September 1994 - November 1994
More of the BEST QUOTES from the best of the Beyond Imagination Notes. This is a continuation of something that was done earlier for the first 10 months of notes.
These particular quotes were selected by lion on 13 -16 Mar 98.
I'm amazed that at such a young age (39, about to turn 40) that so many "BEST QUOTES" could have been expressed through me; especially since my awakening only occurred five years ago. SPIRIT has definitely been prolific in bringing things forth through my consciousness. ENJOY!
1 - At some level, I know my Self to be infinite. Aye, this mortal self will indeed experience death. This body will return dust to dust. But, the consciousness within is not to be turned off like a light bulb.
2 - There is ONE consciousness of which we are all individuated instantiations that were sent out to gain self knowledge. The ONE consciousness has never been separated from us.
3 - I speak strongly about the truths of many things, yet it is not me who speaks, but consciousness within me. I would take no credit of my own. I am but the vehicle through which spirit is given expression.
4 - Consciousness will ensure that everything required is in place when needed. When you need to be wise, you will be, for you will have all of consciousness guiding you.
5 - The whole goal while physical is not to become less physical, but to allow more consciousness to be enfleshed.
6 - Let consciousness be your focus and seek awareness in whatever manner your inner guidance propels you to. Yes, that means you need to contact and follow your inner guidance.
It is always there, though you may have to become extremely quiet to hear it.
7 - At all times know and be fully aware that you are consciousness expressing in the only manner you can in physical reality, as spirit through flesh. There are two things here consciousness and its expression. Awareness relates to understanding that you truly are consciousness and that what you are is separate from what you do.
8 - For all of us, the primary task is to gain self knowledge and in particular to become aware of our true nature as consciousness.
9 - Each individuated consciousness is provided with what it needs in return for providing it's services to the one consciousness.
10 - The newborn butterfly has no choice but to fly into the unknown, trusting that God or Consciousness has given it the abilities it needs to deal with whatever reality finds. Actually, the trust may not even be a conscious act. After all, we are what we are in the moment, and we appear to have limited control over the circumstances which we will be asked to face.
11 - Now, I stand facing the abyss, the unknown that I have been fascinated with for all of my grown days. Except, now I'm armed with the tools of consciousness that I need to explore that abyss and bring back reports of the wonders that I find. For surely, the wonders will far exceed those of this world.
12 - Trust both your own awareness and consciousness herself. Awareness is the most powerful tool a warrior can have in his/her arsenal. Trust in consciousness herself is a close second. Then again, awareness and trust in consciousness almost always go hand-in-hand.
13 - The butterfly is what results when the chrysalis leaves the restrictions of the cocoon that constitutes it's world. Yet, the abilities of the butterfly were developed within that environment. Does this work the same for man? Is the awareness we develop within this world, the equivalent of butterfly wings? Now, the key is to jump forth from the cocoon, or the consensus world, and use our consciousness to fly into/around a world that is far grander. Is this the equivalent of the spiritual world?
14 - Know that you are the awareness that had to witness what you have experienced so that you could grow and transform in awareness in the manner that you have over the years. Consciousness knew that this was necessary as well, so she provided you with the right information to impact your conscious mind and eventually your awareness.
15 - It's amazing to me how much difference awareness makes to one's life, yet a difference that is primarily on the inside with very little evidence that appears on the outside. This is probably good, however, because if the change were readily apparent one would not be able to use one's newfound abilities as openly. Interesting. It's as if consciousness ensures that her newborn children are safe in the new world in which they find themselves. For awakened ones are definitely as newborn children who have just undergone a spiritual birth. Reality has indeed changed for these special ones. Yes, they still exist in the physical world, but they also perceive additional spiritual dimensions and the associated information that comes from these dimensions.
16 - The physical world and the spiritual world are intertwined together into one whole, they are not separate places.
Most people have blinders, however, that prevent seeing the whole -- binding them to the restrictions of physical reality, when they could be free. Yet, they are unaware that they are so bound. Physical reality is all they know, and they feel very free in spite of their chains.
17 - Knowledge deals with knowing other peoples thoughts; Wisdom with having the maturity to generate your own just and right thoughts in any area of interest.
18 - Don't expect opportunity to come knocking at your door. Sometimes you have to take the initiative to allow it to find you. Yes, it is not necessary for you to find it, for it is perfectly capable of finding you given that it is guided by consciousness after all.
