That doesn't mean that we don't have to do our part. After all, that is how spirit does its work, through us. - 2002
Spiritual World
The spiritual universe is there, right where you are, but you must change your frequency to see it. - 1994
The physical world and the spiritual world are intertwined together into one whole, they are not separate places.
- 1994
The spiritual exists intermeshed with the material world. The material world could not exist at all without the spiritual. - 1994
It is only our conscious mind that has been deaf and blind to the spiritual world. - 1994
Everywhere I look there is an orchestration or synchronicity of information that is undeniable. The spiritual world exists, it is here, one only need have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. - 1994
There is a spiritual world here amidst the illusion, in fact it is what creates the illusion to begin with. - 1995
Remember, the spiritual world is embedded within the consensus world that we experience. Within that realm, there are literally no limits to what can be manifest. - 1999
The spiritual world is all around you, but it is also within you. As without, so within, and vice-versa.
- 2005
Spirituality is the pole that holds up the tent of the self. Without it, we are effectively nothing. With it, we can do all things, we are effectively unlimited. - 2003
Spirituality should empower us to be all the we can be and to do all that we are meant to do. - 2003
Spirituality is one of the most intimate relationships that we have, the relationship between us and the source from which we spring ... the spiritual source that expresses through us. - 2003
Life is meant to have an element of spontaneity. This is what keeps us awake and alive. - 2003
It is not for us to live up to anyone else's standards. It is for us to find our own. We can march to the beat of an external drum if we choose. However, the best result seems to come from finding our own drummer within and marching to the beat of our own music. - 2002
Standing by Convictions
It takes courage and commitment to stand by our convictions and to express what we are moved to express from within. However, that is what we are here to do ... and it is up to us to do it. - 2002
Steering the Self
We only need enough control to steer the ship of the self to where we want it to go. That is, assuming that we have some idea as to where we want it to go. - 2003
Step by Step
Step by step, our lives unfold. With each step, the next one becomes clearer. - 2003
Student and Master
Whatever we need to further develop is there if we sincerely ask for it. Also, there is an old saying ... when the student is ready, the master will appear. Interesting, a new meaning for this just came to mind. Literally the student and the master are one and the same individual. - 2002
Subjective Experience
Our subjective experience is as real if not more real than our objective experience. It just exists in a different realm, one that won't be poked and prodded. - 2003
Ultimately, if we are persistent and innovative we will find a way to succeed at nearly any pursuit. - 2003
We don't always succeed at what we attempt to do. However, we do always succeed at what must be done by us. That is just how things work. - 2004
We have to expect that we will succeed in our endeavors. When we do so, the very forces of the universe come to our aid. - 2005
When our body is suffering, it affects the entire function of our being. Similarly, when significant parts of the body of humanity are suffering ... it seems shameful that other parts can live at high levels of abundance. It seems so unfair.
- 2002
It seems that there is still far too much suffering in the world. For the most part, this is unnecessary. We have the technology and the resources needed to create massive abundance in the world. We just don't have the infrastructure and the resolve to do it. - 2005
We are not meant to suffer. That is not our natural state. It is only when we fail to look out for one another, or when we assign particular meanings to things that happen that suffering results. - 2005
The superconscious is far beyond the conscious, and, in particular, far beyond objectivity and reason. That is where the realm of awareness lies. This is not an area where teaching is effective, at least not any teachings that I have encountered personally. - 2002
Symbol Systems
Our natures are literally written in the stars, and in our names, as well as in our genes. It is amazing how much information about us is encoded in the various symbol systems around us. - 2002
There is a spiritual world embedded in the symbol systems of the physical world. Actually, there may be several such worlds since many symbol systems are mapped onto the same elements. That is OK. All such systems are valid from their own perspective. Yes, that means there are many spiritual worlds. - 2002
All aspects of our life are orchestrated together into the symphony of whom that we are. - 2005
Synchronicities and coincidences, these are the places where the control exerted from the spiritual world bleeds through into physical reality. For the most part these are subtle. One has to pay close attention to notice them at all. - 1994
Synchronicities are bleedthroughs from the spiritual world into the physical world. - 2002
