Beyond Hermit Services

NAMASTE!  Providing Metaphysical Services to Transform the World and Guide Any Souls in Search of Enlightenment and Expanded Awareness.  UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ALL WAYS.  We hope that you consider what we have to offer and engage those services most aligned with whatsoever path you choose to follow.

NEW OFFERING (10/16/2024)


Sundays beginning 20 October 2024, as long as at least 3 people RSVP. Will confirm sessions will be held by end of day each Friday or sooner, if 3 RSVPs have been received.

By correspondence, Sunday BECOMES as needed, weekly, biweekly, monthly, or quarterly to address your needs.  If possible, I will address any inputs you provide within one week.

Time: 1200 - 1800, longer if necessary to address questions or interest persists for those who attend in person at my home in Grants Pass.  It is easier for me to more immediately address your needs in real-time from my home environment.

Cost: $80 per person per session. Participation is limited to no more than 8 people each week for the in-person Sunday afternoon sessions.

For correspondence, we'll establish costs for levels of membership involvement.

Costs to be paid by check each month, quarter, six months, or year to: 

       Gini Hartman, 165 Lance Dr, Grants Pass, OR 97526

MEMBER [Max of 48]:  1 hour per week of free service to anything outside of immediate family per week plus $250 per month for one e-mail consult with Wayne per month.

SPONSOR [Max of 12]:  2 hours per week of free service to anything outside of immediate family per week plus $600 per month for bi-weekly e-mail consults with Wayne.

BENEFACTOR [Max of 4]:  It is assumed that you already TITHE your time, so no additional time commitment is required.  Cost is $1250 per month for weekly e-mail consults with Wayne.  

I prefer keeping things in writing to provide a record and because that is how I best process information in my efforts to guide you.  

Sunday Participants can arrive any time after 1130 on Sunday, however NLT 1500.  The intent is that participants choose to participate for a minimum of three hours.

Members are encouraged to participate in an in-person Sunday session if they visit the Grants Pass area.  Sponsors and Benefactors will be offered special arrangements for doing this or provided with alternative access to Wayne


  • Effectively a hermit since I was born in 1958. Few friends of limited duration in my entire life. Extremely limited contact with actual humans.

  • Spiritual/Metaphysical focus since 1972.
  • Major Spiritual Awakening in 1993.
  • 10 Million words of Metaphysical expression to date, including over 30 published books on Amazon.
  • Website:


  • Spend at least 2 hours at to get a feel for what and how I express.

  • Write 1-2 pages addressing the topic "Who I Am" as it applies to you from your perspective.

  • Generate Top 10 Metaphysical/Spiritual questions in priority order for you. The intent is to at least begin to address all of these in the Sunday sessions.

  • Bring homework to session and submit to e-mail address so that I can evaluate it and provide appropriate guidance.


  1. The Socratic Method involved Teacher asking questions and students answering them. That is NOT my way.  However, I may employ it where it is effective.

  2. I do not intend to provide answers. Rather, I will try to gain enough understanding of each participant to guide you to where you might find answers that are appropriate for you based on my experience to date. This may include specific recommendations from my own works; the works of others including books, music, movies, and TV shows; or techniques to enable you to find a source within you that you can rely on to navigate you through your own spiritual path.

  3. Through our interactions, my objective is to help accelerate your own spiritual awakening and deepen your awareness in a much more time and resource efficient manner than would be possible without my guidance. I read over 1000 books and spent the equivalent of 7 full time years from 1993 through NOW, creating spiritual/metaphysical works on my own … guided only by the source within - SPIRIT herself, the DIVINE FEMININE.

  4. Operating Open Loop is a very difficult way to encounter the unknowns on the edge of the boundaries of consciousness herself. I'll attempt to provide outer feedback and guidance that I had to find within myself.

To RSVP or request service by correspondence, contact me via e-mail at: 

Also, use this e-mail for submitting homework.  The first time, also include a physical e-mail address and identify whether you are able to accommodate VHS or DVD movies/shows.  It is OK if you don't.  The alternative is to identify what I want you to watch and why, and allow you to find it on-line in streaming format.  The physical address will also be used to share/loan books, notes, and potentially other objects.



NOTE:  Our courses are captured in DOCX files with PDF files embedded.  All of the embedded material is in the file.  So, the courses can be done without access to the internet once you download the course.  Some browsers try to open the file in the browser.  This does not work. The course looks fine and the icons for embedded files are there.  However, they do not link to their files anymore. To get the embedded links: download the course file, then open it.  It should naturally open in MS Word.  Then, to open an embedded file, click on it once to select it.  Rectangle will enclose it.  Then double click to open.