19 - Remember that both sides of your mind have their utility. Some tasks require one side or the other, other tasks require both sides simultaneously. Using the wrong side for a given task is like using the wrong tool to do a specific job. Don't.
20 - Dream big, on a scale as large as you can conceive it. And don't back down because of considerations of practicality. You are the wayshower. You must show the way on a scale that is sufficiently grand to quickly usher in a new age.
21 - See the world in a bold new way. Dare to dream of things as they have never been. For, as you dream, as you imagine, the way is paved for others to pick up on your dreams and imaginings and assist in carrying them out.
22 - Do what it is that only you can do, for that is the most important service that you can provide for spirit.
23 - Trust that consciousness guides your every step and don't restrict what you allow to flow. It all has value. It is all important. Don't judge it, though it may seem crazy to even you at first glance.
24 - It seems that this is a constant theme in my life, "to seek out new worlds and to boldly go where no man has gone before" -- the very mission of the Enterprise on Star Trek. In my case, however, the worlds are inner.
25 - The spiritual exists intermeshed with the material world. The material world could not exist at all without the spiritual.
26 - Thus far science has not developed the instruments necessary to "see" the spiritual world. It is here, everywhere around us, but only those with eyes to see, and ears to hear it can experience it. Psychics, astrologers, aura readers, clairvoyants, ... these are the types of people who have such skills.
27 - Develop a model of the world that integrates the material and spiritual within a single framework. And, do not stop your investigation until you succeed. For success indeed will be the fruits of your efforts. And then, the world can be transformed on a scale that has never been known before.
28 - With an understanding of how the material and spiritual are intermeshed, techniques can be developed to greatly enhance spirit/body integration. This in turn will lead to the manifestation of literally a heaven on earth and with that a new age is born, the Age of Aquarius.
29 - I would be indispensible in generating simple perspectives of situations, systems, or processes so that the essential behavior could be easily understood to a degree necessary to make it clear as to what constituted right action under the circumstances.
30 - How many other individuals in this country are thinking in terms of leading this country to fulfill its metaphysical destiny?
31 - If the abilities exist, then so does the job for which they are required.
32 - Focus on the illusion all that you want, and in the end all you know is illusion. Further, the illusion is enticing enough to draw your attention, lifetime after lifetime, if you are not careful.
33 - Is there any hope that the divergent beliefs of people can be reconciled? Are there a set of core beliefs, values, attitudes, and principles that all nations need to accept and live by?
34 - Hmm. Like Jonathan Livingston Seagull. How long did it take for one gull to break from the pack and so pursue flying that literally nothing else matters? Over the long centuries, such has been the same for man. This level of spiritual commitment is required, but few are willing to pay the price to truly come to know thyself.
35 - Interesting how the pieces of twenty years of reading and thinking in metaphysics are all coming together in ways that I had not even considered. I've been a mental vagabond, traveling to the shores of various metaphysical ports of thought, picking up an idea here, another there, and a few techniques and experiences along the way -- never knowing where I was going or why, but trusting that my soul was guiding me every step of the way.
36 - I am Wayne, the Bringer of the New Way. I am a wayshower, here to help get spirit more fully expressed in flesh so that the conditions necessary for the Age of Aquarius to begin are indeed fulfilled.
37 - As with Jonathan, I march to the beat of the spirit within me, and care not that this runs counter to everything that the consensus population and it's representative government sanctions.
38 - I will do what I must do. The task is that important. I am accountable to a higher tribunal than man's, namely one of my own greater Self, spirit, and consciousness herself. It is these whose wish is my command. By focusing on knowing myself, I offer unto consciousness the best vehicle possible for doing the work of spirit.
39 - The sooner you act, the sooner you will find yourself in positions to start actualizing some of your ideas. There are people out there with funds, energy, resources, and desire to do the kind of things that you have written and talked about. Your VISION provides the rallying point. It is crucial for guiding the entire endeavor.
40 - To some degree, you're allowed to operate this way because of a special relationship that you've developed with the unconscious parts of your consciousness. Because you allow these parts to organize the whole in a manner that makes sense and pass it directly through the intuition, you can bring through high level information clearly and concisely.