Synchronistic Order
Everywhere around me is a synchronistic order that defies explanation other than that it is the very nature of spirit expressing in flesh. - 2002
The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. That is where the synergy of systems comes into play. Evolution is building more and more complex bodies in which consciousness can be housed and enfleshed. - 2003
Systems exhibit synergy, the principal in which the functioning of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. How much synergy depends on the nature of the parts and on the complexity of the system. - 2002
In general, the more complex the system, the more synergy that is possible. This doesn't guarantee that the synergy will manifest. However, it is there in potential, locked up waiting to be released. - 2002
The power of synergy has the potential to magnify what spirit is able to do through us many fold. However, this power will not be unleashed unless we do what it takes to find ways to work with others. - 2002
We can do far more working together than the sum of what we can do working separately, that is provided we have the right working environment. That last condition is a big one. - 2003
Communities, as collective entities embody synergy when they are functioning well. Actually, all organizations have the potential to do this. But, it is only potential ... until the organization operates in a manner where the power of synergy can be evoked. - 2003
We will give up some of our independence for interdependence because we will see the necessity of it. And, via cooperation, synergy will kick in to give us rewards beyond anything we had even dreamed. - 2003
Synergy does indeed accrue from group endeavors when they are run properly. Further ... it is only through cooperative endeavors that the potential for synergy exists at all. - 2003
Taking Action
Thinking about things is not enough. Even being aware of things is not enough. To impact the world we must take actions consistent with our thoughts and awareness. - 2005
Taking Responsibility
Amazing things happen when we start taking responsibility for the world in which we live. - 2003
Taking Risks
We need to be willing to take risks and act. It is OK to be wrong sometimes. No one is perfect. However, we should observe the results of our actions and learn from our mistakes. - 2002
Talents and abilities are varied for a reason. It makes for a much more interesting variety of expression and experience in the world. - 2002
Where there is a talent, there is a need for that talent. - 2003
We hone talents by using them. "Practice makes perfect" is a wise old saying for a reason. - 2004
Tapping Source
When we tap source, we also tap into the great reservoir of cooperative effort that lies beneath everything that we experience. Because of this, things are orchestrated without us having to even try to make them so. - 2002
Everything in our lives is there to teach us something. Sometimes it takes many years to determine what that is.
- 2003
Terrorism strikes deeply, instilling a fear that pervades our reality. We know not when it will strike nor how. Its perpetrators don't live by the rule of law. Their agenda is one of hate, and they have no concern for engaging non-combatants. - 2002
The Alphabet
It is amazing how combinations of 26 letters, a space, and a few punctuation marks can be sufficient to create untold works from the mundane to the extraordinary. Among our most gifted writers and poets ... these symbols are as paints in the hands of a master artist. - 2002
The Body
The body is an incredibly complex machine which is the home for an incredibly complex symbol processing system that constitutes the brain ... which in turn seems to be the home in which the mind dwells. - 2002
The Contract
Our contract with spirit is that in exchange for being whom that we are and giving all that we can give in service to spirit, we get our needs met ... all of them, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. - 2002
The Edge
There is something about being on the edge between the manifest and the unmanifest that is addictive. Once one finds ones rightful place, it becomes home ... it becomes the center from which we explore and express whom that we are.
- 2002
The Game
This is a game we are playing. The objective of games is not to win ... but, to have fun playing. - 2002
The Hierarchy
To be a God one must have learned to create in one's own image. To move up the hierarchy, one must train one's replacement. - 1994
The Journey
While we are on the path, it is not the destination that truly matters, it is the enjoyment of the journey. - 2002
Living is a process, a journey, not a destination. It is good to remember that and to find ways to smell the roses and enjoy the journey. - 2002
The journey never ends, at least not until we die, and perhaps not then either. - 2005
As a spark of consciousness, we are always on a journey of awareness, even when we return to the great ocean of consciousness, the ONE. - 2005
Actually, the destination is not important ... it is the journey that is everything. It always has been. We begin to truly live our lives at the moment that we realize this. - 2002
Life is a journey, a magnificent journey. However, we only see it as such if we approach it with the right attitude.