Picture Quotes Works

Yes,  Course 3. The Generation of Picture Quotes Works is now available.  If I counted right, there are 25 Picture Quotes works included in this course. The first is huge. The next 23 are on particular topics. The final one is one RUMI, the Sufi Master. His expression took me to a place where I had "no words" to add anymore. I included it in hopes that it might do the same for you.


Lesson 1: Study the 25 Picture Quotes works that I have generated. They basically follow a similar process/format, but differ in how Beyond Imagination expression material has been incorporated. As you study them, notice both the differences and the similarities.

Lesson 2: Choose three topics and generate your own such works. You can choose some of my topics if you wish.

  • Search for: (topic) quotes images to get relevant ones for your works
  • Copy the ones that move you into a single file per topic
  • Create a separate file with the sections/bins you want to use
  • For each picture quote, decide which bin to put it in, and preface it with bin identifier
  • Cut and paste each picture quote into the bin identified
  • Rearrange to improve flow from one picture quote to next, if desired
  • Add your interpretation and any additional relevant information
  • Don't make this a chore … keep it FUN

Lesson 3: Share your works with others. This gives LIFE to your works.

  • These are children of your heart and your mind.
  • Set them free so that they can impact others.

Consciousness, Spirit, and Soul

Yes, I'm back. This time with Course 2 that addresses the topics that are among my favorites: Consciousness, Spirit, and Soul. When I started bringing forth the Beyond Imagination expression in the mid-1990s, the latter two topics were used interchangeable … even the dictionary used one to define the other. Soul seemed to be the least understood of all, especially in the West. We have come a long way since then. Hopefully, you will be impressed by just how far. But then, that is something you have to realize for yourself. We hope that the class moves you, that it allows you to discover parts of yourself that you did not know existed. That is what the expression did for us. But, we had to live it. The expression only came forth at 16 words per minute. However, if you keep at it long enough, it amounts to over 10 million words in 25 years. Yes, that is a lot of metaphysical expression. Furthermore, there were over 20000 hours of processing, observing, making connections, understanding that accompanied and facilitated the expression. Also, all of this was done freely on our own time because it fully engaged our passion and curiosity.


This course consists of 7 "Lessons". In all of these, there is a large amount of material to read and a large amount of work to do. Doing this work is essential to developing a personal understanding of Consciousness, Spirit, and Soul

You can download the MS Word file for the course below. You will need MS Word to complete the work in the course.   There are embedded PDF files in the DOCX course file.


NOTE: This will probably be the most challenging and difficult course that you ever take. It will definitely transform you if you give it the time, focus, and attention it deserves. It helps to expect that this will be the case going in. If that scares you, then this is probably not the course for you, at least not yet. I was not fortunate to have such a course available. I had to take a long walk through the wilderness of consciousness and even on the edge of sanity several times. But, I made it through. Now there is a path that I can share with others.

Wisdom for the Aquarian Age

9/15/2023: Just completed creating Beyond Hermit Course 1: "Wisdom for the Aquarian Age." Check out our first course.  After all, what value would you place on WISDOM with the world in the state that it is in these days? Anyway, download it from the following link.  Beware, it is large [94MB].  So, it may take a while.  And, you need to have Word or something that reads DOC files with embedded PDFs to use it.  NOTE: Once you download and open the file in Word, select the icon for an embedded file by clicking once.  A dashed rectangle should appear.  You can double click on that to open the file.  Word may ask you what program to use to open it.  Embedded files include PDF, DOC, and MP3.


If you find value in the course or anything else at the website, please refer others. We do no advertising, so we have no other means of disseminating our works.

Metaphysical Services

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon and the Aquarian Age.

This is our final step in going beyond what we have been as a HERMIT for the first 64 years of our life.

We believe that the world is direly in need of WISDOM to guide it.  That is what we offer through our wisdom works.


The dragonfinal.pdf file is our final written work.  I say "our" because I watched as SPIRIT put it together through me in an automatic way that surprised me.  You can download it for FREE.  It is LARGE, so it may take awhile to download.  It explains how to access our works and the few remaining services that we choose to offer in 2024-2026.  It is not available anywhere else or in any other format.

NAMASTE!  Unconditional LOVE All Ways!


The following briefings on Society, Government, Economy, and Education were generated in 1995 and sent to over two dozen important people that we selected from The Address Book.  This included President Bill Clinton, from whom we received a personal note thanking us for our concerns.  No one else even acknowledged receipt.  Oh well, such has been the feedback or lack thereof in all of our attempts to share the Beyond Imagination expression.