41 - There must be others interested in working together or at least sharing experiences in these explorations into the wilderness of consciousness. As with the early explorers, however, we may find that there is little in common about our experiences. However, as more territory is explored, and more explorers hit the trails, there will be more and more common experience. And, out of this the nature of the territory can be described and experiences reported first hand. With additional work a map of the territory can be generated and trails can be created that others can follow. And, from these trails, roads from small country lanes to superhighways. Through such a progression will the way be paved for the masses to achieve greater awareness.
42 - This is why great thoughts come from the greatest intellectuals. They have developed their faculties through their focus on self knowledge and knowledge in general, such that their brains are capable of receiving these thoughts.
43 - The whole game is played to try to get individuals to advance in awareness sufficiently to allow them to qualify to play in even greater games. Under the current rules, they must keep coming back to this one until they've achieved Self-realization.
44 - Most, even if they do reach the observer state, never go further to find that another part of their Self is indeed creating what they are only observing. This is a major step, one that requires trust and responsibility.
45 - First we think that we we have free will to think and act, then we become aware of ourselves as actors in a play that is already written where our only real choice is in what we observe and pay attention to. Finally, we take the final step, and find that at another level we wrote the script in cooperation with others whom we wanted to interact with for various reasons, and in line with a greater Plan that was generated by consciousness.
46 - The lofty peaks of spirit, the all consuming fire, these are what call to me. Compared to them even the greatest of earthly majesties is but a trifle.
47 - There is something that I came to do through this particular vehicle that can be done in no other way. But, it is not this "I" that I am now who came to do this, but an "I" that is much greater, one that each day I am becoming more and more aware of. It is this greater I, this soul, this spirit, that does things through me. I am but a vessel and an awareness that rides with the vessel.
48 - If consciousness herself gives us our talents and abilities and guides us to the circumstances we face in life, what right have we to lay claim to the fruits of what consciousness hath wrought through us?
49 - But, what about scarcity? After all, the tree only has so many apples. It may run out and maybe we wouldn't find anymore. Hogwash. Spirit's bounty has no such limits. There is sufficient abundance to meet the needs of all, not only in this country but in the entire world.
50 - How do we best commit our resources as a society to meet our needs as a society and as individuals? That is the question. Yes, indeed, the billion dollar question.
51 - The old argument "caveat emptor" or "let the buyer beware" is not consistent with Aquarian philosophy. Rather, we would demand let the seller be responsible; responsible for providing quality goods and services, at a fair price, that meet the customers needs. Yes, this is a very different mode of operating, but then we're talking about a new age.
52 - Without spirit at the foundation, any structure will eventually become so flawed and so weak that it can no longer stand. It's only a matter of time, and the nature of the specific decisions that are made. The demise is certain, only how long it takes to get there, and how bad the conditions during the process are variable.
53 - Consciousness may work in mysterious ways, but she always gives us what we need.
I almost added, "once we firmly believe that this is so". I was thinking about the bloated children starving to death in Africa and wondering how consciousness could be giving them what they need. Yet, a people who choose not to control their population under such dire conditions are setting themselves up for these exact conditions.
54 - I'm aware that I am aware. But, I am not yet fully aware that I create. I observe but I have no knowingness, no inner sense, that what I observe is indeed my creation. I can deduce that it comes from a part of me, but it is a part of me of which I have no direct awareness.
55 - In many areas of life, especially those involving self-knowledge and consciousness, firsthand experience is the only acceptable path. Nothing short of this is sufficient.
56 - When will we learn that PEACE is always the best answer, and that there is always a way to accommodate the needs of all in a fair and just manner?
57 - I look for coincidences, or better yet synchronicities. These are the signs that spirit is operating close at hand. At some time in life, one reaches a point where the idea that such events could happen by pure chance or coincidence is simply unbelievable anymore. At that point, the magic begins, and the world becomes animated by spirit.
58 - Synchronicities and coincidences, these are the places where the control exerted from the spiritual world bleeds through into physical reality. For the most part these are subtle. One has to pay close attention to notice them at all.
However, it seems that the closer one gets to one's spiritual path, the more one notices that the things that happen around one are connected in somewhat of a mysterious way, but there is definitely an intelligence directing them.
59 - It's the uncertainty, the unknown that gives our lives mystery and meaning.