- 2003
The Mind
Remember that both sides of your mind have their utility. Some tasks require one side or the other, other tasks require both sides simultaneously. Using the wrong side for a given task is like using the wrong tool to do a specific job. Don't. - 1994
The Miraculous
The miraculous appears in nearly everything. There is so much that is unknown that the realm of the miraculous is wide open. - 2003
The Moment
The moment is where life is truly lived. It is the only place that we can do anything, the only place where we can take action and make a difference. - 2002
This moment is special ... as is every moment, if only we choose to make it so. - 2002
It is enough to do in the moment what is to be done in that moment. The future is of no concern ... or, at least, or limited concern. What we face here and now is the reality that is confronting us. That is true for every moment of our lives. - 2002
What matters is the moment, and what we do with that moment. The past is gone, the future will be what it is. But, right now, we have the opportunity for greatness. It is the choices that we make in the moment that determine whether we succeed in achieving this or not. - 2002
What can be impacted now is what is HERE and NOW and via causality what will be in the future. But, the future will take care of itself if we focus on right action in the moment. - 2003
All that matters is the moment. In the moment, everything is decided, everything is done. There is no other time in which action can occur. And, it is actions that create a difference in our lives and in our world. - 2005
The Objective
The objective remains objective only for so long ... until we reach a point where our very observation impacts what we are observing in unpredictable ways. - 2002
The One
The ONE can only experience limitation through us. It can only know what we know by the very process of our knowingness. It can only experience the varieties of awareness through our awareness. - 2002
The Past and The Future
What has worked in the past is not necessarily good for the future. We need to be open to changing our ways, even characteristics that we consider to be fundamental to our being ... perhaps especially if we consider them such. - 2003
The Path
Pursuing the path that spirit intends for us to take ... that is the key. That is what we need to do. That means first finding the path and then deliberately choosing to take steps on that path. - 2004
We don't have to know the whole path when we start. We only need to know enough to begin or to course correct and keep us moving in the right direction. - 2003
The Plan
There is not just one plan! There are many plans interwoven of the same materials and characters. - 1994
The Play
The scenes that are played out are just that, scenes in a play. We are actors all. And, what we experience is what we experience ... it is not real, but it is the reality that we experience. Yes, that means that reality is not real. It is an engaging illusion, one that can engage us for countless lifetimes. - 2002
The Process
We may or may not have the right destination in mind. However, if the process is right, it will take us to exactly where we need to be. - 2003
The Reality Game
We are aware of our Self, even as we experience our life as self. This awareness makes reality very much a game that we play ... as we seek to be of service to the source that moves us. - 1999
The Subjective
The subjective can easily take us into never never land if we don't test the utility of what we are exploring and discovering. - 2002
The Universe
The universe sure shouts loudly when she has a point to make. - 1996
The universe is a very benign place if we allow it to be and expect it to be. - 2002
The Unknown
It's the uncertainty, the unknown that gives our lives mystery and meaning. - 1994
The unknown is the playground of beliefs. It is here that we engage our creative energies in search of meaning and purpose, and in activities aligned with that purpose. - 2002
There is something wonderful that happens when we allow the unknown to enter and express in our lives. It is such an easy step to take. It simply requires a bold initiative and a deep faith in the nature of spirit and how she expresses in our lives. - 2002
The unknown is not such a scary place ... it can be challenging, and even invigorating. - 2002
We need an element of the unknown in our lives to keep things interesting. - 2002
There are many ways of striking out into the unknown. Paths to some degree are the trodden directions, though some are far more trodden than others. It takes a rare soul to venture into the unknown on their own. - 2003
Some things are meant never to be known, even though they may be experienced. - 2003
One learns to become comfortable with the unknown. It doesn't have to be a scary and frightening thing. It is a place we go to explore. It is a place we go to engage our abilities and talents. - 2003
There is so much that is unknown. And, there may even be large parts that are unknowable ... they may be such that our minds are incapable of conceiving of or comprehending them in any fashion. - 2003
That is how it works when you delve into the unknown. You venture in where few else have ventured, and you bring back and share whatsoever you find. Since there a few to no maps of the territory, you have to count on the very order of the universe to be such that you won't be thrown in over your head. - 2002
The unknown will be an ever-present part of our reality for all of our days. It is time that we get used to that and accept it. In fact, we can even find ways to use it to our advantage if we are innovative and think creatively. - 2003
It is out of the unknown that our greatest abilities come. What we have experienced to date is only a small sample of what we can be if we harness the full power of spirit working through us. - 2003
Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes for many reasons. That does not mean there is not an element of surprise in what we experience. The unknown is ever-present in virtually everything. - 2003