60 - Something came to mind about the idea that all time is simultaneous. This is a truth, I know it. However, this is not what appears to be in the world. We see time as linear, with one moment passing on to the next. Yet, we experience time as a continuum. There are no jumps in NOW. Now is now, period. We never see the future enter our experience. We never see now being relegated to the past. Yet now is not an instant, something that passes quickly. Instead, now is everpresent, always a part of us, always the point in which we operate.
61 - Many of you reading this now might think that I am speaking in tongues, and indeed I am, for I have been allowed to read a part of the spiritual meaning embodied so compactly in the language of numbers. If it could work so well in explaining all that nature hath wrought, then why would it not apply to the life of man as well and the spirit that is housed within? The problem lies with what numbers to choose and what connections to make. These must be recognized and guided by inner sources; the logical part of the conscious mind is insufficient for this task. This is why scientists have not seen these mysteries revealed. They are too locked in a mindset that does not allow of such things as spirit or consciousness to be an active force in the world.
62 - Am I finding meaning where there was none? Is what I'm finding meaning at all? Then again, am I even finding it, or rather is it making its presence known to my awareness?
63 - It's as if the test is whether one loves spirit so much that it is even more important than the air one breathes. At that point one is ready to know of the truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. At that point and not until.
64 - Am I so unique, that I now speak a language of my own, that comes across as nonsense to others? No, I cannot believe that. The breakthroughs I have recently experienced are grand and glorious beyond compare. You might say that I have found (actually been given) the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, or at least to the spiritual world. Why me? Because I was ready. Why now? Because, it is time.
65 - Yet, I trust that consciousness continues to lovingly guide my way as she has for all of my life. Something tells me that it will soon be time to grow out of my childhood of spirit and enter adolescence and then adulthood. Initially, it is enough to allow spirit to do its works through me. At some point soon, it will be necessary to act as a conscious co-creator with consciousness herself. I am being trained for a role that requires this. I will assume such a role when consciousness judges that I am ready and when the time is right.
66 - Yeah, verily, the Kingdom of Heaven lies on this very world in which we live, however to find it we need to reverse ourselves and live from the inside out.
The conscious mind is not the inside, but it is not an enemy to be vanquished either, it must be loved and shown that the way to spiritual freedom is in it's best interest also.
Further, there is no freedom save spiritual freedom. In all other forms, those who speak of freedom simply are unaware of the chains that bind them.
67 - We are consciousness, first and foremost, here to learn of our true spiritual nature.
68 - Enjoy the physical as much as you want, but realize why you are here. KNOW THYSELF! Throughout your life, every moment that you can, keep your focus on this one pursuit. It's one of the hardest things to do in a world full of attractive and engaging illusion. Yet, the only thing we take with us from each existence is the awareness that we have achieved.
69 - It is important to remember that we are ONE consciousness, and that things work best when we allow spirit to do its works through us rather than trying to impose our will on things.
70 - I'm at a point where all life has spiritual meaning. I literally live in a spiritual universe. I know that thoughts and vibration create form. Further, I have some of the critical keys that can blow this wide open, that can show others that the spiritual world exists here and now intermeshed with the physical world.
71 - Synchronicities are the events around which the whole structure will tumble. Too many, and our beliefs about chance and coincidence are brought to the ground.
72 - When open researchers start applying their whole brains to seeing and understanding the symbols and structures of the spiritual world, a truly New Age will be born on this planet.
73 - It is only our conscious mind that has been deaf and blind to the spiritual world. Our reality is created by subconscious processes that are highly aware of all that they need to know to function in the world.
74 - My theory that there is a symbolic spiritual world embedded within the physical one is no longer a theory. Everywhere I look there is an orchestration or synchronicity of information that is undeniable. The spiritual world exists, it is here, one only need have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
75 - My sense is that what I know to be true from my personal experience is so different from the consensus world view and the individual world views of others that I am unique as an expression of individualized aware consciousness.
76 - Everything is the word, everything is vibration, everything is symbol -- yes, everywhere symbol. Whether it's in the Medicines of the Animal Cards, the Tarot, the Runes, Numerology, Astrology, Auras, or even the Symbol Systems of Modern Sciences; the bottom line is that it's all information, information with meanings at several levels. Every word, every name, was specifically chosen. Every action is specifically called out by consciousness to meet a multiplicity of needs.
77 - After the last set of realizations, the result is that I live by consciousness now. I make no moves until she moves me. I allow her full control over the thought processes of this vehicle, trusting that she will lovingly take me in whatever direction is required for my highest growth.