We can learn to be comfortable with the unknown. In fact, in time, we can come to embrace it. This is good. The other options are to be fearful of the unknown or to ignore it altogether. - 2004
Ignoring the unknown only works for so long until it encroaches in our lives in such a way as to not be denied. Though, it seems that for many, this never really happens. But, that is changing too as more and more people awaken in consciousness. - 2004
The Voyage
We may think that the destination is important sometimes, perhaps even often ... but in the end what truly matters is the voyage, and how we enjoyed the expression that constitutes our life. - 2002
The Word
In the beginning was the WORD. The World is the WORD made flesh. All that truly matters is the expression of spirit, the expression of Love in the World. - 1999
The World
The bottom line is that the world will be as it is, a mirror reflection of the collective state of consciousness. - 2002
We each fashion a world that has never existed before and will never exist again. Further, we create this world in each and every moment. - 2005
Things Are Getting Better
Each day things are getting better. Though it seems that for many on the planet this is not so. - 2002
Things to Fight For
Some things are worth standing up for. However, we need to be careful that the things that we choose to fight for are things that truly matter ... and not just matter to us, but matter in the larger context of society. - 2003
All of the world and everything on it came from thought. It is thought expressed, thought congealed into form. Yet, it is still thought, no matter how solid it may appear. - 1994
The forms that consciousness creates are thought forms. Worlds are thought forms. Universes are thought forms. Beings are thought forms. - 1994
We spend our time in the dream world of daily reality. We spend our no time, in the realm of sleep ... and the unconscious frontier of spirit. - 2002
Each moment lost vanishes forever. It is for us to make the best of the time we are allotted. - 2002
Since our time is such a critical resource, we must constantly make decisions on where to best apply it for not only our benefit, but for the collective benefit of all those whom our life touches. - 2002
This is one area where we are equal. We are each given 24 hours per day in which to accomplish and experience what we will. - 2002
We each have the same allotment of time each day ... that is until our final day anyway. Some have more duties to perform than others during that time. Some have more leisure, and more freedom. Some have more responsibilities, some less. However, whatever we have is what we deserve somehow. - 2002
There is always sufficient time to do the things that need to be done. That doesn't mean there is excessive time. - 2003
We all have the same amount of time per year, until our last one anyway. What we do with the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years is our choice, at least for a relatively large amount of that time. - 2003
A year is a long time for doing something, especially if we make the most of each moment. - 2005
There is much that we can do. However, time is a precious resource. We need to make a conscious effort at managing our time. The goal is to accomplish what we came into this existence to do ... and to enjoy the process while we are doing it. - 2002
There is no time to waste. Every moment is precious. Every moment offers the opportunity for us to make progress on our path. - 2003
Time is becoming more and more of a obstacle. There is only so much of it. When we choose to spend time in one area, effectively we are choosing to not spend it in some other area. - 2003
Time to Do Things
There is always time to do the things that need to be done. The trick is to place the right things in the need to be done category. - 2002
Time Versus Results
We pay people for time for the most part, rather than for results. That is not to say that people are not conscientious. In general, they try to do a good job under whatever conditions they find themselves. - 2002
Too Much Information
One can have too much information, so much that it consumes time and energy that might be more useful used elsewhere. - 2002
As humans, we employ reason and imagination to find and create tools that allow us to extend what we are capable of doing. - 2002
Just because tools exist does not mean that we have to spend the time and effort to learn how to use them effectively.
- 2005
Touching Others
Each of us touch the lives of others. Some of us do this more than others, but all of us do this to some degree. - 2003
Touching Spirit
When we learn to touch the depths of our soul ... we also reach out and touch spirit. These two things go hand in hand. We cannot achieve one without the other. - 2003
All along, this world has been a school for the advancement of consciousness. This alone has been the goal of all the illusion that has been created. - 1995
Life unfolds perfectly. Everything happens as it must for the appropriate lessons to be learned. Remember, the illusion is an elaborate schoolground. - 1996
Much of our lives can be seen as a training ground for intuition ... for the knowingness that permits us to do the right thing in accord with our abilities automatically -- without having to think about it. - 1998
The whole entertainment industry is being moved to create exactly what is needed for major lessons to get out to the masses of the world. It is through such exposure that we are being made ready for what is to come. - 1999
People are being trained for the roles they are meant to play in the new age. No, this is not happening in the conventional way, through specific training. Rather, it is happening naturally by where people are choosing and being moved to apply their attention, time, and energy. - 2002
Practice is important in increasing our competence in the areas and skills involved. We learn best by doing. Often this requires stepping beyond fear ... and allowing ourselves to be whom that we truly are, and to express this. - 2002