Further, the sense is that this is already completed. While my experience is still linear, I know that time is not, yet I also know that I came to bring forth VISION.
78 - We needed to bring one into physical form that could bring forth the VISION. Yes, it's a role in the Play, but think of roles as levels of consciousness or levels of awareness as well. Each person is therefore perfectly suited to their role.
79 - The Aquarian Age is there, just out of our grasp, but the VISION will soon be here in full force. And, the vision of PEACE that it brings will bring every army and militia to it's knees. For the ways of spirit are Mighty indeed, and an army of spiritual warriors prepares to do battle in a war not of hardware but of ideas.
80 - My sense is that the superconscious is what I refer to as consciousness, as the ONE. What I'm trying to account for is how the individualized conscious is able to awaken to a realization of itself as individualized consciousness, and is then able to gradually expand what is included within this awareness to encompass more and more of God or the ONE.
81 - The key in making these manipulations is to allow spirit or the consciousness within you to do the work. Don't stop it with arbitrary rules and constraints of logic, mathematics, or anything that you've learned about the nature of reality. Look for the hidden meanings in symbols. At first they will seem very hidden, but the more attention you pay to finding them, the easier it gets. Let your intuition be your guide, and let it be a glorious adventure. Literally, what you are uncovering is the spiritual world, or at least some of the pieces out of which it is constructed. Every symbol and symbol system in your world has at least a second spiritual meaning and maybe several such meanings, if only you learn the language and gain the eyes to see and ears to hear. Everything has such meaning, even the seemingly most mundane of things such as your gossip rags.
82 - The world is perfect for the level of awareness that exists at this time on this planet. This has been true always, and will be true always.
83 - Time is not a physical dimension, rather a collective level of awareness dimension.
84 - The collective consciousness learns with each increase in awareness of any member.
85 - We only need to express as individualized compartments so long as we are ignorant of our true nature, or so long as we have tasks to do as individuals in this world.
86 - Once we awaken to our true reality as consciousness, everything changes. Our task is then to allow the ONE to express through us, and to do so consciously versus other than consciously.
87 - I am a trailblazer. Repeating what I or others have already done is not part of my agenda in this existence. We must move on to the next monition of consciousness. Ever forward in search of Truth, in search of the Nature of our own Self, such is our neverending quest, such is the very purpose of our lives. I speak in the plural because I know there are others who are tapped into the ONE, Source, Superconscious, or Universal Consciousness.
88 - I'm open to what consciousness would create though me. I have seen the beauty of spirit that comes from living in accord with the principal "not my will but Thine be done".
Though I am still stuggling with the idea of free will, my current choice is to freely give my will to spirit. She already provides me with everything that I could ever need. She has for all of my life.
I wonder how many others understand this, how many others know firsthand of their direct relationship to consciousness, to Source? My sense is that very few have such an awareness.
Why would this be? It has to be because of the TIME. The time marks the level of awareness.
89 - The role I am to play has been predestined, and it is consciousness not I who truly plays that role. I participate and watch and learn and increase in awareness in the process, but the actor who plays this role follows a script that I did not create.
90 - An actor plays his role in a play, associating his attention with the character he plays, saying his lines and performing his assigned actions. The actor however is not the character, regardless of how many times the role is played or how deeply the actor gets into the part. In fact, the actor may even realize things about his own nature as a result of his playing of his role.
91 - When we become aware of being aware, when we know that we are consciousness and not form, then what? How do the rules change?
92 - My only choice seems to be with where I place my attention, and even that may not involve choice.
93 - However, the real action is not in the game, it is in consciousness. That's the key. It doesn't matter what something does in the illusion. What matters is spirit and the spiritual world. Seek that first and all else shall come unto you. Yet, how few believe the simple truths of spirit.
94 - Personal responsibility has been one of the biggest obstacles. It is the one thing that continuously supports the idea of separation and prevents any real movement towards ONE. Even the metaphysics community has it all wrong.
Individual responsibility is not enough unless we add the idea that there is only one individual. And that, is a huge addition that most people are not willing to swallow.
95 - Consciousness would not waste it's time to enter form unless it could express itself in a new and unique way and learn something about itself in the process.