Transforming the World
We only have to bring forth those ideas whose time has come. These will transform the nation and the world in a manner and at a speed that is beyond what anyone has ever dreamed. - 1994
We can transform the world. And, we can literally do it overnight. It is a matter of choice, and of releasing the right information to get people motivated to cooperate and work together to achieve what none can achieve alone. - 2002
When we come from a sense of awareness that we are all ONE, everyone's troubles are our collective troubles. - 2002
True Society
A true society should develop the unique gifts and talents of its individuals and encourage their expression in ways that provide benefit to society. - 2002
Trust both your own awareness and consciousness herself. Awareness is the most powerful tool a warrior can have in his/her arsenal. Trust in consciousness herself is a close second - 1994
All that it takes is trust. The more that you trust, the more spirit can express through you. - 2004
Trusting Spirit
Trust that spirit knows exactly what she is doing and is there to assist and guide you at all time. The more you trust, the more that you allow spirit to manifest in your life. And, the more that spirit manifests in your life, the better things are for everyone. - 2005
I trust spirit enough to give her latitude in my life. She doesn't need to convince me of anything. I know that she has my greatest good in mind in all that she does. - 2003
What matters is truth, and the truth is that we are consciousness expressing in form, and further that one consciousness expresses through all of us. - 1994
The bottom line is much that we are taught has no firm foundation in truth. - 1994
The fact that millions of people have accepted something as true does not make it so. - 1994
I'm no longer willing to operate on the truths of others. I'm a wayshower. As such I must find my own truth. Yet, in doing so I operate at the very fringe of what others deem to be reality, and further at the edge of what others deem to be sanity. - 1995
The source of truth lies within, where it has always been. - 1996
Truth is what it is, regardless of what we believe about it. However, when our beliefs are aligned with truth, the very forces of the universe come to our assistance. - 2005
Try Something New
So long as we are dissatisfied with the way our life is unfolding ... it is a sure sign that something is wrong. This should be a challenge for us to try something new. That is always the way to improve any situation that we face ... try something new. - 2002
If we try and fail ... then such was not meant to be and we find something different to try. If we succeed, we are living the life that we dreamed. - 2004
Trying New Things
We must be willing to try new things, evaluate what works and doesn't work, and adapt our processes appropriately based on this evaluation. - 2002
We must be willing to try new things and evaluate their results to see whether they work or not. - 2003
Uncertainty is OK. There are many things that we do not consciously know ... and many of these may remain unknown indefinitely. - 2004
Unconditional Love
In the end, it is what we have given of ourselves out of unconditional love that will make a difference to all those whose lives we touch. - 2002
Unconsciously Competent
We can be unconsciously competent. Many things that we do are essentially automatic. Somehow, we just know how to do them. They are natural processes, many of which we did not even have to learn how to do. - 2005
Naming something does not mean that we truly understand that thing. It simply means that we are able to refer to it by name. Understanding something is a whole other thing, one that requires far more awareness and discipline.
- 2002
There is nothing that says we have to understand everything that we experience. One can comprehend the awesome scenic beauty of Yosemite without having any understanding of the forces of nature that occurred over time to carve those very features we find so beautiful. - 2003
Unexpected Turns
At any point, the path may take an unexpected turn. We may be asked to do something new and different. This is good, it keeps life interesting. - 2005
Unfoldment of Consciousness
There is a grand plan for the unfoldment of consciousness and each of us have roles in executing this plan. - 2002
Unique Consciousness
Our unique consciousness provides the opportunity to experience life as it has never been experienced before. In the process, we express whom that we are and whatever spirit is able to express through us. This is a natural process, one that we are engaged in all of the time. - 2004
Unique Expression
Each of us is a unique expression of consciousness. Each of us is experiencing life in a manner that has never occurred before, nor will ever occur again. - 2002
Each of us is a unique expression of consciousness. Never before has spirit expressed in the manner it does both personally and collectively. - 2002
We are each unique expressions of the one consciousness, and it is for us to experience reality in the way that is right for us. It is not for us to judge our experience against that of another. The only issue is: are we being the best that we can be and fully expressing all that we are. - 2002
We are all unique expressions of spirit. What we do could not be done in the same way by another. - 2004
Unique Gifts and Talents
When we choose how to expend our efforts, we need to keep in mind that we should focus on doing those things which only we may be able to do ... those things which use our unique gifts and talents. - 2003
Unique World
Your world is unique, it is different from the world of anyone who ever has or ever will live. - 2005
The combination of DNA that forms the pattern for your current existence has never been expressed in flesh before and will never be expressed again. It is for you to make the most of it. It is for you to carve the landscape of your life.