96 - How can one look at the earth and her web of life and not marvel at the glory of ONE who could create such a planet? And, further, looking up into the sky at night, ONE who could create such a UNIVERSE. Yes uni-verse, one verse.
Even considering these bodies that house our spirits during this earthly sojourn, one must stand in awe of the abilities, functions, talents, wisdom, and organization of such vessels.
97 - The physical and spiritual are clearly intertwined, for it was the VERSE, the WORD, that created the World.
98 - My sense is that the ONE has been holding up the show, the creation so to speak since it was formed. Now, it is seeking to endow at least part of it's creation with the keys so that it can go off and do other things. With the keys comes true freedom and free will. However, before the handoff the many will have had to take significant strides towards becoming ONE.
99 - Creating man was not sufficient, for man, the animal, is not even remotely in the image of God. No, the creation also had to include the conditions for the evolution of awareness within man to the point of being in the image of the awareness of God.
100 - Nothing is random. Nothing is accidental. Nothing happens by chance. This doesn't mean that we can predict it all, or even explain how it happened after it does. What it means is that there is an underlying God, Consciousness, or Spiritual Entity of some type that created the world and directs the Play that is occuring on this world stage.
Further, this is not some remote overseer role, but a deeply personal one that is directly attuned to every individual.
101 - My sense from all this is that this truly is Wayne's World, and that the key comes from focus on spirit, on the Word from which all that is springs into existence. This Word comes from Source, consciousness herself, and is expressed through each of us in accord with our level of awareness and our willingness to align ourselves with this Source.
102 - Every action is chosen or agreed to by all parties at an other than conscious level.
103 - It's the consciousness that is important in the end, that which watches, and ultimately that which creates via the Word and thought. It is true that thoughts create reality in the world. What is missing is that only consciousness can create thoughts and there is only one consciousness.
104 - Our thoughts and experiences are the means by which consciousness injects inputs to our conscious minds that drive us to question and change our beliefs. This continuous cycle promotes ever growing self-awareness, and ultimately Self-awareness, allowing spirit to be expressed to ever increasing degrees in our lives.
105 - While one chooses to be the master of one's fate, one's eyes are blind and ears are deaf to the help which spirit would provide. One only has to renounce one's will for Thy Will to see the world in a new Light. A host of angels comes forth to guide one along whatever path be right for one's highest growth and for the completion of one's purpose.
106 - Interesting how much trust I place in consciousness. There is no person with whom I have such trust, but this entity inside whom I cannot see, I hold as dear as any man can hold anything. She is my source and my inspiration, my protector, and anything else that you might care to name. My teacher, my confessor, my lover, my friend -- all these she is and much more. How could I be lonely with her ever at my side.
107 - I am WHOM THAT I AM. This I cannot change, I can only express to an ever increasing degree.
108 - How do we deal with a knowingness that has no confirmation in the real world? Many would say that I am crazy, that operating out of faith in intuition and consciousnesness herself is not a rational way of living ones life.
Yet, who says one must life one's life rationally? The choice is not between rational and irrational, the world is not black and white; there are indeed many shades of gray -- shades that allow one to employ all of one's capabilities and live by faith as well as by reason.
109 - The religion that would try to take on Elton John's "Circle of Life" for preaching that: all are agreed that a chief rule of life is "to never take more than you give", would be extremely foolish.
That is such a fundamental principle of balance that it is hard to imagine that anyone could disagree with it.
110 - Throughout these notes statements come out point blank in declarative form, many times offering no proof or even rationale for what is stated. It's as if the statements come from a source of direct knowingness where their truth is so obvious that they need nothing more than to be expressed.
111 - One has to find a place within where personal direct knowing occurs and accept only those things which align with that inner knowingness.
112 - When we talk about the nature of reality [the illusion] there are so many ways of looking at things that there can be no one set of absolute truths.
It is curious that the place I had stopped prior to numbering the quotes was HERE at number 112! There is a sense that this is an important cycle length. I've encountered this before. I remember a vague feeling from a few years ago that it was not 111 but 112 that was a cycle completion. I still don't know exactly why it should be so.
112 = 5:02(22) = 1:34(78) = 1:28(84) = 1:24(88) = 1:21(91)
112 = 2 x56 = 4 x28 = The Square of the Man with the World in His Hands.
Curious: Dropping the "x" yields:
256 = 16 x 16 = The Tower Squared
428 = 7:56, a characteristic number for me for several years.