- 2005
See the world as the unity that it already is. Don't place this unity out somewhere in the future. It is here and now -- we have only to see it through a different set of eyes. - 1994
In a world of unity, things simply unfold as the opening of a flower to the Sun. - 2002
There is always an element of the unknown present in everything we do. This makes life the wonder and mystery that it is. - 2002
The unknown can be a scary place without the right belief system to deal with it effectively. However, the known only gives us more of the same, and that is intolerable in a new age. - 2002
The unknown offers us a realm that challenges whom that we are and forces us to grow into what we may become. However, it only does this if we have the courage to face it and play with what it has to offer to us. - 2003
Unknown Realm
There is an unknown realm of consciousness. Part of that realm will always remain unknown. We will always have things for which we can seek. We will always have an unknown territory to explore. - 2003
Unlocking the Doors
Consciousness is always there, residing within us, our key for unlocking all the doors to the universe. - 2002
Unseen Hand
Our lives seem to unfold in spite of what we do rather than because of what we do. This indicates that there is an unseen hand that is pulling the strings and indeed such is the case. Though, this hand may be an unknown part of ourself. That does not mean that it is unknowable, though indeed our depths of soul may be unfathomable. - 2002
Unseen Realms
When dealing with the unseen realms of consciousness, it helps to have a guide. Some are meant to be explorers and wayshowers, but most prefer to follow the trails ...or in some cases the roads and even the superhighways. - 2002
Using Others
People should do what they are good at doing. People should employ others to provide those services that they need that they are not good at providing for themselves. This is the right use of others. - 2003
Using Our Talents
It seems that the world works best when each person is using their self-given talents to the best of their ability. That is how we maximize the effectiveness of what we do. When we do this on a collective basis, we generate abundance.
- 2005
Using Things
Fortunately, we don't have to understand how something works to be able to use it ... and even to use it effectively in some cases. - 2004
Utility is the measure of the value of anything. Use what works, and be open to adapting how you do things based on the results you see in your reality. - 2002
What matters ultimately is utility. Do our beliefs and actions serve us and others. If so, we are living a "spiritual" life. That is all that can be asked of anyone - 2004
The new age offers great hope for completely new manifestations of utopian ideals. It is time to build the foundations necessary to bring the stuff of our imaginations down to Earth. Utopias don't have to be out there beyond our grasp. We can manifest them here and now. - 2002
We collectively have the power to change our world for the better, to create a utopia on earth. But, it will only happen if we believe it, and if we choose to make it so. - 2003
Utopias don't have to be things of the imagination only, they can be real, they can be manifest in flesh. However, it takes more than wishful thinking to make such things so. We have to choose to act in accord with the vision. We have to act as if the world that we desire already exists. - 2003
Utopias are not just wild fancies of the imagination. They can be real. They can be manifest. Though, often they are manifest in ways that surprise us. - 2004
One sure way of getting something is to create a vacuum for it in your life. As in the physical world, natural law will do everything it can to fill it. - 2002
Varieties of Experience
Spirit seeks greater and greater varieties of experience. - 2003
Vehicle for Expression
We can be a vehicle for the expression of consciousness in the world. And, the works that we do can serve to illuminate many. - 2005
There are no innocent victims. We are all spirit in flesh. We are all ancient and powerful beings at our core. We just don't see this in the roles that we appear to be playing. - 2002
Voice Within
Compare not your voice within to another. Trust your own, and it will guide you to wherever you need to go and whatever you need to do. - 1994
War is generally a lose/lose scenario. Even the victors are only victorious at a tremendous cost. - 2002
Wasting Abilities
We can't afford to waste the abilities and talents of any of us. This requires a big commitment from each of us. We have to take responsibility not only for ourselves but for assisting others to excel where we can as well. - 2003
We are wasteful of our most important natural resource; the talents, abilities, and creative energies of our people.
- 2002
There are many ways ... all of which lead to the same spirit. No way is inherently better than any other. It is for each of us to find the way or ways that work for us. - 2002
Some of us are wayshowers, pointing the direction to a new way of being. We do it because it is within us to do it ... because this is the task that we came into this existence to perform. - 2002
Web of Interconnectivity
We are part of one interdependent whole, enmeshed in a web of interconnectivity that is rich and intricate beyond measure. - 2002
Web of Life
What happens in one part of the world is felt in many others. We live in a very intricate web ... and the web gets more and more intricate with each passing day. - 2003
What Counts
What counts is what we do with our lives that has lasting value ... that makes a difference somehow, preferably a big difference. - 2003
What Is Ours to Do
Just because we can do something does not necessarily mean that it is an effective use of our time and resources. The issue comes down to what is mine to do versus what is it that others are meant to do. - 2004
What is Possible
Remember, that what is possible is often far more than we have dreamed or imagined. - 2002
What Matters
We are to live our life as if nothing mattered and as if everything mattered. - 2002
It is not what we have that matters. Rather, it is how we feel about who we are. - 2004
What matters is the moment, and whether whom that we have become is empowered to take the next step on the path for us. - 2002
What counts is not what we have done in the past, but what we do from this moment forward. - 2003
What Matters Most
What matters most is here and now, what is right in front of us, and what is within our reach and grasp. That is where we can make a difference. - 2002
What always matters is here and now, doing in the moment what can be done in the moment, and making each day count as much as we can. - 2002
What Money Buys
Money can buy a lot of things, but can it buy true happiness ... can it buy increased awareness? The bottom line is no, it doesn't buy these things. These are states of consciousness, they cannot be bought at any price. - 2005
What We Are
We are gods in becoming ... but we are not gods in fact yet. - 2002
What we experience is a direct reflection of what we are, and what we are is in turn changed by the very act of our experience. - 2002
We are god's eyes and god's hands. We are the instruments through which spirit does its work in our lives and in the world. Our works are spirits works through us. - 2002
We are what we are, pure and simple. Whether we believe this and realize this or not is a different matter. It helps if our beliefs are in line with the truth, but quite often they are not. This doesn't change the nature of the truth. However, it does change the nature of our experience. - 2002
What We Are Meant To Do
It is amazing how fluidly our lives flow when we are doing what we are meant to do. It is as if all of nature conspires to help us achieve what must be done. - 2002
What We Can Do
We can only do so much ... but we will be amazed at just how much that is when we remove some of the self-imposed limitations. - 2002
It is amazing how much we are capable of when we apply ourselves fully to the tasks at hand. - 2003
There is only so much that we can do. But, we need to be careful not to place arbitrary limits on this. - 2004
We will find that we are capable of far more than we imagined. It is a matter of allowing ourselves to be the best that we can be. We know when we are doing that by how we feel. In particular, we feel free, happy, and elated.
- 2004
We are capable of far more than we can imagine. Literally far more. It is a matter of believing this and being open to spirit operating and expressing in our lives. - 2004
We are capable of far more than we have ever imagined. It is time we realized this and unleashed our true potential. Then, watch and see what glories unfold in our lives and in our world. - 2004
What We Deserve
We get what we believe that we truly deserve, no more and no less. - 2002
Where We Are Going
The bottom line is that we will be taken to exactly where we need to go to grow into whom that we truly are. And, what we are is awareness expressed in flesh. - 2005
Who We Are
In the very process of discovering whom that we are, we learn that to know whom that we are, we must be whom that we are. - 2002
When we allow ourselves to be all of whom that we are ... we allow our magnificence to shine forth in a way that it cannot otherwise do. - 2002
We don't need anything outside of us to tell us what we can and cannot be. Deep inside, we already know this. It is a matter of unleashing whom that we are ... and trusting that there is a part of ourself that knows exactly what it is that we came to do. - 2002
We don't need an elaborate religious system to explain whom that we are. Deep down, we already know this. We just haven't been allowed to trust what we know. That can change far quicker than any can imagine. - 2003
Trust that you are whom that you are for a reason, and that this will be revealed to you over time as you live your life.
- 2005
The right use of will is to choose to serve spirit and manifest things in her timing not ours. Thy will, not mine, be done. Actually, it is more than this ... my will is for thy will to be done. - 2003
While some concern is healthy ... we have a will for a reason, and it needs to be exercised in our lives. Further, this is how we get what we consciously want. We use our will to choose the reality that we prefer. This includes the things and the experiences. - 2004
The gap between the haves and the have-nots has to be made less. We can do this. Indeed, we must do this. Our transactions with others need to be WIN/WIN wherever possible. And, the scope of the winning must be fair to all parties. - 2004
Knowledge deals with knowing other people's thoughts; Wisdom with having the maturity to generate your own just and right thoughts in any area of interest. - 1994
There are some things within our control and others that are outside of our control. Wisdom lies in knowing the difference so that we can focus our forces, energy, and resources on those things that we have the power to impact and change. - 2002
In a very real way, we see what we wish to see; we hear what we wish to hear; we feel what we wish to feel; we experience what we wish to experience; and more importantly, we know what we wish to know. - 2002
We are capable of wonders beyond imagination. It is simply a matter of allowing them to come forth. - 2003
Word Made Flesh
Everything is vibration. Everything is the word made flesh. We are the players of the song of our lives. That song is unique for each of us. - 2002
Word of God
All creation is the breath of God, the sound, the Word of God made physical and flesh. - 2002
Words are the song that spirit sings through me, the thought forms that spirit weaves through me. It is through words that what I AM can be expressed. In the beginning was the word. All forms are manifestations of the word ... thoughts congealed into physical form. - 2002
It is amazing how words can live on well after the life spans of those who brought them forth. This should not be surprising because such words are timeless, coming from spirit herself. - 2005
Words Without Deeds
Words without deeds to back them are as sand blowing in the wind. - 2002
Work of Spirit
When we do the work of spirit, we are strong in ways that we are not otherwise. It is amazing what we can do when we are serving spirit, and thus serving the world. - 2003
Working Together
Getting people to work together effectively is a large challenge. We don't have enough of a history of attempting to do this to really know what works and what doesn't. - 2002
At some level, I AM the spirit that does these works through me ... and it is my choice to do them. - 1998
By their works shall thou know them. Yes, such is a great truth. It is via our works that we share of whom that we are with the world. - 2002
It all comes down to what works we do. That is our ultimate contribution to society and to our world. - 2002
It is through our works that we impact not only our personal reality but that of the world. - 2002
In the end it is the services that we provide, the works that we do that define us and that are our gifts to the world.
- 2002
Ye shall know them by their works is a powerful truth. It is by the works that we do, that we impact the world.
- 2003
Ye shall know them by their works is a great truth. It applies to all of us. What we do is what distinguishes us. What we do is what makes all the difference in our lives and in our world. - 2002
It is through our works that our legacy will be established. The works that we do are what we leave behind, including the impact that we have on the minds, and hearts, and especially the souls of others. - 2002
Through their works shall thou know them. This is indeed a great truth. It is not so much whom that we are that makes a difference in the world, it is what we do. We must find the works that are ours to do, the works that allow us to leave our unique mark on the world. - 2002
Ye shall know them by their works. This definitely applies to the parts of the self. We find them by encountering what they do ... and then by searching within for a framework that permits us to understand how they work. We may or may not discover such a framework for understanding. - 2002
Ye shall know them by their works is a grand truth. But, ye shall know them even better if these works have substantial impact. - 2004
If you don't feel worthy of receiving something, in all likelihood you won't pull it into your life no matter what you do or try. - 2002
People rise to the positions that they are meant to occupy ... and they are somehow worthy of the positions that they reach. However, worthiness is something that must be demonstrated by right action. - 2002
Spirit can only give us what we feel we are worthy of receiving. To get more, we need to do something to increase our feeling of worthiness. This may be by giving more, or by realizing the true value of whom that we are. - 2003
Self-worth is critical to manifesting abundance in our lives. Unless we feel worthy ... unless we believe our self to be worthy, we will not attract abundance into our lives. - 2003
Written Communication
There is an art to written communication. It is a highly creative process. Further, it is a difficult process, because it only uses a small subset of the tools available in spoken communication. When we write, the words must capture everything that is to be conveyed. There are no vocal cues or body language that can enhance the meaning of what is being presented. - 2005
Written Word
There is something about the written word that is magical for me. The fact that 26 letters, a space, and a few punctuation marks are sufficient to communicate so much is unreal. Yet, so it is. - 2003
Written Word
All of the books in all of the libraries and bookstores in the world are testaments to the utility and power of the written word. - 2005
Young Country
We are still a young country by world standards. Many older societies still consider us children. Oh, we have an economy that is the envy of the developed and developing countries. But, it seems we don't have the wisdom to go with our strength. That, or we don't realize and utilize the wisdom that we do have. - 2002
Hopefully you found something here that moved you. Quotes do that for us more than anything else that we have ever encountered. We are privileged to have so many of our own to share. This is only a small snapshot of what Beyond Imagination has to offer. It only addresses a brief period in time of the Beyond Imagination expression and focuses on things that could be stated in one or two lines for the most part. We invite you to further explore what we have to offer below. Also, feel free to provide feedback.
Be Happy and Create Well!
We also offer the entire set of Beyond Imagination works and BISPIRIT picture quote works for $250 on a USB drive. As with this work, the entire set of works can be copied to any number of computers to serve your immediate family. The works are the product of 44 years of metaphysical study and 26 years of metaphysical expression. The entire expression is an example of Wisdom-Class works. In total, there is over 9 million words plus 25 picture quote works on various metaphysical topics. To put that in context, this equates to roughly 50 moderate sized books. Over 10,000 hours of my time were involved in bringing the expression forth starting in 1993. Yes, that equates to approximately an equivalent of six years of full time effort.
To purchase the entire set of works, please send payment to Gini Hartman, 165 Lance Dr, Grants Pass, OR 97526.